?自己就是天使 篇三
Constant persuasion and even criticism. A face full of puzzles and worries. There are different figures floating around in front of me. I want to carve myself.
I know that almost all people don't understand my actions. I don't want to explain anything, because I can't explain anything at all. Maybe, I am a stubborn person in their eyes.
The day after tomorrow, or tomorrow, I will leave the land where I was born and raised to start my new life in the desolate northwest desert. To this end, I gave up a lot of love from my parents, superior life, and the position of senior white-collar that I had always wanted. Maybe it's because of this that almost everyone doesn't understand me.
一个朋友问我:"这不是一个归隐的时代,而你又何曾想成为一个真正的隐士?你所有的理想和抱负难道就要在那份荒漠上荒芜吗?" 不!我不是去了一个死气沉沉的地方,我是带着我的梦想去向那片埋藏着生机的土地,去那片更广阔的天地施展拳脚。 又有谁真的了解我的思想呢?在一块玉石中,谁能真正了解包孕在里面的天使啊?!
A friend asked me, & quot; this is not an era of seclusion, and why do you want to be a real recluse? Are all your ideals and aspirations going to be deserted in that desert? &Quote; no! I didn't go to a dead place. I took my dream to the land where there is life, to the wider world. Who really understands my thoughts? In a piece of jade, who can really understand the angels in it?!
从小我就梦想着看见沙漠,尽管那里可能永远是黄沙满天,但令人向往的是那辽阔的地、广袤的天和清澈得透明的人的心灵。我常常幻想着置身于天地之间的情景:在满目的黄色中间,有那么一点人影。在夕阳落日的映照下,将我的影子拉得很长,沙地上现出一个孤单但不寂寞的影子。远方,在天和地的相接处,沙地披上了金色的外衣,像是一个魁梧的壮士出征归来。我对着天、对着地大声地喊:"沙漠,我来看你了!"这里,没有山谷里盘旋的回声,但那个声音总是绕在我的耳边,我的心上。 我从不曾向人提起这个画面。会有人以为我是典型的浪漫主义者,丝毫看不见存在的现实,但是它在我眼中,却是那样的令人心动。
Since I was a child, I have dreamed of seeing the desert. Although it may always be full of yellow sand, what I yearn for is the vast land, the vast sky and the clear and transparent people's mind. I often fantasize about being in the middle of heaven and earth: there is a little figure in the yellow. In the setting sun, my shadow is drawn very long. There is a lonely but not lonely shadow on the sand. In the distance, at the junction of heaven and earth, the sand is covered with a golden coat. It looks like a strong man returning from the battle. I shouted to the sky and to the ground: & quot; desert, I have come to see you! &Here, there is no echo circling in the valley, but that voice is always around my ears, my heart. I never mentioned it to anyone. Some people will think that I am a typical romantic who can't see the reality of existence, but it is so exciting in my eyes.
其实,有过不少的青年志愿者加入大西北的建设队伍中,为什么?当这样的事真真切切地发生在身边时,人们却又不理解了呢?难道从前对那些人的赞歌都是唱给别人听听而已吗? 朋友,真的不必再劝我的。纵然你理解也好,不理解也罢。 去西北,那是个神秘而迷人的念头,我怎么会让心荒芜呢?别担心,若干年后,当我从已经繁荣的那片土地回来时,我会用我的心告诉你:曾经我是怎样用我的心灵来雕琢了一个精彩的自己,在那里,我将演绎一个让所有人惊叹的人生! 用心雕琢自己的天使 我们应该克制支配欲,别企望把别人雕琢成我们的样子。
In fact, many young volunteers have joined the construction team in Northwest China. Why? When such a thing really happened around, people did not understand it? Did the praises to those people used to be sung to others? Friend, I really don't need to be advised. Even if you understand or don't understand. It's a mysterious and charming idea to go to the northwest. How can I leave my heart desolate? Don't worry. In a few years, when I come back from the prosperous land, I will tell you with my heart: how I used to carve a wonderful self with my heart, where I will perform a wonderful life for everyone! To carve our own angel with our heart, we should restrain our desire of domination, and do not expect
