
时间:2013-06-01 01:39:32
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要不要修地铁 篇一







要不要修地铁 篇二







要不要修地铁 篇三

假设你是李华, 最近你校组织了一场讨论。讨论的主题是:本市要不要修地铁?请你根据下表所提供的信息, 给某报社编辑写一封信, 客观地介绍讨论情况,并发表自己的看法。

Suppose you are Li Hua. Your school has organized a discussion recently. The theme of the discussion is: do you want to repair the subway in this city? Please write a letter to the editor of a newspaper office according to the information provided in the table below to objectively introduce the discussion and express your opinions.

60%的学生赞成 40%的学生反对

60% of the students agree with 40% of the students disagree

1。 方便, 快速, 安全 1。 花费太大, 浪费钱

1. Convenient, fast and safe 1. Spend too much, waste money

2。 节能, 无污染 2。 应花钱建更多的公路和铁路

2. Energy saving, no pollution 2. More roads and railways should be built

3。 缓解地面交通拥挤;减少交通事故 3。 可能破坏某些地下文物古迹

3. Alleviate the traffic jam on the ground; reduce the traffic accident 3. May destroy some underground cultural relics

One possible version:

Dear Editor,

The students in our school had a heated discussion about whether a subway should be built in our city。 We have different opinions about this topic。

The students in our school had a heated discussion about whether a subway should be built in our city。 We have different opin

ions about this topic。

About 60 percent of the students are in favor of the plan。 They hold the view that building a subway has such advantages as convenience, speed and safety。 Besides, it is energy-saving and free from pollution。 What’s more, it could help reduce the traffic jams and accidents above ground。

About 60 percent of the students are in favor of the plan。 They hold the view that building a subway has such advantages as convenience, speed and safety。 Besides, it is energy-saving and free from pollution。 What’s more, it could help reduce the traffic jams and accidents above ground。

The rest of the students hold the opposite opinion。 They think building a subway is a waste of money which could be used to build more roads and railways。 Worse still, it could damage some historical relics under ground。

The rest of the students hold the opposite opinion。 They think building a subway is a waste of money which could be used to build more roads and railways。 Worse still, it could damage some historical relics under ground。

Personally I think the advantages overweigh the disadvantages。 Therefore, I would like the subway to be built。

Personally I think the advantages overweigh the disadvantages。 Therefore, I would like the subway to be built。


