
时间:2019-05-01 08:40:37
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中考英语作文范文——我爱我的家 篇一

My Loving Family

My family is the most important thing in my life. I am lucky to have a loving and supportive family that always stands by my side. There are four members in my family, including my parents, my younger sister, and me.

My parents are my role models. They work hard to provide for our family and always prioritize our happiness and well-being. My mom is a nurse and my dad is a teacher. They both have demanding jobs, but they never complain. They always make time for us and are always there when we need them. They teach us the importance of perseverance, responsibility, and kindness.

My sister and I have a strong bond. We share a room and spend a lot of time together. Although we sometimes argue, we always make up quickly. We support and encourage each other in everything we do. My sister is talented in playing the piano, and I admire her dedication and passion. We often practice together and enjoy making music as a family.

Our home is filled with love and warmth. We have dinner together every night and share stories about our day. My mom cooks delicious meals, and we all help with the chores afterward. On weekends, we sometimes have movie nights or go on family outings. These moments strengthen our family bond and create lasting memories.

My family is also very supportive of my education. They encourage me to study hard and pursue my dreams. They provide me with the resources I need to succeed and always celebrate my achievements. I am grateful for their love and support, as it motivates me to do my best in everything I do.

In conclusion, my family means the world to me. They are my pillars of strength and my biggest cheerleaders. I am proud to be a part of such a loving and supportive family. I will always cherish the moments we spend together and strive to make them proud.

中考英语作文范文——我爱我的家 篇二

The Special Bond of My Family

Family is a precious gift that we should cherish. In my family, we have a special bond that makes our home a place filled with love and happiness. Each member of my family contributes to creating a warm and supportive environment.

My parents are the backbone of our family. They work hard to provide for us and ensure that we have everything we need. They sacrifice their own needs to make us happy. My dad works long hours, but he always finds time to play games and tell us stories. My mom is a homemaker, and she takes care of us with love and devotion. She is always there to comfort us when we are sad and celebrate with us when we achieve success.

My older brother is my best friend. We share a room and have many common interests. We often stay up late talking and laughing. He helps me with my studies and encourages me to pursue my passions. He is always there to lend a helping hand and support me in everything I do.

Our home is a place of joy and laughter. We have family traditions that bring us closer together. Every Sunday, we have a family game night where we play board games and have fun. We also have a family movie night on Fridays, where we watch our favorite movies and enjoy popcorn together. These moments create lasting memories and strengthen our bond.

Education is highly valued in my family. My parents emphasize the importance of learning and provide me with the resources I need to succeed. They help me with my homework and encourage me to explore different subjects. They also support my extracurricular activities and attend my performances and competitions. Their unwavering support motivates me to strive for excellence.

In conclusion, my family is my source of strength and happiness. They are always there for me, no matter what. I am grateful for their love and support, and I will always cherish the special bond we share. My family is my home, and I am proud to be a part of it.

中考英语作文范文——我爱我的家 篇三


几年以前我家只有一间小屋。三个人住一间屋真是艰难。现在我们已经搬进了一套两室一厅 的单元房。我非常高兴。当我父母做. . . , 我能. . . 。我爱我的家。

1. a few years ago, family, have one small room

2. it, be, three people, in the same room

3. now, a new flat(单元房), one living room, two bedrooms

4. be happy, my homework, quietly, my own room, my parents

A few years ago, my family had only one small room. It was very hard for three people to live in the same room. Now we have moved into a new flat with one living room and two bedrooms. I''m very happy.

I can do my homework quietly in my own room when my parents do the housework or other things. I love my home.


