
时间:2015-08-08 07:17:43
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九华山英文导游词 篇一

Welcome to Mount Jiuhua!


Hello everyone, welcome to Mount Jiuhua, one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China. With its magnificent scenery and profound religious significance, Mount Jiuhua attracts millions of tourists and pilgrims every year. Today, I will be your tour guide and take you on a journey to explore the beauty and spirituality of this sacred mountain.

History and Culture:

Mount Jiuhua has a history that dates back over 1,200 years. It became a Buddhist holy site during the Tang Dynasty and has since been an important destination for Buddhist pilgrims. The mountain is home to over 90 temples and monasteries, which showcase the rich Buddhist culture and architectural styles of different dynasties. As you explore the mountain, you will encounter ancient statues, calligraphy, and other artifacts that reflect the deep spiritual heritage of Mount Jiuhua.

Scenic Spots:

Mount Jiuhua is renowned for its stunning natural scenery. With its lush forests, clear streams, and picturesque peaks, it offers a serene and tranquil environment for visitors. One of the must-see spots is the Tiantai Peak, the highest peak of Mount Jiuhua. From its summit, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape and the sea of clouds, which often creates a surreal and breathtaking scene.

Another popular attraction is the Huacheng Temple, known for its beautiful architecture and exquisite sculptures. Inside the temple, you can admire the intricate wood carvings and delicate paintings that depict Buddhist stories. The temple also houses a large collection of Buddhist scriptures and artifacts, offering visitors a glimpse into the religious traditions of Mount Jiuhua.

Religious Practices:

Mount Jiuhua is not only a tourist destination but also an important place for Buddhist worship. Many visitors come here for religious retreats, meditation, and to seek spiritual enlightenment. You may witness Buddhist rituals and ceremonies during your visit, such as chanting, praying, and offering incense. It is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the Buddhist culture and experience the peaceful and harmonious atmosphere of Mount Jiuhua.


As we conclude our tour of Mount Jiuhua, I hope you have gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for this sacred mountain. Whether you are a nature lover, a history enthusiast, or a spiritual seeker, Mount Jiuhua has something to offer for everyone. Thank you for joining me today, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your time exploring the wonders of this beautiful mountain.

九华山英文导游词 篇二

Welcome to Mount Jiuhua!


Hello everyone, welcome to Mount Jiuhua, one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China. Today, I will be your tour guide and take you on a journey to discover the natural beauty and cultural heritage of this magnificent mountain.

Natural Beauty:

Mount Jiuhua is renowned for its breathtaking natural scenery. With its dense forests, clear streams, and diverse wildlife, it offers a peaceful and refreshing escape from the bustling city life. As you hike through the mountain trails, you will encounter numerous waterfalls, including the famous Jiuhua Waterfall, which cascades down from a height of over 130 meters. The mountain is also home to a rich variety of plant species, some of which are rare and endemic to this area.

Cultural Heritage:

Mount Jiuhua has a profound religious significance and is considered a sacred site in Buddhism. Over the centuries, it has attracted countless Buddhist pilgrims and monks who come to seek enlightenment and spiritual growth. The mountain is dotted with ancient temples and monasteries, each with its own unique architectural style and historical significance. One of the most famous temples is the Zhiyuan Temple, which houses a large collection of Buddhist scriptures and artifacts. Inside the temple, you can also admire the impressive statue of Ksitigarbha, the Bodhisattva of the Underworld.

Local Cuisine:

During your visit to Mount Jiuhua, don't miss the opportunity to savor the local cuisine, which is known for its simplicity and freshness. The mountain's cool climate and fertile soil provide the perfect conditions for growing high-quality vegetables, mushrooms, and tea leaves. Some popular dishes include Jiuhua Tofu, a tofu dish made with local spring water, and Mushroom Hot Pot, which showcases the rich flavors of the mountain's wild mushrooms. You can also enjoy a cup of Jiuhua Green Tea, known for its refreshing taste and health benefits.

Outdoor Activities:

Apart from hiking and exploring the temples, Mount Jiuhua offers a variety of outdoor activities for visitors to enjoy. You can try your hand at rock climbing, go for a boat ride on the Huatai Lake, or even camp overnight in the mountain's designated camping areas. These activities allow you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and create unforgettable memories.


