
时间:2018-08-09 03:14:13
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自强 篇一







自强 篇二







自强 篇三

In the face of difficulties and setbacks, we need to learn the spirit of continuous self-improvement, calm analysis, self counseling, and the courage to overcome setbacks, so as to truly learn to self-improvement.

In the face of setbacks, there are many ways to adjust psychology, but the best way is to

establish an attitude: face it calmly and take on it firmly. The so-called face and responsibility means that when the inevitable setbacks hit, we can accept it, bear the pressure and blow brought by the setbacks, and digest the setbacks. Our life is more beautiful and glorious because of countless setbacks and tribulations. It is also full of joy and enrichment.

Looking at history, no one has become famous in all times and in all over the world without being hit by setbacks. They are all struggling in the face of setbacks. Little Dumas, a French writer, decided not to rely on his father‘s fame to make some achievements with his own strength. He sent papers to the newspaper again and again, but all of them were returned by the newspaper. However, he did not disappoint because of this, and continued to write. After unremitting efforts, he finally became the famous work Camellia girl. Mr. Wen Yiduo has a hard study spirit. The higher he is, the harder he will climb. The harder he is, the more persistent he will be. When he faced setbacks, he worked harder and finally became a great revolutionist and thinker in China. On the road of life, everyone will

In the face of difficulties and setbacks, it depends on whether you can face and overcome it. If you win, you are a hero and the strong one in life.

The road is made by foot, and the history is made by man. Every step of a person’s action is to write his own history. We need to learn to be strong, so that we can better go to society. First of all, we should set up a firm ideal. With the ideal, we will have a running head and a permanent driving force to forge ahead. Zhou Enlai has a great ambition since he was a child. He wants to study for the rise of China. He has a determined spirit of self-improvement and struggle. He has become a great leader of China, and he is a man of self-improvement. Everyone has his own weakness. The self-improvement people are not the ones without weakness, but they are the ones who dare to overcome their own weakness. Those who can defeat themselves will certainly be able to improve themselves. Self confidence is the foundation of a wonderful life, and self-improvement is the starting point of a brilliant career.

Everyone has to learn to face setbacks, self-improvement, brave life, and be a real strong man in life.

“Half Ding”, you may not be unfamiliar with the name, he is only a “half” body. He had his lower body amputated because of a car accident. Although he met the biggest difficulties and setbacks in life, he didn‘t give up

Precious life and the desire for life, relying on tenacious perseverance to fight against fate, finally “stand up”. It was a day in XX. He was accidentally hit by a train. After rescue, he was finally out of danger. But when he woke up, he found that he was a disabled person. In the face of unexpected disasters, he also wanted to give up his life. However, the impulse did not destroy him, but made him stronger and more energetic. After continuous learning, he learned to “walk” with his hands. Through continuous efforts, he was able to take care of his own life and wrote a good hand of words. Later, he had a kind of idea that he wanted to travel all over the country. So he took only a little money, left the small mountain village where he lived, and named himself “banding”. When he came to a big city, he first thought about survival and “entrepreneurship”. So, with his good words and simple songs, he expressed his firm belief in pursuing a better life and optimistic spirit in the face of difficulties, and soon won everyone’s recognition and respect. He not only solved his own survival problems, but also opened up another wider area for himself

The world of life. Although experienced many unimaginable pain and setbacks, but finally achieved the final success. In fact, many people are like this, such as Helen. Keller, a blind, deaf and mute woman writer in the United States, lost her power of vision, hearing and speaking due to a serious illness in her childhood. Fate is really unfair to her. How depressed and despairing she should be without light, sound and communication! But she did not give up hope and dream, bravely face the difficulties on the road of life, and finally achieved the success that healthy people are difficult to achieve. We should learn from them. Although we haven‘t experienced their setbacks and blows, we will not be free from difficulties. As long as we dare to face them, treat the difficulties in life with an optimistic attitude and face the setbacks bravely, we will overcome all the storms on the road of life!


