
时间:2018-01-05 04:50:15
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临汾尧庙英语导游词 篇一

Welcome to Yao Temple in Linfen!


Hello everyone, and welcome to Yao Temple in Linfen. My name is [your name], and I'll be your tour guide today. Yao Temple is located in the heart of Linfen city and is a place of great historical and cultural significance. It was built to commemorate Emperor Yao, one of the legendary Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns of ancient China. Let's explore this remarkable temple together.


Yao Temple was initially built during the Tang Dynasty, over a thousand years ago. It has undergone several renovations and expansions throughout history, but its essence and historical value have remained intact. The temple covers an area of 15,000 square meters and is surrounded by beautiful gardens and ancient trees.

Main Attractions:

1. Hall of Emperor Yao: The Hall of Emperor Yao is the main building in the temple. It is a grand and magnificent structure with intricate architectural details. Inside the hall, you will find a statue of Emperor Yao, along with various artifacts and historical relics related to his reign.

2. Yao's Ancestral Hall: Located next to the Hall of Emperor Yao, the Ancestral Hall is a place where people can pay respects to their ancestors. It is an important cultural practice in Chinese society, and visiting this hall will provide you with a deeper understanding of Chinese traditions and filial piety.

3. Yao's Well: Yao's Well is believed to be the source of wisdom and knowledge. Legend has it that Emperor Yao used to meditate and make important decisions next to this well. Today, visitors can still see the well and make a wish for wisdom and good fortune.

4. Confucian Temple: Adjacent to Yao Temple is the Confucian Temple, dedicated to the great philosopher Confucius. It is a place for people to learn and pay tribute to Confucius, who greatly influenced Chinese culture and education.

Cultural Significance:

Yao Temple is not only a historical site but also an important cultural symbol in China. It represents the wisdom, benevolence, and moral values that Emperor Yao advocated. It serves as a reminder for people to cherish the virtues of honesty, integrity, and good governance.


Thank you for joining me on this tour of Yao Temple. I hope you have enjoyed learning about the history and cultural significance of this magnificent site. As you explore further, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and tranquility that surrounds you. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Enjoy the rest of your visit to Yao Temple in Linfen!

临汾尧庙英语导游词 篇二

Welcome to Yao Temple in Linfen!


Hello everyone, and welcome to Yao Temple in Linfen. My name is [your name], and I'll be your tour guide today. Yao Temple is a hidden gem in the city of Linfen, known for its beautiful scenery and rich cultural heritage. Let's embark on a journey to explore the wonders of this ancient temple together.


Yao Temple traces its roots back to the Han Dynasty, over two thousand years ago. It was built to honor Emperor Yao, who was revered for his wisdom and virtue. Throughout the centuries, the temple has been a place of worship, education, and cultural preservation.

Main Attractions:

1. Divine Gate: As you enter Yao Temple, you will pass through the Divine Gate, a magnificent structure adorned with intricate carvings and colorful paintings. It is believed that passing through this gate will bring you good luck and blessings.

2. Hall of Supreme Harmony: The Hall of Supreme Harmony is the main hall of the temple. It is an architectural masterpiece, featuring a triple-eave roof and beautifully painted beams and pillars. Inside the hall, you will find a statue of Emperor Yao, surrounded by offerings and incense.

3. Heavenly Pond: Located within the temple grounds is the Heavenly Pond, a tranquil oasis where visitors can relax and enjoy the serenity of nature. The pond is home to various species of fish and lotus flowers, creating a picturesque scene that is perfect for photography.

4. Yao's Study: Yao's Study is a recreation of the emperor's study during his reign. It provides visitors with a glimpse into the intellectual pursuits and scholarly atmosphere of ancient China. Inside the study, you will find ancient books, calligraphy, and paintings that showcase the wisdom and cultural achievements of that time.

Cultural Significance:

Yao Temple is not only a place for worship but also a center for cultural activities and events. Throughout the year, the temple hosts traditional ceremonies, performances, and exhibitions that celebrate Chinese heritage and promote cultural exchange.


Thank you for joining me on this tour of Yao Temple. I hope you have enjoyed immersing yourself in the rich history and cultural traditions of this ancient site. As you explore further, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and tranquility that surrounds you. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Enjoy the rest of your visit to Yao Temple in Linfen!

临汾尧庙英语导游词 篇三

  After the death of Yao, one of the earliest Chinese ancestors, a Yao templewas built four kilometers south of Linfen City in memory of him, the firstfamous emperor in ancient times. The location is called yaomiao village. BecauseEmperor Yao built his capital in Linfen, it is historically known as "Pingyang,the capital of Yao". The fact that Yao temple was built in Linfen confirms thecorrectness of this statement.

