
时间:2016-06-07 08:48:41
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中英文秘专业个人简历范文 篇一

Personal Resume Sample for English-Chinese Translation Major

Name: Zhang Xiaolu

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: January 1, 1990

Contact Information: zhangxiaolu@email.com

Address: 123 Main Street, Beijing, China


To obtain a position as an English-Chinese translator where I can utilize my language skills and cultural knowledge to facilitate effective communication between different parties.


Bachelor of Arts in English-Chinese Translation

Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China

September 2008 - June 2012

Relevant Courses:

- Translation Theory and Practice

- English Writing and Composition

- Business English

- Intercultural Communication

- Advanced English-Chinese Translation


- Proficient in English and Mandarin Chinese, both written and spoken

- Excellent knowledge of translation techniques and strategies

- Familiar with various translation tools and software, such as SDL Trados and MemoQ

- Strong research and analytical skills

- Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines

- Excellent attention to detail


English-Chinese Translator Intern

ABC Translation Company, Beijing, China

July 2012 - September 2012

- Assisted senior translators in translating various documents, including legal contracts, business reports, and marketing materials

- Conducted research on industry-specific terminologies to ensure accurate translations

- Proofread and edited translated texts for grammar, punctuation, and consistency

- Collaborated with project managers to meet clients' requirements and deadlines

- Handled administrative tasks, such as updating translation databases and organizing project files

Freelance Translator


November 2012 - Present

- Provide translation services for clients in various industries, including marketing, finance, and tourism

- Translate a wide range of documents, such as brochures, websites, and product descriptions

- Ensure accuracy and consistency in translations by conducting thorough research and using appropriate terminology

- Communicate with clients to clarify project requirements and address any concerns or questions

- Manage multiple projects simultaneously while meeting deadlines


Available upon request

中英文秘专业个人简历范文 篇二

Personal Resume Sample for Chinese-English Secretarial Major

Name: Li Mei

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: May 10, 1995

Contact Information: limei@email.com

Address: 456 Park Road, Shanghai, China


To obtain a position as a secretary or administrative assistant where I can utilize my organizational and communication skills to support the smooth operation of an office.


Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-English Secretarial Studies

Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China

September 2013 - June 2017

Relevant Courses:

- Secretarial Skills and Office Management

- Business Communication

- Administrative Procedures and Practices

- Document Processing and Management

- Computer Applications in Office Administration


- Excellent organizational and time management skills

- Strong written and verbal communication skills in both Chinese and English

- Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

- Knowledge of office equipment, such as printers, scanners, and fax machines

- Ability to prioritize tasks and work independently

- Attention to detail and accuracy


Administrative Assistant Intern

XYZ Company, Shanghai, China

July 2016 - September 2016

- Assisted in organizing and maintaining office files and records

- Managed incoming and outgoing correspondence, including emails and phone calls

- Scheduled appointments and meetings for senior executives

- Prepared meeting agendas and took minutes during meetings

- Handled travel arrangements and expense reimbursements for the team

Executive Secretary

ABC Corporation, Shanghai, China

October 2017 - Present

- Provide administrative support to the CEO and executive team

- Manage the CEO's calendar and schedule appointments

- Coordinate travel arrangements, including flights, accommodations, and visas

- Prepare and edit correspondence, reports, and presentations

- Organize and coordinate company events and meetings

- Maintain confidentiality of sensitive information


Available upon request

中英文秘专业个人简历范文 篇三

姓名: XXX 国籍: 中国


目前所在地: 清远 民族: 汉族

户口所在地: 湖南 身材: 162 cm 54 kg

婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 28 岁


人才类型: 普通求职

应聘职位: 船务:出口船务 跟单员 英文跟单员 物流 物流

工作年限: 5 职称: 中级

求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 一个月

月薪要求: 3500--5000 希望工作地区: 广州 深圳 湖南

个人工作经历: 工 作 经 验

2000/07-- 新联达(清远)塑料制品有限公司 [美商独资]

计划部 计划员



毕业院校: 湖南轻工业高等专科学校

最高学历: 大专 毕业日期: 2000-06-01

所学专业一: 中英文秘 所学专业二: 行政管理

受教育培训经历: 1997/09--2000/06 湖南轻工业高等专科学校管理工程系 中英文秘 大专

主修文秘、英语、外贸、办公自动化、行政管理、档案学、统计学、市场营销、西方经济学等课程,经过本人的努力,在三年中多次获得奖学金,并取得中级文秘资格证书,顺利通过全国大学英语四级考试。在校期间本人积极参加共产主义理想实践队、英语俱乐部等社团组织的活动,并长期坚持勤工俭学。毕业时被授予 2000年湖南轻工业高等专科学校优秀毕业生和2000年湖南省优秀毕业生等荣誉称号。


外语: 英语 良好

国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 一般




我于1978年8月28日出生于湖南省慈利县,自幼养成勤劳、善良、忠诚、勤奋、自立自强的优良品质。本人品学兼优,不仅学习勤奋,在同学当中也很有人缘,高中毕业时被推举为张家界市三好学生,大学毕业时被授予2000年湖南轻工业高等专科学校优秀毕业生、2000年湖南省普通高等学校优秀毕业生 等荣誉称号。