第一个把女人比作鲜花的是天才,第二个把女人比作鲜花的是庸才,第三个把女人比作鲜花的是蠢才。恰如其分。如果人的思想皆如此这般方正,那么我们的世界也就不会再是缤纷斑澜了。 正如情歌中有"情歌王子"张信哲"爱如潮水"般的缠绵,也有"苏式情歌"经典苏永康"爱一个人好难"的悲凉;有"歌圣"张学友"饿狼传说"般地火热,也有"浪子歌手"齐秦"大约在冬季"的隽永。没有思想的棱角,便没有个性的纷呈,没有个性的纷呈,便更没有了自我,艺术也便没有生命力。 别让自己的思想被他人的言沦所掩盖,别让自己的个性被他人的思想所修剪。 没有苏轼、辛弃疾们的张狂个性,就没有豪放派"大江东去"和"西北望,射天狼"的绝世气概;没有柳永、李清照们的多情伤感,就没有婉约派"执手相看泪眼"和"人比黄花瘦"的一唱三叹。
The first to compare a woman to a flower is genius, the second to compare a woman to a flower is mediocrity, and the third to compare a woman to a flower is a fool. to a proper extent. If people's thoughts are so square, then our world will not be colorful again. Just as in love songs, there are & quot; love prince & quot; Zhang Xinzhe & quot; love as the tide & quot; lingering, there are also & quot; Soviet style love songs & quot; classic Su Yongkang & quot; love for a person's hard times & quot; sad, there are & quot; Song Saint & quot; Zhang Xueyou & quot; hungry wolf legend & quot; hot, there are also & quot; prodigal singer & quot; Qi Qin & quot; meaningful about winter & quot. Without the edge of thought, there would be no persity of personality, no persity of personality, no self, and no vitality of art. Don't let your thoughts be covered by others' words, and don't let your personality be trimmed by others' thoughts. Without the arrogance of Su Shi and Xin Qiji, there would be no bold and unrestrained school, the peerless spirit of shooting Sirius in the East and the northwest. Without the sentimental feelings of Liu Yong and Li Qingzhao, there would be no graceful school, who held hands and looked at each other with tears.
从普希金汹涌澎湃的《致大海》,到冰心那充满母爱、童真、自然的《春水》,从闻一多回味悠长的《红烛》,到舒婷含蓄深沉的《致橡树》。青钱千张,香波浮上,嗅之若无,若即若离,恍兮忽兮,令人神移。这是从一种思想到另一种思想,从一种个性到另一种个性的张扬,他们思想的棱角,闪烁着灼人的光芒。 因为思想的棱角,我们有着万物苏醒,勃勃生机的"无边光景一时新"式的春天;因为思想的棱角,我们有阳光四溢,裙带飘飘的"今听玄蝉我却回"式的夏天;因为思想的棱角,我们有落英缤纷,寒秋独立的"霜叶红于二月花"式的秋天;因为思想的棱角,我们有"千树万树梨花开"式的冬天。 泰戈尔说:"别踩住我的思想。"我说:"别修整我的个性。" 这个世界需要"老夫聊发少年狂"的气慨,也需要"唯愿孩儿愚且鲁"的愤慨;需要"十年生死两茫茫"的深沉哀婉,也需要有一个"拣尽寒枝不肯栖"的超然旷达,需要有一个"少年听雨歌楼上,红烛昏罗帐"的绝世芳华。
From Pushkin's surging "to the sea", to Bing Xin's "spring water" full of maternal love, innocence and nature, from Wen Yiduo's "red candle" with a long aftertaste to Shu Ting's "to the oak tree" with deep implication. With thousands of money, the shampoo floats up. If you smell it, it's like leaving. It's so refreshing. This is the publicity from one thought to another, from one personality to another. The edges and corners of their thoughts are shining with brilliant light. Because of the edge of thought, we have a new and vigorous spring; because of the edge of thought, we have a sunny and skirt fluttering summer; because of the edge of thought, we have a colorful and independent frost leaf in February; Because of the edge of our thoughts, we have a winter with thousands of trees and thousands of pear blossoms. Tagore said: & quot; don't step on my mind. &I said, & quot; don't fix my personality. &The world needs not only the indignation of a child, but also the indignation of a child who is only willing to be stupid, but also the deep sadness of a child who has lived and died for ten years, as well as the transcendence of a child who is willing to stay in the cold branches and listen to the rain songs.
The edge of thought is the sprouting of personality. Don't let the edge of one's own thought be worn away by the thoughts of others, and stick to one's own unique light.