
时间:2018-08-04 05:49:49
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Three Gorges Dam English Tour Guide - Part 1

Welcome to the Three Gorges Dam, one of the most remarkable engineering feats of the 21st century. My name is [Your Name], and I will be your tour guide today. Get ready to embark on an exciting journey through the history, construction, and significance of this magnificent structure.

As we begin our tour, let me provide you with some background information. The Three Gorges Dam is located on the Yangtze River in Hubei province, China. It is the world's largest hydropower project and has been a symbol of China's economic and technological development.

Our first stop is the Exhibition Hall, where you can learn about the history of the dam. The exhibition showcases the challenges faced during its construction and the impact it has had on the surrounding communities. The exhibits are both informative and interactive, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the story of the dam.

Next, we will move on to the Power Plant. Here, you will witness the immense power generated by the dam. The power plant has a total capacity of 22.5 gigawatts, which is equivalent to the energy produced by 15 nuclear power plants. It is truly a marvel of engineering and a testament to China's commitment to clean and renewable energy.

After visiting the Power Plant, we will head to the Ship Lift. This is a fascinating feature of the dam that allows ships to be transported from one water level to another. It is the largest ship lift in the world and is essential for the navigation of large vessels along the Yangtze River. You will be amazed by the efficiency and precision of this engineering marvel.

Our final stop is the Viewing Platform, where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the dam and its surroundings. From here, you can truly appreciate the scale and grandeur of this monumental structure. Take a moment to capture the breathtaking scenery and reflect on the incredible achievement that is the Three Gorges Dam.

As our tour comes to an end, I hope you have gained a deeper understanding of the Three Gorges Dam and its significance. It is not only a symbol of China's technological prowess but also a testament to the country's commitment to sustainable development. Thank you for joining me today, and I hope you have enjoyed this unforgettable experience.

Three Gorges Dam English Tour Guide - Part 2

Welcome back to the Three Gorges Dam. I'm [Your Name], your tour guide for today. In this second part of our tour, we will delve deeper into the environmental impact, benefits, and controversies surrounding the dam.

Our first stop is the Ecology Park, where you can learn about the environmental impact of the dam on the Yangtze River ecosystem. The dam has had both positive and negative effects on the environment. It has helped to control floods and reduce sedimentation, but it has also caused the displacement of millions of people and the loss of valuable habitats. The Ecology Park provides a comprehensive overview of these issues, allowing you to form your own opinion on the matter.

Next, we will visit the Migration Museum, which sheds light on the human cost of the dam. The construction of the dam resulted in the relocation of over a million people, making it one of the largest resettlement projects in history. The museum tells the stories of those affected by the dam, giving you a glimpse into the social and cultural impact of this massive undertaking.

After the Migration Museum, we will explore the Navigation Locks. These locks are essential for the transportation of goods along the Yangtze River. They allow ships to bypass the dam and continue their journey downstream. You will have the opportunity to witness the operation of the locks and learn about their role in facilitating trade and commerce in the region.

Our final stop is the Fish Conservation Area. The dam has posed significant challenges to the migration and reproduction of fish species in the Yangtze River. To address this issue, the Chinese government has implemented various measures, including the construction of fish ladders and the establishment of protected areas. At the Fish Conservation Area, you can see these initiatives in action and learn about the ongoing efforts to mitigate the dam's impact on aquatic life.

As our tour comes to a close, I hope you have gained a comprehensive understanding of the Three Gorges Dam, from its engineering marvels to its environmental and social implications. The dam is a complex and multifaceted project that continues to shape the landscape of China. Thank you for joining me today, and I hope you have enjoyed this insightful journey.

三峡大坝英文导游词 篇三

good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to china! welcome to hubei province!

today i am very pleased to show you three gorges of yangtze river.

atfirst i’ll have a brief introduction of yangtze river, the yangtzeriver, the biggest river in china, the third longest in the world,starts with the tuotuo river at the roof of the world -qinghai-tibetplateau, takes in countless rivers, and flows eastward across theinterior of china. with an overall length of more than 6,300kilometers, the yangtze river, next only to the amazon and the nile, isthe third biggest river in the world and is a cradle that breeds theancient civilization of the chinese nation.

when theyangtze river reaches the eastern sichuan basin in southwest china, itcuts through the wushan mountain. here the river course suddenlynarrows and the waters become turbulent. sheer cliffs and steepmountains rise on either side, creating one of nature's most fantasticsights. the three gorges---qutang, wuxia and xiling----start just afterfengjie and end near yichang, stretch about 200 kilometers. the gorgesvary from 300metres at their widest to less than 100 meters at theirnarrowest.

qutang gorge is the smallest and shortestgorge, but grandest of the three. the yangtze river, mighty and rapidhere is suddenly contained like "a thousand seas poured into one cup",as the song dynasty poet su tungpo described the spectacle. high on theboth bank, at a place called bellows gorge, are a series of crevices.this area is said to have been the home of an ancient tribe whosecustom was to place the coffins of their crevices, some containingbronze swords, armour and other artifacts, but the coffins are believedto date back as far as the

warring states period (475bc----221bc)

wugorge extends 40 kilometers along which the river snakes between basedstrange-shaped mountain peaks, each of which has a reputation based ona beautiful legend. the story of the "12 peaks of wushan goes likethis: 12 nymphs once descended to enjoy themselves in the secularworld. finding how perilous wushan gorge was, they decided to staythere to protect ships. as time went by, they transformed themselvesinto 12 peaks. the goddess peak, the most graceful of the 12, is saidto have been yaoji, the youngest daughter of the queen mother of thewestern heaven .goddess peak stands out from the other peaks on thenorthern bank to be the first to greet the morning sun and the last tobid it farewell, hence its another name, viewing the glow peak. seen ata distance, it resembles the silhouette of a beautiful young lady.

downstream from the zigzagging wuxia gorge is xiling gorge which stretches78 kilometers eastward and the cliffs on either side rise to just over900 meters. xiling gorge is awesome with its dangerous rapids, shoals,reefs, sharp turns, billowy whirlpools. the water at one point is soturbulent that it seems to be boiling during the flood season. xilinggorge in the east consists of several small gorges. on the top ofanother is a rock that looks like a sword. on the crag of the northbank are two pieces of brown rock, which are named bull's liver andhorse' lung, whose shape they take. next does the lantern shadow gorge,which has four rocks, resemble monk xuan zang and his threedisciples---monkey, piggy and sandy in the classic chinese adventuresof the four on their way to india to obtain buddhist scriptures.

aroundthe last bend of xiling gorge stretches a vast plain. the riversuddenly becomes wide here. travelers on the yangtze cruise may alsovisit many sites of historical and scenic interest along the riverbanks including the ruined of baidi town and precious stone village.

everyoneknows that the yangtze gorges are changing since the well-known threegorges dam project is being built at sabdouping, yichang, hubeiprovince. the dam is 181 meters in height. its construction investmentcomes up to 203.9 billion rmb, equals to 24.65 billion u.s. dollars.the installed power generation capacity is expected to be 18.2 millionkilo watts. with the dam built, the flood in the yangtze river valleywill be controlled, navigation improved besides the economic benefits.tourism will be little affected. many cultural and historical relicsare now being removed to a higher ground before the rise of the waterlevel approaches.

ladies and gentlemen, the time has gonevery quickly and your trip is drawing to a close. it’s a pity that youcannot stay here any longer. please allow me, then, take thisopportunity to thank you for your cooperation and understanding, and ifyou come back in the future, i hope to see you again and be your guideagain


