
时间:2011-04-09 04:34:24
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六一儿童节英语作文 篇一

Children's Day is a special day for all the children around the world. It is a day to celebrate childhood and honor the rights of children. On this day, children are indulged in various fun activities and receive love and care from their parents, teachers, and society.

One of the most exciting parts of Children's Day is the special events organized in schools. Students are given a break from their regular academic studies and are allowed to participate in different recreational activities. There are sports competitions, talent shows, art exhibitions, and many more. These activities not only provide entertainment but also help in the overall development of children's skills and talents.

In addition to school events, many families plan outings or picnics on this day. Parents take their children to amusement parks, zoos, or museums to spend quality time together. It is a great opportunity for families to bond and create lasting memories. Children also receive gifts and treats from their parents and relatives, making the day even more special.

Children's Day is also a time to reflect on the importance of education and the well-being of children. Many organizations and NGOs organize awareness programs and campaigns to highlight the rights and needs of children. They aim to create a safe and nurturing environment for children to grow and thrive. These initiatives raise awareness among parents and society about child protection, education, and healthcare.

Furthermore, Children's Day is a reminder for adults to listen to children's voices and respect their opinions. It is essential to involve children in decision-making processes and give them the freedom to express themselves. By doing so, we can empower children and help them develop confidence and independence.

In conclusion, Children's Day is a joyous occasion that celebrates childhood and acknowledges the rights of children. It is a day filled with fun activities, family bonding, and awareness programs. Let us cherish and protect the innocence and happiness of children, not just on this day but every day.

六一儿童节英语作文 篇二

Children's Day is a day dedicated to all the children around the world, celebrating their uniqueness and potential. It is a day to remind ourselves of the importance of nurturing and supporting children in their journey of growth and development.

On this special day, schools play a significant role in organizing various activities to make children feel loved and cherished. They organize talent shows, where children can showcase their skills and talents. This not only boosts their confidence but also encourages them to pursue their passions. Schools also arrange sports competitions, promoting physical fitness and teamwork among children.

In addition to school activities, Children's Day is a time for families to come together and create beautiful memories. Parents often surprise their children with gifts, taking them to their favorite places or organizing small parties. These gestures of love and affection make children feel special and valued. It is also an opportunity for parents to spend quality time with their children and strengthen their bond.

Children's Day is not just about fun and celebration; it is also an occasion to raise awareness about the rights and needs of children. Many organizations and NGOs organize campaigns to advocate for child protection, education, and healthcare. These initiatives aim to create a safer and healthier environment for children to grow and thrive. It is crucial for society to prioritize the well-being of children and ensure that their rights are protected.

Furthermore, Children's Day serves as a reminder for adults to listen to children's voices and respect their opinions. Children have unique perspectives and ideas that should be valued and encouraged. By involving children in decision-making processes, we can empower them and help them develop essential life skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving.

In conclusion, Children's Day is a day to celebrate the joy and innocence of childhood and acknowledge the rights of children. It is a day filled with love, fun, and awareness. Let us embrace the spirit of Children's Day and create a world where every child can thrive and reach their full potential.

六一儿童节英语作文 篇三


  Six one children's Day is the children's feast. In children's day, we celebrate our own time.. Today is the annual six one children's day, each student's face are hung with joy, happy smile. We came to the school auditorium, ready to participate in the June 1 children's day singing contest, and other classes of students to a PK game! They say children's song is the sound of sounds of nature. Indeed, each class can sing so well. I most like the 6 (1) class "worms fly".


  The students stand on the stage, slowly the lyrical music sounded, we gently singing up: "black sky falls, bright stars akin to......" It seems like we are really in a place where there is a fairy - like place, with the faint glow of the firefly, haunting us. The night sky on the stars twinkle, the breeze Chuifu us, like in telling a beautiful story. Firefly fly ah fly, dancing beautiful dance, around us, dance, dance...... At the end of the song, we just wake up, say, also want to listen to it again.