  Yao is said to be the son of DIHE and the fifth grandson of Huangdi. Hisname is Fangxun and his name is Tao Tang. He is an ancient emperor in the lateprimitive society of China. In the Analects of Confucius, Taibo, Confucius said,"heaven is the greatest and Yao is the only one.". The people are notwell-known. It can be seen that King Yao had great merits and was loved by allthe people.

  In front of the Yao temple, there is an ancient gate tower with fourcharacters of "ancient emperor Yao Temple" engraved in the middle. On thelintels of the East and west sides, the words "Jiu Ri" and "Zhan Yun" arewritten. The temple was first built in the Jin Dynasty and then expanded by theTang, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. In front of the temple, there aredongxichaofang, guangtiange, yaojingting, in the back there are Yaogong,shungong, Yugong, Wanshougong, and finally the bedroom. There are many housesand courtyards on both sides. According to historical records, the largest YaoTemple covered an area of more than 780 mu.

  Entering the Yao temple, the first thing you see is the beautiful Wufengbuilding. It was built in Qianfeng period of Tang Dynasty and has a history ofmore than 1300 years. The building is 19.3 meters high, with 12 eaves on threefloors. At the bottom of the building, there are three brick kiln corridors and13 corner columns leading to three floors. It is very magnificent. There aremore than 30 pottery people standing on the top of the building, and the potterylion is in the middle. The wind can move up and down, which is very beautiful.It is said that King Yao often worked with his four ministers (i.e. two primeministers). At that time, people referred to him and his four ministers as "fivephoenixes", and there was a saying that "one phoenix rises to heaven, and fourphoenixes sing together". Thus came the name of "wufenglou".

  There is Yaojing Pavilion at the back of Wufeng building. The pavilion wasfirst built in the taining period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and has a historyof more than 1600 years. Pavilion for the hexagonal high eaves Pavilion form,small and exquisite, very chic. The well in the pavilion is said to have beendug by King Yao himself. The diameter of the well is eight inches. The wall ofthe well is two layers. The outer layer is made of nine mortise and tenonbricks. It is said that Yao well is connected to the sea, so far the undergroundspring is gurgling, and it is clear to drink.

  Guangyun hall, also known as Yao palace, is the place where ministers aresummoned to discuss state affairs, and also the main building in the temple.Founded in the third year of Tang Xianqing, it has a history of more than 1300years. The hall is 213 meters high, 26.3 meters deep and 43 meters wide. Thereare forty-two twelve meter pillars in the hall. The stone base under the columnis exquisitely carved, the lion and unicorn are lifelike, and all kinds offlowers are beautiful, which is rare in China. In the niche of the main hall,there is a statue of King Yao of the Tang Dynasty, two prime ministers and twocabinet elders standing on both sides. King Yao, whose surname is said to be Yi,is a native of baliyi village in the south of Yao temple. There is still a stonetablet engraved with "Di Yao Mao CI Tu Jie" in Yi village. It is said that KingYao used to live in a thatched house on the earth steps. In Han Feizi, fivebeetles, it is written that King Yao lived in a thatched cottage, ate wildvegetable roots without seasoning, drank water in earthen vats, covered his bodyonly with coarse cloth, and wore deerskin in winter. It can be seen that thelife of King Yao was very hard.

  After Guangyun hall is the bedroom palace, which was built in the Lingdeperiod of Tang Dynasty, about 1300 years ago. There are statues of King Yao andhis wife in the niche. It is said that the wife of King Yao was a deer fairy whowas born in Gushe mountain. There are deer fairy cave, deer fairy mirror stone(more than one mu), dressing table and so on.

  The vigorous ancient cypress in the temple, planted in the Jin Dynasty, ismore than ten meters high and more than two meters in diameter, which is veryrare. Among them, Robinia pseudoacacia and Catalpa bungei are in full bloomamong the cypress trees in summer. They are full of wonderful and interestingflowers, which can help you to have fun.

  Yaoling is located between Guocun village and Laohe River, 30km northeastof yaomiao. The mound of Yao mausoleum is made of pure loess. It is 50 metershigh and 80 meters around. The mound is covered with pines and cypresses,surrounded by earth cliffs. The waterlogged river flows southward in front ofthe mausoleum. Overlooking like a towering hill, it is very spectacular. Thereis a temple in front of the mausoleum of Yao. It is said that it was founded inthe early Tang Dynasty. According to the inscriptions in the second year of JinTai He (1202 A.D.), Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty had been stationed inother places during his expedition to the Liao Dynasty, so he made a statue ofhimself because he visited the mausoleum of Yao. It was repaired in yuan, Mingand Qing Dynasties. There are many buildings in the temple, such as gate,archway, box house, Xian hall, duo hall, bedroom hall, stele Pavilion, etc.

  In the temple, there are more than ten steles, which record theachievements of King Yao and the evolution of his mausoleum. A stele erected inthe 18th year of Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty (1539 AD) has a completepicture of his mausoleum, which is still well preserved.

临汾尧庙英语导游词 篇四

  Today is national day. In the afternoon, my mother took me to Yaotemple.

