
时间:2015-05-02 09:45:33
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英文酒店简历 篇一

Title: A Comprehensive Guide to Writing an English Hotel Resume


In the hospitality industry, a well-crafted resume is essential to showcase your skills and experiences effectively. When applying for a hotel position, it is crucial to present yourself in a professional and organized manner. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to write an English hotel resume.

1. Contact Information:

Start your resume by including your full name, contact number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable). Make sure the information is up-to-date and easily accessible for potential employers.

2. Objective Statement:

Compose a concise objective statement that highlights your career goals and demonstrates your suitability for the hotel position you are applying to. Tailor your objective statement to the specific role and company to show your genuine interest.

3. Summary of Qualifications:

Provide a summary of your qualifications, emphasizing your relevant skills and experiences. Include certifications, language proficiency, and any specialized training related to the hotel industry. Use bullet points to make this section easy to read and scan.

4. Work Experience:

Detail your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. Include the hotel name, location, job title, and employment dates. Describe your responsibilities and achievements in each role using action verbs and quantifiable results. Focus on customer service, teamwork, problem-solving, and any other relevant skills.

5. Education:

List your educational background, starting with the highest degree obtained. Include the name of the institution, degree earned, major, and graduation year. If you have additional certifications or training relevant to the hotel industry, include them in this section.

6. Skills:

Highlight your key skills related to the hotel industry. This may include proficiency in multiple languages, computer software knowledge, customer service, leadership abilities, or any other relevant skills. Use bullet points to make this section easy to read.

7. Achievements and Awards:

If applicable, mention any significant achievements or awards received in your career. This could include recognition for outstanding customer service, employee of the month, or any other notable accomplishments.

8. References:

Provide references upon request or include a line stating that references are available. Make sure to inform your references in advance and provide their contact information.


Writing an English hotel resume requires careful attention to detail and a focus on showcasing your relevant skills and experiences. By following the comprehensive guide provided in this article, you can create a compelling resume that will help you stand out in the competitive hospitality industry.

英文酒店简历 篇二

Title: Key Elements to Include in an English Hotel Resume


When applying for a hotel position, it is crucial to create a resume that highlights your key qualifications and experiences. This article will outline the key elements that should be included in an English hotel resume to maximize your chances of securing an interview.

1. Contact Information:

Start your resume with your full name, current address, phone number, and email address. Make sure your contact information is accurate and professional.

2. Profile Summary:

Write a concise profile summary that provides a snapshot of your skills, experiences, and career goals. Tailor this section to the specific hotel position you are applying for, emphasizing your relevant strengths.

3. Work Experience:

List your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. Include the hotel name, location, job title, and employment dates. Outline your responsibilities, achievements, and notable contributions in each role. Focus on customer service, problem-solving, teamwork, and any other skills relevant to the hotel industry.

4. Education:

Include your educational background, starting with the highest degree earned. Include the name of the institution, degree obtained, major, and graduation year. If you have additional certifications or training related to the hotel industry, mention them in this section.

5. Skills:

Highlight your key skills that are relevant to the hotel industry. This may include language proficiency, computer software knowledge, customer service skills, leadership abilities, or any other relevant skills. Use bullet points to make this section easy to read.

6. Achievements:

Emphasize any notable achievements or awards received throughout your career. This could include recognition for exceptional performance, customer satisfaction, or any other relevant accomplishments.

7. Professional Development:

Include any professional development activities related to the hotel industry, such as workshops, seminars, or conferences attended. This demonstrates your commitment to continuous learning and growth in your field.

8. References:

Include a line stating that references are available upon request. Make sure to inform your references in advance and provide their contact information.


An effective English hotel resume should highlight your qualifications, experiences, and achievements in a clear and concise manner. By including the key elements outlined in this article, you can create a strong resume that will impress potential employers and increase your chances of landing a hotel position.