  Finally, it's our turn to play! We're walking to the stage and smiling to the audience.. Music sounded, the crisp sound of the song also followed, flowing between the students. The first is "let us dangqishuangjiang. Sing, sing as if you were really sitting in a boat, and you sang and sang as you did.. The boat drifted and floated with the students singing together until theend of the music.. Everyone has not been slow to come, light, lively music again and again. Oh! "The snail and the Oriole" has already begun. We immediately put on a happy smile, the song of the song. Everyone seems to be infected with us, the playful smile spread on the face. The activities of the students singing, laughter in the end. Although the game we had to third, but the ranking is not important, as long as the fun, right?

  六月一日是我们儿童的节日。一大早,我就兴高采烈地到学校去了。 一进班,我就和同学们一起装饰教室。不一会儿,教室就披上了美丽的新装。你瞧,桌子、电扇和黑板上挂着五彩缤纷的彩带和气球,令人眼花缭乱,目不暇接,处处洋溢着浓浓的节日气息。 同学们准备了许多节目,最精彩的是姚飞帆同学演奏的古筝曲《战台风》,她的琴声一会儿低沉,一会儿高亢,低的时候象珠子在盘中滚动,高的时候象雷鸣震撼大地,听了真让人如痴如醉。 节目表演结束后,我们又开始了水果拼盘比赛。

  June 1st is the festival for children.. In the morning, I went to school happily.. In class, I decorate the classroom with my classmates.. In a moment, the classroom is covered with beautiful clothes. You see, table, fans and the blackboard hung Colorful streamers and balloons, dazzling, dizzying, everywhere is brimming with thick atmosphere of the festival. Prepare students for many programs, the best is "war typhoon" guzheng solo play students Yao Feifan. Her piano while low, a high pitched, low time as the beads on the plate rolling, high like thunder shock earth, listening to really makes people intoxicated. After the performances, we started the game Shuiguo Pinpan.

  我与高宁欣和吴紫璇合作,我们这次做的水果拼盘的名字叫“小桥流水”。高宁欣拿出香蕉做“小桥”,吴紫璇拿出小西红柿和小葡萄做岸边的“小石头”,这样就摆好了“小桥流水”的架子,我再放入在家里用苹果做好的“小蝌蚪”,最后在盘子里加了点水。“大功告成喽!”我大声喊道。老师听到了喊声,走过来说:“给你们一个‘最佳含义奖’吧!”“太棒了!”高宁欣开心地叫道。 就这样,我度过了一个既快乐,又充实的“六一“儿童节。

  I and Gao Ning and Wu Zixuan cooperation, this time we do Shuiguo Pinpan name "bridges". Gao Ningxin took bananas "bridge", Wu Zixuan out small tomatoes and grape shore "small stones, so gracefully" bridges "the shelf, I add at home with the apple was ready" tadpole "and finally in dishes Riga a drink of water. "Be accomplished!" I exclaimed. Teacher heard the cry and came and said: "give you a 'best meaning award'!", "great!" Gao Ningxin happily called road. In this way, I spent a happy and fulfilling the "six one" children's day.

六一儿童节英语作文 篇四


  "Six one" children's day belongs to our children's own festival. This year's "six one" Festival I have a particularly meaningful!


  This morning, sunny, sunny, the sky floating Jiduo faint clouds, birds chirping in the trees whisper, as if singing for the festival. Mother and several colleagues meet with children we drove together to is located in the northeast of Hohhot fifty kilometers away in Xiaojinggou to play.


  Along the way, I and several brothers and sisters are all excited, chattering and laughing non-stop, like a only out of the cage bird. But the little uncle of the car went astray and had to return.. This ordeal, make our children are impatient, it is easy to!


  After nearly an hour of bumps along the way, we finally arrived at Xiaojinggou here because of gentle scrub. I found the Tianger blue field. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, there seems to be such a quiet and peaceful life.


  First we went to the laolonggou mountains. Along the gravel mountain road, we have several children chased each other to climb, but didn't climb to the top of the hillside, are not willing to climb, because there is no very good scenery attract us.