  When I went in, the first thing I saw at 4102 was the five Phoenix buildingwith beautiful scenery. On the second floor, we went up the stairs from the sideof 1653. The stairs were really high. After I went up, I also saw "imperialedict Exhibition". I met Empress Dowager Cixi and listened to the guide'sintroduction. The five Phoenix building was built by one person, and fourphoenixes sang together. Four phoenixes were the ministers around Yao, whichshould be named.

  Behind the wufenglou is "yaojingting". It is said that Houyi shot down ninesuns and the sun set underground. The underground is very dry. In the past,people used rivers to drink water. Because of the dry weather, the water in theriver dried up, so people worried. Yao was resting under a big tree one day andsuddenly saw the ant's cave. The ants generally lived in the wet cave, wherethey lived Yao began to dig a well to find water. In memory of Yao, he calledthe well Yao well, also known as the first well in the world. Next to the wellwere four kinds of trees: "yexiaobai", "Minglu Bai", "baibaohuai" and"baiyiluo". We also saw Yao character Bi. There are about 1000 Yao characterswritten by celebrities. One of them looks like a man running. It's reallyinteresting.

  We went to see the bronze bell, which weighs about 21 tons and is about adecimeter thick. There are wooden piles on both sides of the Yao hall, which arecalled libel wood. It is a wise monarch who started the Chinese civilization.The establishment of libel wood is to listen to the opinions of the peoplewidely, so as to improve the government and achieve the goal that the speaker isnot guilty and what he wants to say. There is also a place where Yao and hiswife sleep, which is called bedroom. Later, we came to the first drum in theworld, It is the largest drum in the world. The diameter of the drum is about 3meters and the height is about 1 meter. 2 meters. The two sides of the drum aremade of the whole piece of cowhide, which was included in the world record 20xxyears ago. Listening to the guide's explanation, there are springs in the drum.You can listen to the sound of the big drum when you hit the small drum, whichis also called the mother and son heart to heart drum. This is the beautifulscenery of Yao temple!

临汾尧庙英语导游词 篇五

  Ancient emperor Yao temple is located about three kilometers south ofLinfen City. Yao temple was built in ancient Pingyang city of Fenxi in the Hanand Wei dynasties. Emperor Huidi of Jin moved Yao temple to Fendong yuan inYuankang period. In the third year of Tang Xianqing (658), the temple was movedto the present site in the south of the city. Repair of the past dynasties,repeated war, now save Shanmen, wufenglou, Guangyun hall, bedroom, etc.,Lingxing gate, instrument door has been destroyed.

  In the middle of the mountain gate, the four characters "ancient emperorYao Temple" are inlaid on the forehead. In the east of the side gate, "on thesun" is engraved, and in the west, "Zhanyun" is engraved, which means thatpeople look at the sun like sunflower, and people look at the rain like grain.Cypress trees are planted on both sides of the south side of the mountain gate.There are only scattered steles in the past dynasties. In the west, a new glazednine dragon wall will be built, facing the East. On the front stands the fivePhoenix Tower, which is magnificent and handsome. It was originally namedGuangtian Pavilion, which means the brightness of Yao and shun. Downstairs,there are three brick gate openings leading to the central courtyard. Under thedouble eaves of the upper floor, there is a surrounded porch platform. You canhave a panoramic view of the scenery inside and outside the palace. On the top,there are 31 terracotta figures decorated with ridges, all of which are vivid.The harmony of five phoenixes symbolizes the benevolence of heaven, the unity ofmonarchs and ministers, the feast of rivers and seas, and the peace of thecountry and the people. Passing through the Wufeng tower, there is the wellPavilion of Yao. The pavilion is hexagonal in shape and surrounded by a fence.The well is 10 meters deep and covered with a canopy. It is said that the wellwas dug by Emperor Yao himself. In fact, it is an inspiration for futuregenerations to think about the source of water and never forget the merits ofEmperor Yao. There are no sheep pavilion and podding Pavilion on both sides.There are four symmetrical ancient cypresses in existence, one day cypressembraces Catalpa bungei, two day cypress embraces Sophora japonica, and thepurple Catalpa bungei flower and white Sophora japonica flower are in full bloomamong the green cypresses. It is said that sika deer came to the tree to neigh.Yexiaobai, or yexiaobai, is native to India. On the night of December 30 everyyear, the trees rustle like laughter, so it's named yexiaobai.

