
时间:2015-06-09 08:22:47
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Great Wall Introduction Tour Guide Speech One

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the magnificent Great Wall of China! As your tour guide, I am excited to share with you the history and marvels of this incredible structure.

The Great Wall is an iconic symbol of China, stretching over 21,000 kilometers across the country. Its construction began over 2,000 years ago, during the Qin Dynasty, and it was continuously built and repaired throughout various dynasties. The purpose of the Great Wall was to protect China from invasions by nomadic tribes from the north.

This architectural masterpiece is made up of walls, watchtowers, and fortresses, built with bricks, stone, and wood. It is a testament to the ingenuity and skill of ancient Chinese craftsmen. The wall is not a single continuous structure but is composed of numerous sections, each with its own unique features and historical significance.

Now, let's explore one of the most well-preserved sections of the Great Wall, Badaling. This section is located about 70 kilometers northwest of Beijing and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in China. It was built during the Ming Dynasty and played a crucial role in defending the capital city.

As we walk along the wall, take a moment to imagine the countless soldiers who once patrolled these very same paths, standing guard against any potential threats. The panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys are absolutely breathtaking. You will have the opportunity to climb the watchtowers and experience the commanding view that the soldiers once had.

The Great Wall is not only a remarkable architectural marvel but also a symbol of Chinese culture and history. It represents the tenacity, wisdom, and unity of the Chinese people. It has also been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site and attracts millions of visitors from all around the world.

As we come to the end of our tour, I hope you have gained a deeper appreciation for the Great Wall of China. It is a testament to the remarkable achievements of ancient Chinese civilization and a reminder of the importance of preserving our cultural heritage.

Thank you for joining me on this journey through history. I hope you will cherish the memories and share the story of the Great Wall with others. Enjoy the rest of your visit and have a wonderful day!

Great Wall Introduction Tour Guide Speech Two

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the magnificent Great Wall of China! Today, I am thrilled to guide you through the Mutianyu section of the wall, one of the most scenic and well-preserved parts of this incredible structure.

The Great Wall is an architectural wonder that stretches over 21,000 kilometers across China. Its construction began over 2,000 years ago and was completed during the Ming Dynasty. The purpose of the wall was to protect China from invasions by nomadic tribes from the north.

Mutianyu, located about 70 kilometers northeast of Beijing, offers a unique experience for visitors. This section is known for its stunning natural scenery, surrounded by lush greenery and rolling mountains. It is also less crowded compared to other popular sections, allowing for a more tranquil and immersive experience.

As we hike along the wall, you will notice the distinctive features of Mutianyu. The wall here is built with granite, making it more durable and resistant to erosion. The watchtowers are also well-preserved, offering a glimpse into the architectural brilliance of ancient China.

One of the highlights of Mutianyu is the cable car ride. For those who prefer a more relaxed approach, the cable car provides a comfortable and scenic journey to the top of the wall. From there, you can take in the panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and appreciate the grandeur of this remarkable structure.

For the more adventurous souls, there is also the option to descend the wall by toboggan. This thrilling ride allows you to slide down the mountain, offering a unique and exhilarating experience. It is a favorite among visitors of all ages and adds an extra element of fun to your Great Wall adventure.

The Great Wall is not only a testament to the ingenuity of ancient Chinese civilization but also a symbol of unity and strength. It has become a cultural icon and a must-visit destination for travelers from around the world. Its historical significance and breathtaking beauty make it a truly unforgettable experience.

As we conclude our tour, I hope you have enjoyed this journey through the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall. Cherish the memories and share the story of this incredible wonder with others. Thank you for joining me today, and I wish you a memorable and enjoyable visit to the Great Wall of China!

长城英文介绍导游词 篇三

  Hello everyone! You are welcome to visit the Great Wall. As the saying goes, "no the Great Wall is not a true man."!" Today, I'll be your

little guide and introduce the Great Wall to you. Of course, I hope you have a good time and have a good time.

  Next, I'd like to introduce the general situation of the Great Wall.

  The Great Wall was founded in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. At that time, each vassal state built the Great Wall in its own territory for mutual defense. Qin Shihuang unified Chinese, intrusion defense of the northern Xiongnu, the vassal state of the the Great Wall will connect and extend the known as "the the Great Wall".

  If you look you will find, the the Great Wall, the Great Wall is like a long, winding in the high mountains and lofty hills. From Shanhaiguan to the west of the east of Jiayuguan, a total of more than 13000.

  If you look closer, you will find that the the Great Wall is so tall and sturdy, is built with huge stone and bricks. You see, the top of the wall was covered with a brick, very smooth, like a wide road. In ancient times, five or six carriages could run in parallel. While the wall is a row of those two meters high, those on etc.look-mouth and shoot square, at the time, this is to look out and shooting. The top of the walls, every more than 300 meters there is a square of the city of Taiwan, it is his fortress. When fighting, the city and the station can echo each other. The fort is also called Beacon Tower". In the "Beacon Tower", Zhou Youwang also had directed a "feudal war drama" in the history of drama.

  If you stand in the the Great Wall, on the foot of the brick wall, leaning on the stone, you will not think of the ancient people built the the Great Wall? At that time, there were no trains, no cars, no cranes. They can only use the countless shoulders and countless hands, the pieces of a two thousand or three thousand pound stone, hard to step up the steep mountain. How many working people's wisdom and sweat, is condensed into this before does not see the head, not the tail after the Great Wall!

  Well, let me introduce you here. Visitors are free to visit. I hope this magnificent project, the great miracle, will impress you. Enjoy your trip.

长城英文介绍导游词 篇四

  Hello everyone! I am a little guide today, welcome you to the the Great Wall today known to the world, hope the visit will give you memories.

  The Great Wall, far away, looks like a long line. Between the mountains forest winding, from Shanhaiguan to the west of the east of Jiayuguan, ten thousand miles.

  The Great Wall is located in the north of Beijing. It was built in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. At that time, many states to defend themselves on the territory of their own place is a place to build the Great Wall. Since the Qin Shihuang unified China, intrusion defense of the northern Xiongnu, the vassal state of the the Great Wall will connect and extend the known as "the the Great Wall".

  Today, we visited the the Great Wall, built in Badaling, tall and sturdy, is built with huge stone and bricks. The top of the wall was covered with a brick, very smooth, like the wide street, parallel five or six horses in ancient times. The walls were lined with outer wall two meters high, with extension etc.look-mouth and shot countless. On the wall, every more than 300 meters there is a fortress troops. When fighting, the two fortresses can echo each other.

  Just look at this countless stone, there is a two thousand or three thousand pound. At that time, no train, no car, crane, the working people is relying on countless countless hands shoulder, step by step, a piece of land to the majestic and steep mountains carried these stone. How many working people's sweat and wisdom to condense before me head, but not the tail of the Great Wall!

  The Great Wall, with the world, the one and only "to describe it, a little too much. Today, let's just wait until we get to the Great Wall." Enjoy its grandeur and splendor.

  A man who is not a the Great Wall is not a true man!" Now, let's go to the Great Wall and feel his majesty!


