
时间:2018-02-02 09:36:37
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天水麦积山导游词800 篇一






天水麦积山导游词800 篇三

dear tourists

hello everyone!

i'm very glad to be here with friends from all over the world. i'm pan, thetour guide of this trip. i hope we can have a good time.

maiji mountain, about 50 kilometers southeast of tianshui, gansu province,is an isolated peak in xiaolong mountain of qinling mountains in china. thetotal area of the scenic spot is 215 square kilometers, including maijimountain, xianren cliff, shimen, quxi four scenic spots and jieting ancienttown. maijishan grottoes is a national key cultural relic protection unit and aworld-famous art treasure house. the difficulty and wisdom of digging hundredsof caves and buddha statues on the cliff is very rare in china's grottoes. comedown, let's go and have a look.

after entering the scenic area, what does maiji mountain look like now?yes, it looks like a wheat stack. maiji mountain is a typical danxia landformwith a height of 80 meters. there are more than 7200 statues and murals frommore than ten dynasties, including the later qin dynasty, the western qindynasty, the northern wei dynasty, the western wei dynasty, the northern zhoudynasty, the sui and tang dynasties, the five dynasties, the song dynasty, theyuan dynasty, the ming dynasty and the qing dynasty. they are distributed in 194caves with an area of more than 1300 square meters. they are known as the fourmajor caves in china, together with dunhuang mogao grottoes, datong yunganggrottoes and luoyang longmen grottoes. in terms of artistic features, dunhuangfocuses on gorgeous murals, yungang and longmen are famous for their magnificentstone carvings, while maiji mountain is famous for its exquisite statues. as oursculptor liu kaiqu praised: maijishan is "a large sculpture museum in chinesehistory."

when you step into the plank road, you must pay attention to safety. nowyou can see a group of carved statues chiseled by the cliff. there is a buddhain the middle, which is 15 meters high. there are two bodhisattvas standing infront of them, smiling and welcoming the tourists. this is also the largestbuddha statue in maiji mountain. now what you can see is the most magnificentseven buddha pavilion in cave 4. there are 42 statues of bodhisattvas in theseven niches, which are solemn and amiable, gorgeous and not vulgar.

now you come to xiya grottoes, the largest of which are caves 133 and .133 stele cave is the most special cave in maiji mountain. in the cave, thereare not only many clay sculptures, but also 18 stone tablets, some of which arecovered with thousands of buddha statues, so they are also called "ten thousandbuddha hall". among them, no. 10, no. 11 and no. 16 are the essence of numeroustablets. cave 127 is even more wonderful. this statue, not to mention maijimountain, is a rare treasure in the world buddhist art.

let's enjoy the main scenic area of maiji mountain first. thank you againfor your support for xiaopan's work! welcome to gansu and maiji mountainagain!

thank you!

天水麦积山导游词800 篇四

facing the autumn wind, stepping on the grass. our whole family went totianshui for a tour. in this trip to tianshui, the most impressive touristattraction is the famous "maiji mountain grottoes".

after more than four hours' journey, we arrived at tianshui city. afterstaying in the hotel and having lunch, we rushed to the first touristdestination, maijishan grottoes.

"it's a coincidence that it was sunny just now, but now it's drizzling. oh,how to play when it rains! "i murmured. "you're wrong," my father said. "maijimisty rain is a wonderful sight in maiji mountain, which i can't touch." afterhearing this, my eyes lit up and i was looking forward to seeing it earlier.

at the foot of maiji mountain, fresh air came. from a distance, themountain looks like a farmer's wheat pile. the fog formed by rain surrounds thetop of the mountain. the hazy scene brings a mysterious atmosphere, just like afairyland.

with the fresh air and the smell of grass, we walked to the maijishangrottoes.

according to the guide, maijishan grottoes were first excavated in the lateqin dynasty of the sixteen kingdoms. after more than ten dynasties, they wereexcavated and rebuilt. it has a history of about 1600 years. it is one of thefour largest grottoes in china. there are 194 caves with more than 7200 statuesof different sizes. they are spanided into three categories: clay sculpture,stone sculpture and stone stele. clay sculpture is the main one, and it is knownas "oriental sculpture exhibition hall". deep national tradition, distinctsecularization and strong interest in life are the prominent features ofmaijishan grottoes.

listening to the guide's explanation, we reached the top of the mountainunconsciously. looking at lifelike statues, i seem to see our ancestors on thissteep mountain, using their wisdom to create this magical statue. some of themare carving, some are coloring, some are fixing in short, they are industriouseverywhere.

among so many statues, i admire two. the first is the sculpture of the"three saints of the west" on the shandong side. the amituo buddha in the middleis 13 meters long, majestic and has both spirit and shape. the eyes made ofglass beads are bright and bright, and the folds on the clothes are e hair and other materials are added when mixing with mud, the buddhastatue looks smooth and delicate, just like the real one. the second is called"oriental smile". his eyes are slightly closed, his mouth is up and his head isslightly down, showing the loveliness and implicitness of oriental people. it'svery likable.

after the tour of maiji mountain, i feel very much that our ancestors,using their wisdom, diligence and perseverance, left such a proud cultural relicfor future generations. as the descendants of the dragon, we should carryforward the industrious, simple and persistent spirit of our ancestors to makeour motherland more prosperous.

