
时间:2016-05-03 01:40:33
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学习语文 篇一:如何提高语文写作能力







学习语文 篇二:如何培养阅读习惯







学习语文 篇三


"A key with a lock" is my understanding of learning methods. There are many courses in high school, different subjects have different characteristics, and the learning methods can never be the same. It's better to find out the law of this subject with the teacher's thinking, get the way to get started, and then constantly enrich and improve to form different learning methods of different subjects. As I said before, we must make continuous induction and improvement in the process of learning, and find out the most suitable method for ourselves. Here is my own learning experience.


Some people say that the test of Chinese depends on luck, while others say it depends on feeling. If you're lucky or feel right, you'll get a higher score, or even a surprise. At the beginning, I also held a skeptical attitude. I had to "brew" every time I came to test Chinese, hoping to find the so-called "feeling". Later, through the exchange with several students and reading some books about learning experience by some senior brothers and sisters, I gradually felt that learning Chinese requires a set of scientific methods. ?


First of all, we should read more books, which is everyone's experience. By reading some famous literary works, newspapers and magazines, we can cultivate a sense of language, learn a lot of common sense of literature and some fresh and interesting views. Nowadays, reading accounts for a large proportion in Chinese examinations. There are not only classical Chinese reading, but also scientific and technological reading and modern reading. It's impossible to train all these abilities in class. We can only rely on our extracurricular efforts. ?


I prefer reading magazines like readers and prose. Looking at the reader, you can understand many original views, see some articles with rich connotations, and make yourself become thoughtful. Especially in writing, I am often inspired by it. Now a very important scoring standard of composition is whether there is innovation and different opinions. Such opinions are often not produced out of thin air. It depends on your experience, your life experience. For most of us, life is a simple two-point line, with few opportunities to see the wider world. So reading newspapers is a shortcut. And in the case of time and money are limited, reading "readers" is more worthy of the shortcut. What's more, it's also a good partner for us to relax ourselves. ?


See "prose", is through the introduction of the Chinese teacher. Mr. Chen Wu, who teaches me Chinese, is a man with profound literary background. His class doesn't really spend much time on textbooks. He is more willing to teach us some knowledge from textbooks. In the past three years, I think I have learned a lot. Especially in the aspect of literature cultivation. I remember when he recommended prose to us at the beginning, he didn't say too much, only a few words impressed me deeply: "there is a bookish spirit in my belly." So I began to learn to appreciate prose. At first, I felt a bit hazy. Later, when I calmed down and realized the subtle feeling flowing between the lines, I seemed to be seized by the beauty of the words. The original article can also be written like this! A very common experience to the writer's pen, but can get the general beauty of poetry. I like to read back and forth those words that I have special feelings, until I recite them, and then inadvertently use them in my composition, and the writing has improved. At the same time, by guessing the author's feelings, I unconsciously developed a habit of thinking, which is particularly useful when doing word expression problems, starting faster and thinking more accurately. ?


In addition, it's a good way to turn over the dictionary when you have time. For example, when doing Pinyin problems, turn over Xinhua Dictionary, and write down the words that you didn't read accurately in the past in a small book. If you look at them before the exam, you will be quite impressed. In addition, when listening to the news at ordinary times, you can also keep an eye on it. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the announcer. If you encounter a word that is not the same as you, you can write it down and look it up in the dictionary to see whether it's right or you're right. This is particularly impressive. When you do the topic of word usage, turn to modern Chinese dictionary or idiom dictionary. Don't limit yourself to the word you want to look up. You'd better look at all the words before and after. You can not only deepen your impression through comparison, but also learn a lot of new words at the same time. It's better to do this job every day, remember a few things every day, and add up a little. I remember that in senior high school, the teacher asked the representatives of the Chinese Department to copy some idioms or words that are easy to make mistakes and words that are easy to read on the blackboard at the back of the classroom every day. After class, everyone would consciously go to have a look. Some careful students would also put them all in one book. By the end of the third semester of senior high school, there were few students in our class who made mistakes on this kind of questions. ?


In writing, in addition to reading more books and newspapers, you can also properly keep a diary and weekly records, etc. to exercise writing, as time goes by, you will write more smoothly. Some students who like to listen to songs often remember some of their favorite lyrics. It's really a good way to use them in writing. At least it has a lot of advantages in language. Of course, you can also recite some beautiful sentences, so that they can be transformed into your own things, often remember and often use, and your writing level will naturally improve. In a word, Chinese is like traditional Chinese medicine. The more you boil it, the more it tastes. When one day you find that your "feeling" is more and more accurate, your efforts have been rewarded. ?


Chinese kungfu is accumulated at ordinary times. In addition to inpidual "feeling" which suddenly becomes particularly good, what level is usually, how will the college entrance examination be. Instead of waiting for the "miracle" to appear with a fluke mentality, it's better to practice Kungfu in

a down-to-earth way. Before the exam, there is basically nothing to review in Chinese, but it is not to give up completely. You can look at the common sense of literature, turn over magazines or do one or two simulation papers in the interval of review, so as to keep familiar with the types of questions. The most important thing is confidence. Don't lose confidence in yourself because of the instability of Chinese scores. Put down all the burdens. You will have a new breakthrough in the college entrance examination.


Chinese, some people think Chinese is the most difficult, why? Because they think that no matter how hard they try, they don't seem to improve very much. The general feeling is that they are powerless, that is, they are "powerless" in physics, and "doing work is 0". In fact, it is determined by the turning point of the Chinese language itself. The wide range of Chinese knowledge, the analysis of learning, words, sentences and paragraphs, and the famous words and police names are included in the Chinese exam It's impossible to test everything, so when some students work hard on Chinese, because they don't insist on it for a long time, they are too impatient and often have little effect or even no improvement. I have a deep understanding of this. I remember that in high school, my Chinese was the worst, and each test was a little over 100. In the first simulation of the second period of the third senior high school, my Chinese competed for 96 points (the eighth from the bottom of the class). Later Under the guidance of the Chinese teacher, I insist on reading some excellent short articles every day to enhance my sense of language. At the same time, I make a composition every other day. How did I read the composition at that time? It's very simple. Every morning when I read, I will read aloud some articles that I think are good. The louder the voice is, the better the voice is. In addition, I write compositions. At the beginning, I imitate others' writing, or even simply "plagiarize". In fact, copying is a very good way. Through copying, you can understand how a good composition is structured, conceived, and condemned. In this way, after my unremitting efforts, of course, at the beginning, it was not very useful (on the surface), but in the last simulation one, two and three, my Chinese scores were 126, 127, and even my Chinese got 131 points in the college entrance examination, so as to ensure that the Chinese did not fail and lay the best step for entering Tsinghua University, so in the end, I concluded that there are two words in learning Chinese The secret of "persistence"!