  Then we came to the base of quality education for pupils know. WOW! My eyes bright, there is a lot of fun facilities, there is a single plank bridge, high wall, plum......


  My brother and sister excitedly ran, scrambling toplay a kind of game. Beginning a single plank bridge, I staggered to stand instability and almost fell down, mother beside constantly encouraged me, after repeated attempts, I finally made great strides forward smoothly in the past, is really too happy!


  The most difficult is to climb the wall. As a result of my action is not standardized, small body straight to one side is crooked, several times are lying on the board, seeing the brothers and sisters are like monkeys like to climb over, I really worried and nervous. Under the guidance of uncles and aunts, and my hands get hold of the rope, lean forward, leg force, one step, two step, I finally slowly climbed up! Mum and aunts and uncles for I have to muster the palm. My heart!


  These thrilling projects both tempered my courage and courage, but also let me taste the joy of success.


  In the base of quality education, I also found, in a path on both sides of the stocked with statues of many famous Chinese and foreign scientists, Zu Chongzhi, Newton, Edison, Galileo, the Wright brothers, and so on. These great inventors have made great contributions to our mankind, and we should keep in mind their great achievements..


  Near noon, we take some tired body back to the city.


  The children's day, mother although not to buy me a beautiful new clothes, did not take me to the amusement park, but I had the most happy, the happiest and most meaningful holiday! I think this is also a mother's heart lies!

六一儿童节英语作文 篇五




真是各式各样!这里面让我最喜欢玩的是:吹蜡 烛.




每人只能吹三次,如果吹灭了就能那一颗糖;如果没吹灭就会被淘汰。当我看完游戏规则的时候,心里想: 就一支蜡烛,我一口气就能吹灭,这真是“张飞吃豆芽菜?





  游园活动就在同学们的欢声笑语中结束 了。

  "61" section is up, our school held a garden activities: There吹蜡烛. Have painted nose. There is all kinds of blin d people beat drums! Let there playing m y favorite is:吹蜡烛. Touch marbles. Gra b a chair. The rules of the game is吹蜡烛; onl y blown three times each, if it blew out a can of sugar; blew out if it will not be eliminated. When I read the rules of the game when the thought: on a candle,I will be able to breath blew out, and this is, "Zhang豆芽菜eating - a piece of cake." My turn, I took a deep breath of a wind, the fire had not. Cross-file wh en I am happy, I do not know from where the fire out of string, which made me pu zzled. I have the force of a blow, the f ire is still not out. This can be a bit tight and I am, I have the force of a bl ow, the infants had been so out of stron g, but the fire is still not out, I was eliminated. Then, I came to find a place marbles. Pellets find the rules of the game is: each person can only find five marbl es, not a multi-mode. 5 marbles in there must be three white marbles. We ranked team with a long, slowly, slowly turn to me fast, my heart beating and stop danc ing. Touch my turn, I even touch the thr ee white marbles, it is really help me a lso ah day! I am pleased to almost jumpe d up, I took a sugar, filled with joy ou t of the classroom. I went to grab a cha ir and place. Grab a chair of the rules of the ga me is: six people in a circle to the beg inning, only five chairs. The teacher to blow the whistle immediately began loot ing, which will be one out of every one out later, they removed a chair in which the final three will be the winner. My turn, I and several of our class with my classmates. We hand to hand slowly up t o the transfer process, I was very nervo us, can not get a chair for fear that la ter. A whistle only ring, we immediately get up. At this time, two fellow studen ts to do a post, there is a student effo rt, and put a squeeze, they have a stude nt onto the ground, we met with laughter . Later, several Board, I still get the chair, and finally I won. I also took a sugar, at this time, I have been pleased to know how to describe the Recreational activities on students in the end of the laughter.

六一儿童节英语作文 篇六

  Children's DayOn June 1st day, all children are very happy. On that day ,we don't go to school.Most of the children will go to the park. In the park, some children are flying kites, some are playing football, and some are playing a game.In the sky,there are a lot of kites.But there is only once a year we will have this happy festival.I think Children's Day is the most important holiday for the children.Because everybody has fun on that day!