天水麦积山导游词800 篇五

hello, everyone! it's a pleasure to be here with friends from all over theworld.

first. on behalf of the travel agency, please allow me to express myheartfelt thanks and warm welcome to all of you. there is a saying that is wellsaid: looking back hundreds of times in the past life can only lead to a brushin this life. maybe it's a fate to get together. since we are destined, let'sget to know each other. next to me is master lin, the driver. he has richdriving experience and is escorted by him you can give us two hearts, one is"rest assured" to our escort ambassador, master lin, and the other is "happy".please give it to me. i'm your guide this time you can call me xiao guo, guo daoand xiao dao, whatever you like!

in fact, tourism is a very happy thing. travel doesn't have to care aboutits purpose. it only needs to care about the scenery along the way and the moodwhen seeing the scenery. so i hope the good mountains and good water in lanzhoucan bring you a good mood. so during the whole journey, if you need any help,please feel free to come to me. i will try my best to serve you. at the sametime, i hope my work can be successful with your support and cooperation, i wishyou have a good time in lanzhou! i hope this trip is just like my name. i warmlywelcome you to come, and then have fun, eat and enjoy in a word, i hope you havea good time. thank you

maiji mountain is located about 45 kilometers southeast of tianshui city,gansu province. it is a strange peak in xiaolong mountain at the western end ofqinling mountains in china. it is only 142 meters high, but the shape of themountain is peculiar. the isolated peak rises like a wheat pile, so people callit maiji mountain. to the southwest of the mountain is a precipice, on which thegrottoes are cut. some of them are 20 or 30 meters away from the base of themountain, while others are 70 or 80 meters away. hundreds of caves and buddhastatues excavated on such a steep cliff are rare in china's grottoes.

the scenery around maiji mountain is beautiful. the mountains are denselycovered with cypresses, pines, wild flowers and grass. climbing to the top ofthe mountain, you can see green hills all around you. you can see thousands ofmountains and valleys, mountains and peaks, pine trees like the sea, clouds andmist, and the distant scenery is intertwined, forming a beautiful picture. thispicture is known as "maiji misty rain" which is the first of the eight scenicspots in tianshui. among the famous grottoes in china, maiji mountain is thebest natural scenery.

maijishan grottoes is a national key cultural relic protection unit. it wasbuilt in 384 ad. after more than ten dynasties of continuous excavation andrenovation, it has become one of the famous large-scale grottoes in china and aworld-famous art treasure house. there are 194 caves, including more than 7200clay sculptures and stone carvings from the 4th century to the 19th century, andmore than 1300 square meters of murals. the maijishan grottoes are located in anextremely dangerous position. most of them are built on cliffs. all the grottoesare accessible by the aerial trestle road erected on the cliff surface. visitorscan't help but thrill when they climb these winding trestle roads. the ancientsonce praised these projects: "between the cliffs, carved stone into buddha,thousands of niches and caves.". broken from the human force, suspected to be amiracle. " there is also a saying among the people nearby that "after cuttingthe firewood in nanshan mountain, build the maiji cliff" and "first there is tenthousand zhang firewood, then there is maiji cliff". it can be seen that theconstruction of the trestle road was arduous and grand.

maijishan grottoes art is famous for its exquisite clay sculpture art athome and abroad. historian fan wenlan once praised maijishan as "a largeexhibition hall for displaying statues". if dunhuang is a large mural museum,maiji mountain is a large sculpture museum. the statues here are more than 15meters high and only 20 centimeters small, reflecting the characteristics ofstatues of different ages in the past thousand years and systematicallyreflecting the development and evolution of clay sculpture art in china. theclay sculptures here can be roughly spanided into four types: high floatingsculptures protruding from the wall, round sculptures completely away from thewall, moulded shadow sculptures and wall sculptures pasted on the wall. amongthem, thousands of life size round sculptures are regarded as treasures becausethey are full of life interest.

the statue of maijishan has two obvious characteristics: strong nationalconsciousness and secularization. except for the early works, from the northernwei dynasty, almost all of the buddha statues have the posture of looking down,with amiable faces. although they are gods in heaven, they are like secularpeople, becoming the embodiment of people's good wishes. from the shape andclothing of the statue, it is gradually getting rid of the influence of foreignart, reflecting the characteristics of the han nationality.

many caves in maiji mountain have been built into a unique "cliffpavilion". the seven buddha pavilion, 15 meters above the head of the claybuddha on dongya, is a typical han style cliff pavilion in china. it was builton a cliff 50 meters above the ground and was excavated in the middle of the 6thcentury. although maijishan grottoes are mainly clay sculptures, there are alsoa certain number of stone carvings and murals. maijishan grottoes have beenlisted as a key cultural relic protection unit of the state. more than 1300meters of elevated plank road have been newly erected and restored, so thatvisitors can successfully access all the grottoes. the largest statue inmaijishan grottoes is 16 meters, and the smallest one is only more than 10centimeters. the statue in cave 44 is called "venus of the east" by thejapanese. the clothes of the statues in caves 78 and 128 of the western qindynasty are carefully painted. the statues on the seven buddha pavilion, whichis more than 70 meters high, are beautiful. the frescoes on the top of thecorridor are exquisite. the pictures of cars, horses and pedestrians on the topof the west end are not the same no matter from which point of view, which canbe called the classic composition of frescoes in china.