  Later, Guangyun hall is tall and majestic, which is the main hall forsacrificing Emperor Yao. In 1987, the temple was rebuilt with governmentfunding. The base of the hall is 2 meters high and five pressing edges are long.The platform in front of the hall is wide and can hold hundreds of people. Infront of the platform, the center of the platform is built with rolling bricksto form a slope, the side is built with stone strips, and the center is inlaidwith two dragons playing with pearls, which is not owned by ordinary templesexcept the imperial palace. The hall is 27 meters high, nine rooms wide and fiverooms deep. It is surrounded by 32 corridors, with a total of 77 inside andoutside, similar to the Taihe Hall of the Forbidden City. The double eaves ofthe hall rest on the top of the mountain, green glazed tile edge, ridge standcolorful glazed ridge decoration, dragon and phoenix dance, resplendent. In thehall, there are 12 18 meter high pillars, each of which has a stone base. Thewater grinds the bluestone, which is bright and clean. Reliefs of unicorns,lions, elephants, flowers and animals are of high artistic value with vividimages and fine carving. In the brick and wood shrine in the hall, there is apainted statue of Emperor Yao, 2.8 meters high, wearing nine chapter clothes anda flat crown. The emperor is majestic and energetic. There are four maleattendants beside. The four ministers under the altar are separated on bothsides. It is said that Fang Ji and Wu man are on the left, and Shan Fei and heQin are on the right. In front of the niche, there are two big dragons in themiddle, with painted sculptures wrapped around the pillars. They are majesticand terrifying. They are called qiuzhu. In front of the hall, there are twocolor buildings above the center, which are integrated with the main hall. Thehall is pided into two parts by the front wall, each of which has a hangingwooden ladder to go up to the color building. You can have a panoramic view ofthe Yao palace when you climb the building. Guangyun hall means to match heavenand land. There are four big words "the name of the people is incompetent"hanging on both sides of the color building in front of the hall. According toZhang Shoujie's Shi Fa Jie, "the name of people's incompetence" is: "people'sincompetence is called God." The backyard is the palace of Emperor Yao, in whichthere are colored statues of Emperor Yao and his wife. There are 20 newcorridors on both sides of the hall, 20 in the East and 20 in the West. In theNorthern Wei Dynasty, Emperor Yao was worshipped in Pingyang. In the laterdynasties, according to the sacrificial rites, the emperors of the previousdynasties sacrificed once every three years. At that time, they sacrificed inthe mid moon of spring, and in the place where they lived at that time Tang Yaolived in Pingyang mansion. During the large-scale reconstruction in the earlyYuan Dynasty, "there are 100 mu of land and 400 houses". Kublai Khan's imperialedict granted the palace "guangzhai Palace", the palace "Wensi Palace" and thedoor "Binmu gate", 200 liang of platinum and 15 hectares of fertile land asincense for supporting the Palace. In the Ming Dynasty, it was expanded into atemple of three Saints (Yao, Shun and Yu). Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynastypersonally came to Pingyang and ordered the temple to be rebuilt. He builtWanshou Xingguan and inscribed plaques with imperial pen. Yao Hall said: guangpisibiao; Shun Hall said: xunzhen civilization; Yu Hall said: Eternal dependence.Nuoshi held a temple fair every year from March 18 to April 28. At that time,the officials, gentry and overseas Chinese will offer sacrifices ceremoniously,and the temple fair will be very lively. After the war, the temple fair wasabolished. Unfortunately, in 1997, the Guangyun hall was deliberately set onfire and collapsed, resulting in irreparable losses. Guangyun hall was rebuiltin 1999.

  The ancient emperor Yao mausoleum is located in the east of Linfen City andthe west of the north suburb of Guoxing Township, 35 kilometers away from theurban area.

  Yao mausoleum is built on a peninsula shaped rock hill at the foot of themountain, surrounded by Waterloo River and flowing westward under the cliff. Themausoleum is 50 meters high, with a circumference of 30 meters. The ancientcypresses are luxuriant, so it is called Shenlin in the world. The gate facesthe river bank, with a stage on the top and a brick gate hole on the bottom, inthe form of a pavilion. When you enter the gate, the East and west of the gateused to be the theater building, and the north of the gate is the instrumentgate. It is a wooden archway. The brackets are stacked layer upon layer, and thecornices are arranged from left to right. The structure is exquisite andingenious. In the front of the square, it was written "Pingzhang common people"and endorsed "Xiehe Wanbang". In the past, this place was Xiama square. Whencivil and military officials paid a visit to Emperor Yao's mausoleum, they hadto dismount and get off the sedan chair. In the center of the central courtyardof the Yimen gate is the Xian hall, three rooms wide, tall and open, and theEast and West are the auxiliary halls. There are 13 stone steps behind the hall.There are five original main halls. The existing corridor of Steles, with"ancient emperor Yao mausoleum" as the symbol, is built in the Wanli period ofMing Dynasty. On both sides are steles of yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. On bothsides of the central axis, there are wing rooms and ear rooms. On both sides ofthe stone steps under the stele corridor, there are two courtyards in the Eastand West. On the front, there are a row of brick certificate cave dwellings. The12 rooms of the East and west of the original Hall and the pine kitchen havebeen destroyed. The village composed of tomb keepers in the west of themausoleum has also been abandoned.