英文酒店简历 篇三

  Personal information


  Gender: female

  Ethnic composition: the han nationality age: it's a secret

  Marital status: the security professional name: tourism management

  Major: management class political landscape: party members

  Graduate school: fujian normal university graduation of time: in July 2017

  Highest degree: bachelor computer level: master

  Work experience: within a year

  Height: 162 cm

  Weight: 48 kg

  Home now: xinluo district household register: l


  Hope is engaged in the occupation: tourism, hotel management, administration, personnel, reserve cadre expected salary: 3000-4000

  Expect work area: fujian fuzhou fujian xiamen expectations nature of work: full-time

  Arrive time: the fastest interview must provide housing: don't need


  Education background:

  School name: fujian normal university (September 2013 - January 2017)

  Name: professional tourism management education: bachelor degree

  Professional description: management, microeconomics, macroeconomics, management information systems, statistics, accounting, financial management, marketing, economic law, consumer behavior, international marketing, and so on

  Trained experience:

  Work experience

  Company name: hongqiao sheraton Shanghai Pacific hotel (July 2015 - January 2016)

  Industry: tourism, hotel, food and beverage service company nature: wholly foreign-owned. Foreign office

  Company size: work location: Shanghai

  Job title: intern

  Job description: the main job is to solve the problems encountered during the guests in the hotel, the guest and the hotel serve as the bridge between the good of each department:

  1, after receiving the guest reflect the guest room facilities contact the engineering department to solve problems.

  2, familiar with guest room, Chinese and English menu, record room order and conveyed to the restaurant.

  3, when reservations from work to help guests with the night of the reservation.

  4, responsible for the guest registered and claim the lost.

  5, familiar with the hotel business center equipment, the correct way of using the guests need to provide the necessary help.

  6, both the layout of the hotel, there are familiar with the hotel surrounding attractions, shops, airport location and distance.

  Self assessment

  Self assessment: 1, optimistic and cheerful personality, strong sense of responsibility, positive enterprising, careful careful, has the spirit of the bear hardships and stand hard work; 2, as a class committee, director of community and internship work is responsible earnestly, industrious, have a strong sense of responsibility, full of the desire to do better, strong learning ability, and good at communication, timely complete the tasks, has the good team cooperation spirit; 3, respect teachers, to the honest with ea

ch other, understanding, respect, my teachers and classmates get along well.

  Language ability

  Language name master degree

  Good English

  Good mandarin




  性别: 女

  民族: 汉族 年龄: 保密

  婚姻状况: 保密 专业名称: 旅游管理

  主修专业: 管理类 政治面貌: 党员

  毕业院校: 福建师范大学 毕业时间: 2017年7月

  最高学历: 本科 电脑水平: 精通

  工作经验: 一年以内

  身高: 162cm


  现所在地: 新罗区 户籍: 南平市


  期望从事职业: 旅游业,酒店管理,行政,人事,储备干部 期望薪水: 3000-4000

  期望工作地区: 福建福州市福建厦门市 期望工作性质: 全职

  最快到岗时间: 面谈 需提供住房: 不需要



  学校名称: 福建师范大学(2013年9月-2017年1月)

  专业名称: 旅游管理 学历: 本科

  专业描述: 管理学、微观经济学、宏观经济学、管理信息系统、统计学、会计学、财务管理、市场营销、经济法、消费者行为学、国际市场营销等等



  公司名称: 虹桥喜来登上海太平洋大饭店(2015年7月-2016年1月)

  所属行业: 旅游·酒店·餐饮服务 公司性质: 外商独资.外企办事处

  公司规模: 工作地点: 上海

  职位名称: 实习生

  工作描述: 主要工作内容是解决客人在住店期间遇到的问题,在客人与酒店各部门当中起到良好的桥梁作用:








  自我评价: 1、性格乐观开朗、责任心强、积极进取,细心谨慎、具有吃苦耐劳的精神;2、在担任班委、社团理事和实习期间工作认真负责、踏实肯干,有强烈的责任心,富有上进心,学习能力强,且善于沟通,及时完成工作任务,具有良好的团队合作精神;3、尊敬师长,对老师同学以诚相待、理解尊重、相处融洽。


  语种名称 掌握程度

  英语 良好

  普通话 良好


