
时间:2018-01-08 04:16:47
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每当存亡的时刻 篇一





每当存亡的时刻 篇二





每当存亡的时刻 篇三


When the waves come up to the beach again, the turtles drill out of the sand hole again with fear. In front of them is a road full of hope and danger, which may be a bright future or a

cruel end. It's always hard to decide when to live or die. At this moment, a weak but extremely strong little turtle stood up and shouldered the hope and mission of the whole population, although this farewell may be the last. And whether or not it failed to live up to everyone's expectations because of the help of that kind-hearted person, at least at this moment, its small back is so magnificent and tragic in the afterglow of the sunset.


Looking at the back of the little turtle's departure, time seems to return to a thousand years ago, the beach seems to have rolled up waves, like the Yi water side, Prince Dan poured the farewell wine on Jingke, who was about to be assassinated by Qin Dynasty. At this moment, the birds also linger for it; at this moment, the heroes also cry for it; at this moment, why bother about the success and failure of this hero. Sadness doesn't need too many tears; moving doesn't need too many words. Perhaps, he did not save the country in crisis, but in the moment of survival, he stood up, sacrificed the ego, and achieved great justice.


The Chinese nation, a nation with a long history, is bound to rise and fall, honor and disgrace; the Chinese nation, a nation that has always been strong and unyielding, is destined to have no lack of heroes who bleed or even sacrifice for the nation at the time of survival. No matter the snow disaster sweeping half of China in winter or the Wenchuan earthquake just happened, there are always so many people who have the courage to sacrifice. No matter in the front line of the earthquake, the armed police officers and soldiers who step on the ruins and walls to bring light and hope to the people in the dark, or the volunteers who carry donation boxes to deliver love on the streets of the city; no matter on countless roads and railways carrying love and care, the drivers who have not closed their eyes for several days or nights to deliver disaster relief materials, or stay up late and work overtime in the factory to catch up The workers who make tents and daily necessities, or all the people of the whole country who express their concern and love for the disaster area in various ways. Perhaps, we have no way to know their names; perhaps, no one knows what kind of stories they have, but no matter who hears such stories, they will feel that it is these people who make silent contributions and sacrifice, in the time of the survival of the nation and the country, to eliminate all difficulties, turn back the tide, and pass on this spirit in one continuous line.


No one can live forever, no nation can always be in good weather, the country is peaceful and the people are safe. However, as long as each of us has such a faith of brave dedication, such a spirit of brave sacrifice, then, even if there is any storm in the future, we can say that the soul of our nation is still there, and the soul of our nation is forever!


[point loss warning]


If the paper is written without any materials, it is well written, with a clear center and concise language. There are not only historical figures Jing Ke, but also people who are brave to sacrifice in the snow disaster and earthquake. The summary of the end section is also full of a full momentum.


However, the premise and basis for measuring the quality of an examination composition should be to see whether it conforms to the meaning of the question. The starting point of this paper is "at this moment, a weak but extremely strong little turtle came out and shouldered the hope and mission of the whole population..." But the expression in the composition material is "originally, the first out turtle is a 'Scout', once it is in danger, it will shrink back". The "shrink back" here clearly indicates that the turtle does not need to take any risk (that is to say, the starting point of the article "every moment of survival" is contrary to the meaning of the material). Therefore, the article can only be judged as failing.