As we come to the end of our tour of Mount Jiuhua, I hope you have enjoyed this journey through the natural wonders and cultural heritage of this sacred mountain. Mount Jiuhua offers a unique blend of spirituality, natural beauty, and outdoor adventure, making it a must-visit destination for travelers from all around the world. Thank you for joining me today, and I hope you have a wonderful time exploring the treasures of Mount Jiuhua.

九华山英文导游词 篇三

good morning! ladies and gentlemen! today, with such great joy, on behalf of anhui travel agency. i’d like to extend our warm welcome to all of you, our distinguished guest from the other side of the pacific. please allow me to introduce myself. my name is li xin and i work for anhui travel agency .during your short stay in jiuhuashan, i’ll be your local guide. it’s my honor to be of your service. if you have any request, go ahead! i’ll try my best to help you and make your stay comfortable!

it’s my honor to be of your service. if you have any special interest, please let me know, and i highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

ok, now we are heading for mt.jiuhua, which is known as one of the four buddhist mountains in china. it’s about 30 minutes’ bus ride. on the way you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and i’d like to give you a brief introduction about mt.jiuhua.

mt.jiuhua was originally known as jiuzi (nine-peak) mount. li bai, a famous chinese poet over 1300 years ago wrote of the mountain: ”sailing on the yangtze river, watching mt.jiuhua from after, green water falls from the sky, nine lotuses appear in the air.” this expresses the poet’s great admiration for mt.jiuhua. from then on, the mountain was renamed as mt.jiuhua.

mt.jiuhua covers more than 100 square kilometers in area, which has been known to have 99 peaks, and the main peak of the shiwang peak is 1342m above sea level. mt.jiuhua is full of waterfalls, streams, exotic-looking boulders, ancient caves, old pines and exuberant bamboo. with the richly variegated landscape, the ancient temples are tucked away amid the dense woods and the air reverberates with the tolling of the bells at dawn and dusk. mt.jiuhua is usually known as the no.1 mountain of the southeast.

ok, i have said too much about the mt.jiuhua, and i expect you have got a general idea about it. seeing is beliving. i’m sure you will learn a lot about chinese culture and buddhism after the visit, and you will also be impressed deeply by the wonderful scenery. let’s get off the bus and bring your camera. i’ll show you around the scenic areas.

look! so many monks, why? yes, that’s it! because mt.jiuhua is a buddhist mountain. especially on july 30th of chinese lunar is the birthday of earch buddha, and a great buddhist ceremony is held on this day. around that day every year, the mountain is the site of a temple fair. a large number of monks, nuns, pilgrims and visitors come to burn incense, chant and sacrifice food. the activities of each year are different. though today is not the festival, we can also enjoy the beautiful scenery. they are: sunrise at tiantai platform, evening bell of huacheng temple, sitting on east stone with pleasure, fairy mark of tianzhu,

taoyan waterfall, clouds around lotus peak and phoenix pine.

ok, here we are, this is huacheng temple of jiuhua street. it was the first and oldest of all the temples of mt.jiuhua. over 1500 years ago, monk beidu built a simple temple here. then after 300 years it was reconstructed and named huacheng temple.

you see it lies a round plaza. look at the center! what do you see? yeah! it is a crescent shaped lotus pond named “crescent moon pond” you can go towards it, what do you see? it is believed that monk jin qiaojue used to free captive fish. ok, now i say some brief introduction about it and then you can go around it. we’ll gather here after one hour, ok? the temple consists of four parts: the lobby, the grand hall, the back hall and the scripture tower. the ground slopes up with each part and the whole layout is natural. the doors, windows, brackets, beams, columns, steps and the cornerstone are carved with exquisite designs. in the hall are preserved horizontal boards inscribed by emperor in ancient time.

ok! is everyone here? 1, 2, 3… ok, now, let’s go to see the phoenix pine, in minyuan scenic area. phoenix pine is over 1400 years old, and is one of the four decorative trees in anhui province.

after seeing phoenix pine, we’ll finish our travel, and on behalf of my company, my chinese colleagues and myself, i’d like to take this opportunity to express my thanks for your consideration, understanding, tolerance and cooperation.


