
时间:2012-01-03 01:14:34
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话说千古风流人物 篇一






话说千古风流人物 篇二






话说千古风流人物 篇三


Everyone has heard of Zhu Yuanzhang!!! His eldest son's son, Zhu Yunwen, was his grandson. This is also a personage!


Zhu Yunwen (1377 -?) Zhu Yuanzhang's second grandson, the second emperor of the Ming Dynasty.


Zhu Yunwen was born on December 5, 1377. His mother is concubine LV, and his father is Zhu Biao, Prince Yiwen. Zhu Yuanzhang died in the leap may of 1398, when he was 71 years old. Zhu Yunwen, the great grandson of the emperor, succeeded to the throne and changed his name to Jianwen. As a result of cutting vassals, his uncle, King Yan, launched the "war of pacification". The four years of emperor Jianwen's journey to the emperor ended. The country's broken people didn't know where to go. Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty pursued the posthumous title of emperor Gong Minhui. Zhu Yousong, the emperor of Anzong in Nanming Dynasty, pursued and respected the emperor Jianwen as the successor of tianzhang. He was sincere and respectful. He praised the emperor for his benevolence and filial piety. His temple was called Huizong.


Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of Ming Dynasty, was a great emperor in history. After more than ten years of military career, he was a cowherd boy and a little monk in the temple. He wiped out all the heroes and overthrew the Yuan Dynasty at one stroke, creating the foundation of Ming Dynasty. He knows that it's hard to start a business, and it's also hard to stay in business, so he attaches great importance to the cultivation of successors. When he ascended the throne, he

established Zhu Biao, the eldest son, as the crown prince, and invited famous scholars such as Song Lian to be the prince's teacher, hoping to cultivate Zhu Biao into a master of the Ming Dynasty. However, in April of the 25th year of Hongwu's reign (1392), Zhu Biao, the 38 year old crown prince, died prematurely, known as "Prince Yiwen", which made Zhu Yuanzhang extremely sad. Zhu Yuanzhang's system of inheriting his eldest son was put to the test. Zhu Yuanzhang had to choose his successor again. According to the system of succession, the throne should be passed on to the eldest son of the crown prince, Zhu Xiongying, the king of Yu Huai. However, Xiongying died in May of Hongwu 15 (1382), so Zhu Yunwen, the second son of Zhu Biao, became the first choice.


However, Zhu Yuanzhang was worried that Zhu Yunwen could not shoulder the responsibility of governing the country. In addition, Zhu Yuanzhang also considered choosing from several sons. Zhu Jian, the second son of the king of Qin, is the longest at this time, but he's really a man who can't make a thing out of jade. Giulia Teevenyvullo, the king of four swallows, is a good candidate because he is very similar to himself in many places. Once, when Zhu Yuanzhang revealed the possibility of establishing the king of Yan to several intimate ministers, Liu Sanwu, a scholar in the Imperial Academy, thought that it was impossible to "establish the king of Yan, where to set up the king of Qin and Jin?"? And when the emperor's eldest son returns to his heart, the emperor has no worries. " At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang had already sealed the kings, and the second, third and fourth sons of the emperor were respectively sealed as king of Qin, Jin and Yan. All the three were important border towns, and they were armed with heavy troops. Once there was internal strife due to the struggle for reserves, the consequences would be very serious. Zhu Yuanzhang made up his mind to make Zhu Yunwen emperor's grandson in September.


In the thirty first year of Hongwu (1398), Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of Ming Dynasty, died in leap may at the age of 71. Zhu Yunwen, the grandson of the emperor, was ordered to succeed.


In the thirty first year of Hongwu (1398), Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of Ming Dynasty, died in leap may at the age of 71. Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne and changed his year to Jianwen, who was called Jianwen emperor. In terms of the year number, one Jianwen, one Hongwu and two emperors have very different personalities, and one of the important reasons why Zhu Yuanzhang is unwilling to establish the emperor's grandson is that Zhu Yunwen, like his father, is too weak, too kind, too seriously influenced by Confucianism, I'm afraid that he will suffer great losses in the future.


Zhu Yunwen, who was born as a "benevolent and filial friend", was pushed to the peak of power at the age of 22, inheriting the rule of the world created by Zhu Yuanzhang, and changed his name to Jianwen. However, careful ministers will find that the new king's face is not the king's surprise in the world, but more sad. Yes, there are two difficult problems in front of the young emperor: one is how to change the severe political atmosphere of the frequent killing formed since the founding of Taizu; the other is how to solve the situation of the endless feudalism of Taizu. Perhaps the Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang did not expect that the emperor TAISUN, who was weak in appearance, began to change the Ming dynasty he founded when he became king.


After the emperor Jianwen ascended the throne, he changed the tense atmosphere of Hongwu Period, which made the land of China blow a breeze. He used Huang Zicheng, Qi Tai, Fang Xiaoru and other scholars to reform the politics of the first dynasty, creating a loose environment for both the people and the officials. Emperor Jianwen implemented the policy of benefiting the people, reducing rent and taxes, relieving the victims, and supporting the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled by the state; he attached great importance to agricultural production, set up schools, inspected officials, appointed talents, and sent 24 servants, such as Lang BaoZhao and Xia Yuanji, to serve as the interview history, touring the world separately, and experiencing the situation.


During the Hongwu Period, after Zhu Yuanzhang's renovation, the country was unified, the society was stable, the economy was restored and developed, and the official administration was more clear than before. However, he was born with a "male guess is good at killing", and he raised a prison for many times, often killing. The political atmosphere was very dignified, and the civil and military ministers were in danger. Emperor Jianwen had a deep understanding of the situation, so at the beginning of his succession, he began to reform and changed some of the maladies of Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor Taizu, known as the "new deal of Jianwen".


Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor Taizu, captured the world by force and naturally formed the situation of right force. In Hongwu's time, the right and left governors of the military yamen's Dufu were all of the first grade, and the Dudu knew the same thing from the first grade, while the six ministers only had the second grade. In the law of the Ming Dynasty, it was clearly stipulated that civil servants were not allowed to be granted titles of princes. Therefore, Liu Ji, Zhu Yuanzhang's chief counselor, was only granted the title of "sincere uncle", while there were many generals who were granted titles of princes, and many who were called kings. In this situation, the position of civil servants in the discussion of the government can be imagined.


Emperor Jianwen intended to end his grandfather's military style and strengthen the role of civil servants in state affairs. When he first boarded Dabao, he decided to call the new year "Jianwen", which was in sharp contrast to his grandfather "Hongwu", from which we can see the change of the general plan of Jianwen emperor. He also immediately took six Shang Shusheng as the first grade, opened the imperial examination, and issued an imperial edict to recommend the scholars of excellent literature to be awarded the official positions.