  According to the inscriptions of the Jin Dynasty, Li Shimin, EmperorTaizong of the Tang Dynasty, once stationed troops here to pay homage to EmperorYao. In the early Tang Dynasty, the mausoleum was rebuilt, and the statue ofEmperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty was placed in the side hall, which was repairedin song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is said that after Yao's death, allthe people were grieved. People dug soil from the earth mound several miles awayand carried it on to the sand rock mound. Then they turned the soil into amountain, leaving the mound of pure loess. It is said that there is a hole inthe seventh of the 13 stone steps behind Xiandian, which can pass through thehanging coffin well. It is said that someone pried open the stone steps, foundthe hole and tied the chicken down with a rope. At first, he heard the chickencry, but when he went up with the rope, the head of the chicken disappeared.Since then, no one has explored this. It is also said that at the bottom of thehanging coffin cave, there is an undercurrent of clear water. When you climb tothe top of the hall, you can still hear the murmur of water. Three miles to theeast of the mausoleum is xiamazhuang, and another three miles to the East isShangmatai. It is said that Yao went to Fushan for inspection or summer vacationand got on his horse. When he came back, he got off his horse at xiamazhuang andwent to Yao temple to worship his mother. In the past, Yao mausoleum was jointlymanaged by eight surrounding villages, and the government reduced and remittedits corvee to ensure the cost of incense for Yao worship. The spring and AutumnFestival and the spring and Autumn Festival were not abandoned, and the peopleof neighboring counties gathered together to sing opera. After the Japaneseinvasion and war, the temple fair was abolished and has not been resumed.

临汾尧庙英语导游词 篇六

  Yao temple was built in the Western Jin Dynasty with a history of more than1700 years. The former site is in the west of Fenhe River. It was moved to theEast Bank of Fenhe River in Yuankang period of Western Jin Dynasty. In 658, thesite of the temple was moved from the southwest of Fucheng to the current sitein the south of the city. Yao temple is a national ancestral temple with richhistory, culture and 5000 years of civilization. It is commonly known asSansheng temple. It is a temple dedicated to commemorating the three ancestorsof Yao, Shun and Yu in China. More than 4000 years ago, Yao established thecapital of Pingyang and designated nine states, forming the earliest pattern inChina. Pingyang became one of the earliest birthplaces of Chinese civilization,known as the first capital of China.

  The pulse of dragon and Phoenix

  The central axis of Yao palace corridor, which is carved with dragon andphoenix patterns, is called "vein of dragon and phoenix". It runs from the gateto Guangyun hall, which is 300 meters long. Both dragon and Phoenix are totemsof the Yao Dynasty, and they are also the oldest auspicious symbols of theChinese nation. The vein of dragon and Phoenix here is the most auspiciouschannel of dragon and Phoenix in China.

  Cultural relic sculpture

  The artifacts displayed on both sides of the Yaogong corridor are unearthedfrom the Taosi cultural site. 700 years ago, our ancestors used the productionmethods, including production tools, daily necessities, daily utensils,ceremonial supplies and musical instruments. These stone carvings vividly showthe life and culture of the Yao period, making the Yao Temple more historicaland cultural connotation.

  secondary gate to an official residence

  "Yimen" is the door of etiquette. In ancient times, the emperors, ministersand common people who paid homage to and offered sacrifices to Emperor Yao hadto be "dignified and dignified" when they came here. The inscription of"ancestor of civilization" on the forehead of Yimen is the highest evaluation ofEmperor Yao's founding of civilized politics. The inscription "Guang PI Si Biao"on the back of the gate was originally a plaque inscribed by Emperor Kangxi ofQing Dynasty for Yao hall, which means that Yao's merits and virtues are likethe sun and the moon moistening all the people.

  Wufeng building

  "Wufenglou" was built in the Qianfeng period of Tang Dynasty (666 AD). Itis an ancient cultural relic building survived the vicissitudes of the Yaotemple palace. It is the architectural style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Ithas a double eaves and a side ladder on the second floor.

  "Wufenglou", also known as "Guangtian Pavilion", means the merits ofEmperor Yao, the brightness of the world and the blessing of all people. Peopleregard Yao and his four ministers as "five phoenixes". They built a building inYao temple, and then there was "five phoenixes building". This buildingsymbolizes the unity of monarchs and ministers and the great rule of the world.After the Tang Dynasty, the "five Phoenix Tower" was set up when cities andhalls were built to show that the river was clear and the sea was banquet, andthe country was peaceful and the people were safe. "Wufenglou" lower three holebrick ticket door, through the "Guangyun hall". In ancient times, when offeringsacrifices to Emperor Yao, the monarch walked in from the middle and theMinister of culture and military passed through the side cave.


