
时间:2016-05-03 06:46:26
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全国英语写作大赛 篇一

Title: The Importance of Learning English in the Globalized World

With the advent of globalization, the importance of learning English has become more significant than ever before. In today's interconnected world, English has emerged as the lingua franca of international communication and business. Therefore, it is essential for individuals to acquire proficiency in the English language to thrive and succeed in various aspects of life.

Firstly, learning English opens up a wide range of opportunities for individuals in terms of education and career. English is the language of instruction in many prestigious universities around the world. By being fluent in English, students can access a plethora of educational resources and pursue higher education in renowned institutions abroad. Moreover, in the professional world, English proficiency is highly valued by employers. It not only enhances one's chances of securing a good job but also opens doors to international job markets and global career prospects.

Secondly, English is instrumental in fostering cultural understanding and breaking down barriers between people from different backgrounds. As a global language, English provides a common platform for individuals from diverse cultures to communicate and exchange ideas. It promotes intercultural dialogue and allows people to appreciate and respect each other's differences. By learning English, individuals can broaden their horizons, engage in multicultural discussions, and develop a global mindset, which is crucial in today's interconnected world.

Furthermore, English proficiency facilitates travel and tourism. As English is widely spoken in many countries, being able to converse in English can greatly enhance one's travel experience. It enables individuals to communicate with locals, navigate through unfamiliar places, and immerse themselves in different cultures. English proficiency also opens up opportunities for individuals to work or volunteer abroad, enabling them to gain valuable life experiences and develop a global perspective.

In conclusion, the importance of learning English in the globalized world cannot be overstated. It provides individuals with a competitive edge in education, career, and cultural understanding. Moreover, it facilitates travel and promotes global connections. Therefore, it is imperative for individuals to recognize the significance of English and strive to acquire proficiency in the language to succeed and thrive in today's interconnected world.

全国英语写作大赛 篇二

Title: The Benefits of Participating in the National English Writing Competition

The National English Writing Competition provides an excellent platform for individuals to showcase their writing skills and gain recognition on a national level. Participating in such a competition offers numerous benefits that can greatly contribute to personal and academic growth.

Firstly, the competition allows participants to enhance their writing abilities. Writing is a fundamental skill that is essential in various aspects of life, including academics, career, and personal expression. By participating in the competition, individuals can practice and refine their writing techniques, such as organizing ideas, structuring paragraphs, and using appropriate vocabulary. The feedback and evaluation received from the competition can help participants identify areas for improvement and further develop their writing skills.

Secondly, the competition fosters healthy competition and motivation. The spirit of competition encourages individuals to strive for excellence and push their limits. It inspires participants to explore different writing styles, techniques, and topics. The experience of competing with other talented writers can be a source of motivation and inspiration to continuously improve one's writing abilities. Additionally, the recognition and rewards associated with winning or being acknowledged in the competition can boost participants' self-esteem and confidence in their writing skills.

Furthermore, participating in the National English Writing Competition provides individuals with a platform to share their thoughts and opinions on various topics. It allows them to express their creativity, voice their ideas, and engage in meaningful discussions. This not only enhances their communication skills but also encourages critical thinking and the ability to express oneself effectively.

Moreover, the competition offers networking opportunities and exposure to a wider audience. Participants have the chance to connect with fellow writers, judges, and professionals in the field of writing. This can lead to valuable connections, mentorship opportunities, and potential collaborations. Furthermore, winning or being recognized in a national competition can draw attention to participants' work and open doors to further writing opportunities, such as publishing or writing scholarships.

In conclusion, participating in the National English Writing Competition is highly beneficial for individuals aspiring to improve their writing skills and gain recognition. It provides a platform for personal and academic growth, fosters healthy competition, enhances communication skills, and offers networking and exposure opportunities. Therefore, individuals should seize the opportunity to participate in such competitions to further develop their writing abilities and pave the way for future success.

全国英语写作大赛 篇三

  After graduated,people are alwa1ys faced with two alternatives:working for themselves or someone else.Both of the two sound reasonable.While I tend to be in favor of the later.

  From my perspective,working for myself.definitely is worse than working for someone else.Because you will have to deal with plenty of problems and risks by yourself,if you choose to start your own business.Lacking of experience,financial support and so on can always be fatal to your career.On the contrary,if you find a job in a proper company,there’s no need for you to worry any more,and you just need to work hard.Whats more,when working for others,you will acquire how to cooperate with others and increase your sense of responsibility,which are both great qualities.

  All in all,working for someone else is equipped with much more advantages than for yourself.It can not only prevent yourself from unnecessary risks but also promote you improving yourself.

全国英语写作大赛 篇四

  Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of health.What is the best way to stay fit and healthy? In my opinion,good exercises and diet are two major ways to stay fit and healthy.First,enough time should be set aside for persevering in exercises in addition to sleep and rest.Second,you must give up the habits that damage your health,such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

  As mentioned above,the best way to keep fit and health is to do regular exercises.Just as the Chinese proverb goes,“life lies in exercises”,exercises never fail to make us stronger and more energetic.Moreover,mental health,in my mind,is also of vital importance.If you feel happy,you can eat well,sleep well,and your body is sure to be in an excellent condition.Moreover,prevention is also important,and one should have a physical check regularly in a hospital for being strong and healthy.

  Health is the most valuable possession a person experts in his life.Try every means to keep fit is our advice to the people who want to live a happy life in this beautiful world.

全国英语写作大赛 篇五

  How to Keep Psychologically Healthy?

  Psychologically healthy problems can cause the disease.People with the psychologically healthy problems can’t work well and enjoy the beautiful life.They fell bad without self-confident.

  The reason why so many people are not quiet psychologically healthy is that the social pressure make them can’t relax themselves.For example,nowadays many people are worry about the house and job.In order to get a house,many people fight with life.They manage their life only keep the job in their mind.They always know that just work harder and harder.Even if they fell tiered and unhappy,they don’t care.For a long time,they take the pressure for themselves and can’t put down.

  How to keep the Psychologically Healthy?People should take part in some activities to relax themselves and make friends with other people.Do something that people interested in can make them fell more better.

全国英语写作大赛 篇六

  As we all know,healthy is very important to everybody.But do you really know how to stay healthy? Here are some useful tips.

  First,we should do exercise if we have time.For example,we can go to swim in the summer holiday.Or we can take a walk after supper.Doing exercise makes us healthy and strong.

  Second,we should take more vegetables and fruit and less candies.Stop eating junk food and drinking beers.

  Last but not least,we should go to bed early and wake up early.We should have enough sleep,or we will get sleepy in the day time.If we pay more attention to the tips above,we will have healthier body.I wish everybody has a strong and healthy body.


