
时间:2019-02-04 09:24:17
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深沟探险 篇一







深沟探险 篇二







深沟探险 篇三



Today is the Lantern Festival. My parents and I went back to our hometown, Fushan County, Shanxi Province to visit my grandma. It is located on the high loess slope, and there are many gullies in it. Why is it called Fushan, which is just a deep ditch? After a moment's doubt, I suddenly understood: Grandma's house is at the top of the Fushan mountain, almost at the top of the mountain. I can only see the mountain in the ditch when I look around.


Grandma's front door is a very wide field, the outer edge of the field is the edge of the ditch. There are wild jujube trees and tall brambles. Standing on the edge, you can see that the place as deep as the next floor is a large flat area. Now it is barren and overgrown with brambles and weeds. My grandmother said that there were caves and people living there before. There is a large flat land below, so I can't see what's under the ditch. My mother said that there is a path to go down from the front. I asked my father and mother to take me to explore as soon as possible. Dad, because the mountain road is too steep, makes an excuse to say that he is too tired, but actually he is not afraid to go down because of timidity. It's because of him that we didn't take the picture on the mountain road!


Adventure begins! The road was narrow and steep, for fear that my legs began to shake. My mother told me a little story: Chuang Tzu took a group of his students across the river. He first put out the lanterns, and then said to everyone, "you all hold my hand and cross the bridge." After they slowly pulled their hands across the bridge, Chuang Tzu lit the light. We saw a dozen big crocodiles under the bridge. Each of the students fell to the ground in fear. Then mom said that fear comes from the heart. If you don't see it or don't want it, you won't be so afraid. After listening to my mother's words, I calmed down and soon I was not so afraid.


On the steep path of the mountain path, I do not know which good man has dug up the steps with shovel. Walking, just listening to "wow..." I slipped and fell, "it's over I may never see the world again. " Fortunately, the weather didn't kill me, just a step blocked my sliding foot, I was scared out of a cold sweat, I really thank that kind person.


Soon we went down to the bottom of the ditch. It was not like the murmur of the water I thought. Instead, there were small terraces full of crops. Many trees were planted in places that were not suitable for crops. My mother said that my uncles and uncles had to plant crops, hoe and fertilize. When they were harvesting, they had to come down and carry these crops little by little. I don't know how many times a day they had to go down the ditch. When I think about the steep and rugged catwalk, my heart is full of awe: the people in my hometown are so great, how the working people fight with nature to survive!


The expedition is over, but the people of my hometown are not afraid of difficulties, but the spirit of hard work and tenacity remains in my mind forever. I also want to inherit their fine quality. No matter what difficulties I will encounter in the future, I will not be afraid of difficulties, and go forward bravely.