  Well is one of the greatest inventions in the process of humancivilization. In ancient times, people lived in the water and along the river.Yao's "looking for ants to build wells" changed the situation of relying onrivers. As a result, there were villages, towns and cities, forming the earliesthuman civilization. Up to now, people call cities as marketplace, urban cultureand urban civilization as marketplace culture and civilization, regard wells ashome, and call leaving hometown far away from home. This well is also known as"the first well in the world".

  Ancient cypress in Yaogong

  There are four ancient cypresses around Yaojing, and the two on the westside are "Bai Yiluo" and "Bai baohuai", that is, another catalpa tree andSophora tree grow out of the cypress.

  In April and may every year, red catalpa flowers bloom among the branchesof cypress trees, which is a wonder to visitors. It is said that Bo baohuai wastransplanted from Ci'en Temple in Xi'an more than 600 years ago. At thebeginning of summer, the cypress trees are in full bloom and fragrant.

  There are two ancient cypresses on the east side, one is called "Minglucypress" and the other is called "Yexiao cypress". It is said that in the TangDynasty, when Emperor Yao and his wife deer fairy's sacred oak were sculpted inthe palace, a pair of Sika Deer suddenly came running and singing under thecypress tree. Therefore, this tree is called "Minglu cypress". Up to now, itsbranches look like plum deer antlers.

  "Yexiaobai" was transplanted from India by a monk in ancient times. It hasa long day and a long night. Every new year's Eve, the cypress makes a rustlingsound, which is similar to human laughter, so it is called "yexiaobai".

  Dragon carving

  The "Dragon carving" inlaid on the steps of the platform of Yao hall isbased on the enlarged image of the dragon on the "painted pottery plate"unearthed from the Taosi site in 1978. This pasted Dragon carving is theearliest dragon pattern in China, known as "the first dragon in the world". Theshape of dragon is simple and simple, and the mouth of dragon contains grain,which reflects the pursuit and admiration of human beings for agriculturalcivilization.

  Couplets of Guangyun Hall

  The couplets of Guangyun hall were written by Su Qingping, the head ofYaodu District, after the overhaul of Yao palace in 20xx. They were written byMr. Fan Xiyi, a famous calligrapher. The couplet, with the title of GENZU,highly summarizes Yao's important contribution to the Chinese nation andhighlights the GENZU nature of Yao temple.

  The first couplet: "living in Pingyang, leaning against the river, anddeeply rooted in the roots of the nation" means that Yao established his capitalin Pingyang, relying on the superior conditions of the Yellow River and FenheRiver Basin, coordinated with all nations, and formed a unified Chinese nation.Therefore, the Chinese nation began with Yao, and Yao was the origin of thenation.

  The second couplet: "Qiwen clearly established China as the ancestor of thecountry", which means that Yao Qin established the calendar, created characters,dug wells, ended the original mode of production, began to realize thehistorical transition to civilization, and created the ancient form of statemanagement of the Chinese nation. Therefore, there is the saying that "the nameof China began with Yao", and Yao is known as the ancestor of the country andthe ancestor of civilization.

  Guangyun Hall

  Guangyun hall, also known as Yao hall, is the hall where Emperor Yaosummoned his ministers. The hall is 9 in width and 5 in depth, with 32 corridorsaround it, 77 inside and outside, and 27 meters high. Guangyun hall is called"Guangyun hall" because it means to match heaven and land. On both sides of thecolorful building in front of the hall, there are four big characters: "the nameof the people's incompetence", which is called "the Analects of Confucius"."Taibo" means that Emperor Yao has great merits, and the people simply don'tknow how to praise him. The bronze statue of Yao and the four ministers wasplaced by Yuanpeng on the 18th of 20xx. The statue of Emperor Yao is as high as5 meters, and the statue of four ministers is as high as 4.1 meters.

  Yao was one of the five emperors. His surname was Yiqi and his name wasFangxun. At the age of 13, he was granted a post in Taodi, and at the age of 15,he was granted the title of Marquis of Tang, so he was also called taotangfamily. Yao was promoted to be the leader at the age of 16. After 90 years inoffice, he established the capital of Pingyang and designated nine

states,forming the earliest pattern in China; he established the calendar, extensivelydug wells, promoted farming, and promoted the progress of human beings withancient science; he established "Huabiao Mu" and "dare to admonish drum",implemented abdication, and pioneered democratic politics; he enlightened thepeople, coordinated with all nations, and created a prosperous age of Yao, Tian,Shun and RI. Confucius praised Yao, saying: "only heaven is great, only Yaois.". Emperor Yao died at the age of 114. So far, people call him "the year ofYao".

  The four ministers on both sides of Yao and Yao were called "fivephoenixes": Si Yue, the officials in charge of mountain sacrifice in Yao period.Houji was the minister in charge of agriculture. Xihe was an astronomer and anofficial in charge of the calendar in Yao Dynasty. Gao Tao, who was appointed asDali in the Yao Dynasty, was a minister in charge of criminal law. He was a lawenforcer and was fair and honest. It is said that "painting the land as aprison" was his people's idea.

