
时间:2015-04-06 05:44:20
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Title: School Girls' 400m Relay Race

Essay 1:

The School Girls' 400m Relay Race was an exhilarating event filled with determination, teamwork, and fierce competition. It took place on a sunny Saturday morning at our school's sports field. The atmosphere was electric as the participants lined up at the starting line, ready to give their best.

As the starting gun fired, the first runners sprinted off, their legs pumping furiously, striving to gain an early lead. The crowd cheered them on, their cheers echoing through the air. The first exchange zone arrived quickly, and the second runners took off with perfect timing, seamlessly passing the baton to their teammates. It was a display of flawless coordination and teamwork.

The race continued, each runner pushing themselves to the limit, their determination evident on their faces. The third exchange was crucial, as the final runners prepared to sprint the last leg. The crowd held their breath in anticipation. With a burst of speed, the final runners took off, their strides long and powerful. It was a neck-and-neck race, with each team vying for the coveted first place.

As the finish line approached, the tension grew. The crowd erupted in applause as the first team crossed the finish line, securing their victory. The sense of accomplishment and joy was palpable as the winners celebrated their well-deserved triumph. However, it was not just about winning; it was about the spirit of competition and the bonds formed within the team.

The School Girls' 400m Relay Race showcased the importance of teamwork and determination. It taught us that success is not just about individual talent, but also about supporting and relying on each other. It was a day filled with sweat, tears, and laughter, a day that will be remembered by all who participated.

Essay 2:

The School Girls' 400m Relay Race was a testament to the power of perseverance and resilience. It was a sunny day, and the atmosphere was charged with excitement as the participants gathered at the starting line. Each runner had trained tirelessly, both individually and as a team, for this moment. The race was not just about winning; it was about pushing oneself to the limit and surpassing personal boundaries.

Once the race began, the runners sprinted with all their might. The first exchange was crucial, as the baton was passed from one runner to another. It required precise timing and coordination. Some teams executed flawless exchanges, while others faced minor setbacks. However, they did not let this deter them. Instead, they rallied together, supporting and encouraging each other to make up for lost time.

As the race progressed, the runners faced physical and mental challenges. Fatigue set in, but they refused to give up. With every step, they pushed through the pain, determined to reach the finish line. The crowd roared with applause, providing an extra boost of motivation. The final leg of the race was a true test of endurance, as the runners summoned their last reserves of energy to sprint towards the finish line.

In the end, it was not just the winners who emerged victorious. Every participant had achieved something remarkable. They had conquered their doubts, pushed their limits, and discovered the strength within themselves. The School Girls' 400m Relay Race was a reminder that success is not always measured by the final result, but by the effort and determination put forth.

The School Girls' 400m Relay Race was an unforgettable experience for everyone involved. It taught us the value of teamwork, perseverance, and the importance of supporting one another. It was a day filled with triumph, challenges, and personal growth. As we look back on this event, we are reminded of the indomitable spirit of the participants and the lasting memories created on that sunny day.

学校女子400米接力赛英语作文 篇三



  A field and track sport

s meeting is held in our school once a year.This year it took place on Mar.22nd.Over six hundred people,including teachers and stu-dents,entered this meeting.

  It was the last day of the sports meeting.At about three o'clock in the afternoon,there came a voice from the speaker,“Next sports event is the girl's 400-metre relay race.Runners please get everything ready!"Hearing this,the four girl runners of our class,Helen,Jane,Nora and Dinah,gathered quickly by the track and did some warming-up exercises.With strong determination,Dinan said to her teammates,"We should win honor for our class."After some time,teams from six other classes came."On your marks,"the starter ordered.Then came the pistol shot.With the sound of it,the first runner shot from the starting line.Eyes were fixed on a thin sixteen-year-old girl named Helen who ran very fast and became the first.Soon the second runner grabbed the sticks from Helen and ran on.Nora,the third runner,had the stick and took the lead.Already running,Dinah reached for the stick.She was three or four steps ahead of others.We cheered for her,shouting with the top of our voice.Bit by bit,she was tar ahead of everyone.It was too late for the rest to close the gap and we all sighed with relief.At the finishing line,Dinah was the first one who reached the line.

  At that moment.nothing would have been more exciting.We laughed,shouted.and we were veryproud of our heroines.



  这是运动会的最后一天。在下午三点左右,扬声器传出了通知:“下一个项目是女子400米接力赛,请参赛运动员做好准备。”听到这个,我们班的'同学海伦、·简、诺拉和迪娜四个女孩参赛选手迅速在跑道上集合,她们做了一些热身运动。 迪娜坚定地对她的队友说:“我们要为我们班争光。”过了一会儿,来自其他班的六支队伍也入场了。“各就各位,”发号员施令了,紧接着发号枪响起。 枪声一响,第一个参赛选手便起跑了。这时许多人的眼睛纷纷转到一个十六岁名叫海伦的消瘦的女孩身上,因为她是跑得最快的一个。 很快,轮到第二个参赛者了,她抓住接力棒跑了。 诺拉,第三个参赛者,接过接力棒,遥遥领先。 已经跑起来的迪娜接过最后一棒,她比其他人领先了三四步。我们为她欢呼,极力呼喊。一点一点地,她超过了所有人。 对于其他选手来说,挽回差距已经来不及了,我们都松了一口气最终迪娜是第一个到达终点线的。



