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跳出枷锁创造风格 篇一






跳出枷锁创造风格 篇二





跳出枷锁创造风格 篇三


Core tips

2005年有12篇文章从25万多份作文卷中脱颖而出,成为优卷。所谓优卷作文,指的是至少要在68分以上(满分70分)的作文。据评卷老师介绍,优卷作文是这样产生的,每一份作文卷至少要经过两个评卷老师之手,如果两个老师的评分差距在7分内,那么取平均分为最后成绩,否则再让第三个老师来评分,后取相近的两个分数(差距也必须在7分内)的平均分。最后的平均分如果在68分以上的,就要提交到作文评卷大组进行最后审定,大组的老师由福建师大的教授以及高考作文命题组老师组成。 福建地区高考作文题:两幅图:一幅是标准的圆形,周长小,面积大,比较稳定。一幅是带有棱角的圆形,周长大,面积小,比较多变。根据这两幅图自拟题目的话题作文。

In 2005, 12 articles stand out from more than 250000 Composition Papers and become excellent ones. The so-called excellent composition refers to the composition with a score of at least 68 (full score of 70). According to the teacher's introduction, excellent composition is produced in this way. Each composition paper must go through the hands of at least two teachers. If the score difference between the two teachers is within 7 points, the average score will be taken as the final score, otherwise the third teacher will score, and then the average score of the two similar scores (the difference must be within 7 points) will be taken. If the final average score is more than 68, it will be submitted to the composition assessment group for final examination. The teachers in the group are composed of the professors of Fujian Normal University and the teachers of the composition proposition group of the college entrance examination. Two pictures: one is a standard circle with small circumference, large area and relatively stable. One is a circle with edges and corners. It grows in circumference, has a small area and is relatively changeable. According to these two pictures, I made up the topic composition of the topic.


Out of the shackles to create style


Why do fashion designers always try their best to design one set of fashion after another? Why is our motherland always mixed with such a sentence in the clarion call of advancing - advocating scientific and technological innovation? Why don't the tall buildings which are standing on the ground follow the architectural style of 1950s and 1960s? All things, only because the times are changing, people's thinking is also changing. Fashion should meet the trend of the times, development should keep pace with the times, and life has given us the power of innovation.


It is a wise choice to jump out of the shackles of circle and create a new style.


Today I took the test paper, I can't help but adm

ire it in my heart - this is a great innovation of Chinese test! There is no usual way of framing questions. Instead, it is a test structure that can better reflect the level. I can't say what's wrong with the standardized test, but I can say that innovation needs courage. It is not only to select talents, but also to lead Chinese literature towards stylization, which is a successful Prelude!


We are adapting to other people's innovation, and why don't we try to get out of the shackles?


Do you feel the charm of style when you see that the traffic warning sign beside you says "be careful and slow", while the traffic warning sign in the United States says "if you want your car to swim, please drive straight". "Be careful and walk slowly" is an extremely standardized sentence, which may only be ignored by people; however, the products of innovation are not the same. It gives people a sense of humor and is deeply impressed in the hearts of every driver. Constant things, sometimes can not achieve the ideal goal, and with style innovation, even if only a little, may let people have a surprising harvest. This is a picture of the exuberant vitality of new things.


You may say that there are rules to follow for things trapped by circles, which are more stable; but don't forget to jump out of the shackles and create styles, which are always ahead of the standardized rules and regulations, because it is infused with a fresh thought innovation.


Beethoven said that one of the great advantages of an excellent man is that he boldly chooses the novel between the old and the new.


Facing the same stone, many sculptors say that it is a hard stone that does not belong to art. However, Rodin recognized the stone with his unique vision and carved it into the famous image of David. As other sculptors have said, the grain on this stone is contrary to art, but why doesn't Rodin think so? Because he took an unusual road. He used his own skills to avoid the inherent lines of stone and created a "wonder" in the sculpture world.


What is so outstanding, what dare to get out of the shackles and achieve perfection? It's innovation. It's a unique style. It's a challenge to "norms". It's a call for victory for those who dare to innovate.


Are you tired of standardized cities and streets, standardized work and study, standardized life and entertainment? It doesn't matter, as long as you take the knowledge learned in the standard circle, arm yourself with courage, take a young and energetic heart, and firmly jump out of the box of this fettered thinking, you will see that innovation beckons to you, and it will lead you to another extreme of life!


Be confident, jump out of the shackles and create a style! Look, the flowers ahead are singing for you, because you are wise!