  Guangyun hall is the main hall of Yao temple complex. The project is anational key restoration project with a construction area of more than 2400square meters and a construction cost of 1.05 million yuan (1983 cost). Thebuilding is a large wooden building without brackets in Qing Dynasty. Mr. FengDongqing, a senior expert of Shanxi Institute of ancient architectureprotection, presided over the survey, restoration design and engineeringtechnical guidance according to the current components and historical data. Thedesign period of the project is from June 1983 to July 1987.


  Yao's palace was built in the reign of emperor Linde of Tang Dynasty (664AD). There are statues of Emperor Yao and his wife, the deer fairy. It is saidthat not long after Emperor Yao's capital was set in Pingyang, he went to thefairy cave to inspect the people's feelings and met the deer fairy. They fell inlove and got married. The place where they got married was in Luxian cave. Onthe night of marriage, the mountain peak on the opposite side was red, like acandle. Since then, people called the cave where Emperor Yao and his wife gotmarried separately as "bridal chamber", and there was a saying that the bridalchamber was a night of flowers and candles in the world. Therefore, the houseswhere Chinese people got married were all called "bridal chamber".

  Ancestor worship Hall

  Chinese people have the virtue of worshiping their ancestors since ancienttimes. Yao, Shun and Yu are the common ancestors of the Chinese nation and thegreat ancestors. The ancestral hall of Yao temple is the hall where the Chinesepeople worship their ancestors. It is dedicated to the tablets of surnames ofthe descendants of Emperor Yao, Shun and Yu, covering most of the thousands ofsurnames. In the cultural hall of ancestor worship, we can understand ourancestors, know our roots, and find the roots of blood, the soul of spirit, andthe source of ancestor culture.

  Yushun Hall

  The architectural style of Shun hall is the pattern of Ming and QingDynasties. It is a double eaves Xieshan style with a height of 15.5 meters. Inthe hall, the statue of Yushun is 3.5 meters high, which breaks the color ofdeification and officialdom, and is designed and sculpted with the image ofhuman ancestors. Yao visited Shun when he was in power for 70 years. After threeyears of investigation, Shun assisted the government for 20 years, abdicated toshun, and died eight years later. Shun followed Emperor Yao and abdicated thethrone to Yu in his old age. This is the "abdication of Yao and Shun" in Chinesehistory.

  The surname of Shun is Yao, and his name is Chonghua. He belongs to the Yufamily, so he is called Yushun. After taking over the throne of Yao, Shundeveloped production, built water conservancy, reduced punishment, widelypromoted benevolent government, made the country peaceful and peaceful, andmanaged the country in a peaceful and prosperous age. Shun was famous for hisfilial piety at the age of 20. At the age of 30, Yao used him. At the age of 50,he was the emperor's official. At the age of 61, he succeeded Yao to the throneof God. When he ascended the throne for 39 years, he visited the South and diedin Cangwu. He was buried in Jiuyi mountain in the south of the YangtzeRiver.

  Dayu Hall

  The architectural style of Dayu hall is the pattern of the Ming and QingDynasties. It is a double eaves Xieshan style with a height of 15.5 meters. Thesurname of Yu is Si, and his name is Wenming. Yao appointed him to control theflood, and he used the method of blocking to control the flood. As a result, hefailed and was exiled to Yushan and died. Shun recommended Yu for flood control.After being ordered, Yu worked hard and managed the water for 13 years. Hetraveled all over Kyushu and never entered. He successively opened ninemountains, dredged nine lakes, dredged nine rivers, and delimited the boundariesof Kyushu. Finally, he completed the great cause of controlling the soil andwater, and was loved by the common people. So Emperor Shun abdicated hisposition to Yu. When Shun died, Yu was the son of heaven, and his name was XiaHou, so Yu was also called Xia Yu. The statue of Dayu in the hall is 3.5 metershigh, which is based on "Dayu's flood control", highlighting the ancestors'contribution to agricultural water conservancy. The statue is simple andnatural, closer to us, and fully reflects the characteristics of the ancestraltemple of Yao temple.

  Chinese Emperor Yao bell

  The huadiyao bell, weighing 21 tons, is hung in the tower, which means itwas cast in the 21st century. It is 366 cm high, symbolizing 366 days in thelunar calendar. It is 240 cm in diameter, symbolizing 24 festivals in a year. Ithas 12 teeth, implying 12 months in a year; The clock face is inlaid with eightpatterns: Houyi shooting the sun, Dayu controlling the flood, Xihe making thecalendar, gaotao pine judgment, hehe discussing politics, Ligeng Luqiu, Lishanvisiting the sages, abdicating Yushun. It shows rich Yao culture, praises theachievements and virtues of the "three saints", and praises the prosperous YaoTianshun day.

