
时间:2015-03-04 02:28:16
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生命 篇一








生命 篇二








生命 篇三

Meteors cut through the sky, and the long river of time to continue progressive.

Endless dust and smoke, endless river. Grasp a handful of clear water, savor the life and trace; pick up a pebble, touch the vein of time. A leaf knows the autumn, and a jackdaw dances across the ice and snow.

Feeling life is not from continuous floating up, from a vein in a network of seepage, hidden in the subtle. The long river of life reflects the red flowers and green leaves floating in snow. The change will gradually move forward with the color of the silk along the bank until the ripples are scattered and the vision is engulfed. In the east of the river, bright life is engraved with traces of history, stirring up bright pearls.

When you understand people‘s belief in life, it’s mostly to get praise and more people‘s recognition; when you find that your role is high or low, you should be happy, brave and self-sufficient, not to let go of yourself because of the low level of your career, not to feel inferior and self relinquish because of some minor mistakes, not to mention to dim your life because of some small episode in life.

You should cherish your health and treat your life kindly. You should use your enthusiasm to maintain and water your life flowers. First of all, your faith should comfort yourself. Don’t privately distort the brilliance of life because of the small unhappiness in life, let alone give up the pulse of life.

Life is not the bitterness of honey, the vexation of pleasure, the embroidery of flowers, the fog of flowers, the game of life; life is the forging process from iron to steel, life is the sail to the glory of life; life needs the road as high as heaven, the wise as clouds.

Life, like the past, is short-lived and beautiful, just like something popular, red and white, not to be seen, but red after a period of time, and be seen. Life is like this. When you have it, you don‘t have it.

In your journey of paying attention to life and cherishing life, you will find that when life is pushed to the extreme, it often shows some calm beauty, facing the turbulent world without fear, being in the ark without impatience, embracing the ups and downs, smiling and proud of the wind, frost, rain and snow; you will understand that life is more intentional only when you look at life and cherish life with an ordinary heart Righteousness.

Life is beautiful. When one life is attached to another, we will feel that the world is really beautiful, the sky is so blue, the earth is so pure; we will understand how lonely we used to be in this world, and we will know that we need to cherish and appreciate in this world, and we will feel that life is so precious 。

Sometimes I feel that life is always very tired. Before taking a step, I need to choose a fork and set up a course. Every step, I need to adjust my pace and catch up with the front. When I am tired and have a rest, I can’t help but look back at the strings of my own footprints on the road of life. Compared with others, they may bend people‘s hearts and feel sad, shallow people’s hearts may be sad, or they may be confused, or they may have a little melancholy.

Life needs to be performed with sincerity, every step needs to be done with all strength, and it needs to be reprimanded with heart. The road of life is the acm

e of beauty. Every flower has its unique color, every star has its bright light, every breeze will bring cool, every drop of dew will moisten the field and leave immortal poems.

Life is a journey. If you can enjoy it, no matter how far it is, it will be happy and full of flavor. If you can realize that it‘s a kind of unrestrained life interest to go with pleasure, then going back with pleasure embodies the bold, clean and brave attitude of life, and contains great wisdom to deal with the world and help yourself.

Life is short and impermanent. No one can guarantee that he will live to tomorrow. So everyone should learn to cherish and make full use of the value of life.

If one day, you wake up in the morning and suddenly think of the sunrise on the top of Mount Tai. You have walked many layers along the stone steps. The clear birdsong and fresh air are enough to make you feel very comfortable. Then you can stop your steps as much as possible. It’s not inferior to stand on the hillside and watch the sunrise. What you can see before your eyes is not a beautiful scenery. You don‘t have to make yourself too tired and far fetched. What you have to do is sing down and walk down the mountain leisurely.

We are passers-by of life. We can’t leave traces of flying in the distant sky. What we take away is only some tiny memories. When we stay at the moment when the pointers of life coincide, these micro memories will take us back to the moment of birth, and the mist of the sunset is still holding the attachment.

Life will move forward in the context of history, pick up a leaf along the way, and leave it to be recalled, the existence of the world will be clear and concrete; life will enter the door of time, let the sunset give the key to memory. That bundle of memory firewood lies on the ground so quietly, waiting for life to extract the branches and leaves picked up along the way, and quietly recollect at the fingertips of the sunset.

Pursue your dreams, go where you want to go, and be the one you want to be, because there is only one life and only one chance to do what you want to do.

Feel life, cherish life, the flower of life is full of flowers that never fade!