  "Yaodianbi" corridor

  "Yao Dian wall" is located in the east of Yao palace. It is 300 meters longfrom north to South and 3.3 meters high. It is inlaid with 380 steles andengraved with more than 30000 characters. It is the first memorial wall carvedwith historical documents of Yao, Shun and Yu in China. It has high historicaland cultural value. The contents of the inscriptions extend from south to north,with both pictures and texts. They are pided into 13 parts, namely: Shangshu.Yao Dian, Yao Dian Tu Shuo, Shang Shu. Shun Dian, Shun Dian Tu Shuo, Shang Shu.Dayu Mo, Dayu MOTU Shuo, Shangshu. Yu Gong, Yu Gong Tu Shuo, Emperor praisingYao, sages chanting Yao, biography of Yao in Benji, comments on Yao in classicsand records of Yao in shizai, etc. "Yaodianbi" is a refined history of theachievements of the three sages, "yaodianbi corridor" is known as "the firstcorridor in the world".

  The best drum in the world

  "Chinese Emperor Yao drum" is called the first drum in the world. So far,there is no drum bigger than it. The drum is 3.11 meters in diameter and 1.2meters in height. Both sides of the drum are made of cow hide. It was recordedin the Guinness Book of world records in 20xx.

  Emperor Yao "dare to admonish the drum", speak widely, listen to the sage,accept admonition to eliminate the disadvantages, created the precedent ofdemocratic administration, and brought the flourishing age of "Emperor Yao andEmperor Shun". To set drums in the Yao temple is to carry forward the spirit ofEmperor Yao, inherit civilization and develop healthy atmosphere. This drum ismade by Xiangfen Hongyue drum factory. Factory director Wei Hongyue spent half ayear searching all over the country before he found these two pieces of cowhideand made this drum which symbolizes the democratic spirit of our ancestors.

  ornamental column

  The wooden piles on both sides of Yao hall are the "defamation wood" set upby Yao, also known as Huabiao wood. "Cihai" records: "Huabiao, also known ashuanbiao, is a wooden post used in ancient times to express the king's advice ordirection.". Yao was a wise monarch who started the Chinese civilization. Thepurpose of setting up the slander wood was to solicit public opinions and listento the opinions of the people, so as to improve the government. In order to getrid of everyone's scruples and achieve the goal that the speaker is not guiltyand speaks freely, we set up this libel wood specially. It can be said that"defamatory wood" is a preliminary evaluation of Yao's democratic politics. Withthe development of the times, defamation wood evolved into fine carved stonecolumns, forming a magnificent watch wrapped with dragons. However, it has lostthe original intention of Emperor Yao to set up defamation wood, and has becomean ornament of emperors' palaces and a symbol of emperors' dignity.

  Huabiao was created by Yao and began in the capital of Yao. In 20xx, webuilt a "Yaodu Huabiao" in Yaodu square, which is 21 meters high, implying the21st century; the column body is curled with the Chinese century dragon,vigorous and powerful; the roar at the top indicates the great rejuvenation ofthe Chinese nation; the base has the pattern of the great wall and the Hukouwaterfall of the Yellow River, symbolizing the long history of the Chinesenation and the eternal stability of the country, which is the first Huabiao inChina.

  Thousand family name memorial wall

  On the west side of the square in front of the gate of the Yao palace,there is a 6.6-meter-high, 100 meter long memorial wall of the thousandsurnames, which is shaped like the great wall and constructed of granite. It isthe most magnificent in the world. The commemorative wall is engraved with 1566surnames, carved in four traditional Chinese calligraphy styles of Zhen, Cao, Liand Zhuan, and inlaid with eight prominent characters of "Chinese descendants,the same root, the same ancestor". In front of the memorial wall, thelarge-scale bronze sculpture of "fallen leaves returning to their roots"symbolizes that the Chinese nation is far-reaching and deeply rooted, and hasstrong blood ties.

  Stereoscopic topographic map of China

  Located in Huabiao square, the three-dimensional map of China's terrain isproduced at a scale of one billionth. It covers an area of 9600 square metersand is pided into four color areas. The three-dimensional display ofmountains, rivers, plateaus, plains, lakes and islands is novel and spectacular.It can be called the largest three-dimensional miniature landscape of China'sterrain in China.

  Chart of 24 solar terms

  Yao appointed Xihe, Xizhong and others to observe the astronomicalphenomena. According to the law of the sun, moon and stars, he formulated thecalendar. A year takes 366 days as a cycle, and the remaining days are solved bymoistening the moon. This is the origin of the lunar calendar. Yao's calendarordered agriculture, improved productivity, and promoted the progress of humancivilization. Therefore, stone carvings symbolizing the sun, moon and stars andcalendar maps of 24 solar terms were carved on both sides of the Yaomenpassageway in front of the palace, which vividly displayed Emperor Yao'sachievements and made the ancestral Yao Temple more cultural.


