
时间:2017-06-08 03:15:47
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英语学习总结心得体会范文精选 篇一

Title: My Journey of English Learning


English is a global language that has become essential in today's interconnected world. Over the years, I have embarked on a journey of English learning, facing challenges and experiencing growth. In this essay, I will share my reflections and insights on my English learning journey.


1. Setting goals:

To begin my English learning journey, I set clear goals for myself. I aimed to improve my vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Setting these goals helped me stay focused and motivated throughout my learning process.

2. Building a strong foundation:

I understood the importance of building a strong foundation in English. Therefore, I dedicated time to learn basic grammar rules and expand my vocabulary. I started by reading simple English books, watching English movies with subtitles, and practicing speaking with native speakers. This foundation laid the groundwork for my further improvement.

3. Consistent practice:

Consistency is key when it comes to language learning. I made it a habit to practice English every day, even if it was just for a few minutes. I engaged in activities such as listening to English podcasts, writing short essays, and participating in language exchange programs. Regular practice helped me become more comfortable with the language and increased my fluency.

4. Embracing mistakes:

One important lesson I learned along the way was to embrace my mistakes. Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, and it should not discourage me. Instead, I used my mistakes as opportunities for growth. I sought feedback from teachers and peers, and I actively worked on improving areas where I struggled.

5. Immersion in the language and culture:

To further enhance my English skills, I immersed myself in the language and culture. I took advantage of opportunities to travel to English-speaking countries, where I could practice speaking with native speakers. Additionally, I exposed myself to English literature, music, and films, which helped me gain a deeper understanding of the language and culture.


My English learning journey has been a challenging yet rewarding experience. Through setting goals, building a strong foundation, consistent practice, embracing mistakes, and immersing myself in the language and culture, I have made significant progress in my English skills. I believe that with dedication and perseverance, anyone can achieve their language learning goals. English has opened up new opportunities for me, both academically and personally, and I am excited to continue my journey of lifelong learning.

英语学习总结心得体会范文精选 篇二

Title: Overcoming Obstacles in English Learning


English learning is a journey filled with obstacles and challenges. In this essay, I will share my personal experiences of overcoming obstacles in my English learning journey and the valuable lessons I have learned along the way.


1. Fear of speaking:

One of the biggest obstacles I faced was the fear of speaking English. I was often afraid of making mistakes and being judged by others. However, I realized that the only way to improve my speaking skills was to practice speaking. I started by joining conversation clubs and participating in speaking activities. Gradually, my confidence grew, and I became more comfortable expressing myself in English.

2. Lack of motivation:

There were times when I lacked motivation in my English learning journey. To overcome this obstacle, I found ways to make learning enjoyable. I incorporated English into my hobbies, such as watching movies and reading books in English. Additionally, I set achievable goals and rewarded myself whenever I reached them. This helped me stay motivated and focused on my learning.

3. Grammar and vocabulary challenges:

Like many language learners, I struggled with grammar and vocabulary. To tackle this obstacle, I sought guidance from teachers and used various learning resources. I practiced grammar exercises, memorized vocabulary lists, and read extensively. I also found it helpful to use English in real-life situations, such as writing emails or engaging in conversations, as it made grammar and vocabulary more practical and memorable.

4. Time management:

Finding time to dedicate to English learning was another obstacle I faced. Balancing work, studies, and personal commitments made it challenging to allocate sufficient time for English practice. To overcome this, I created a study schedule and prioritized my English learning. I made use of short pockets of time, such as commuting or waiting in line, to listen to English podcasts or review vocabulary. By being organized and disciplined, I was able to make consistent progress.

5. Comparison and self-doubt:

Lastly, I often found myself comparing my progress to others and doubting my abilities. However, I realized that everyone learns at their own pace, and it is important to focus on my own growth rather than comparing myself to others. I celebrated small achievements and reminded myself of how far I had come. This mindset shift helped me overcome self-doubt and stay motivated.


Overcoming obstacles in English learning requires perseverance, resilience, and a positive mindset. By facing my fears, finding motivation, seeking guidance, managing my time effectively, and believing in myself, I have been able to overcome the challenges that came my way. I have come to understand that obstacles are not roadblocks, but rather opportunities for growth. With each obstacle I have overcome, I have become a more confident and proficient English speaker. I am excited to continue my English learning journey, knowing that I have the tools and mindset to conquer any future obstacles that may arise.

英语学习总结心得体会范文精选 篇三

谈到外语学习,匈牙利有一位叫卡莫·洛姆布的人说:“我大致用了25年的时间学习了16种语言,10种达到能说的程度,另外6种达到能翻译专业书刊,阅读和欣赏文艺作品的程度。” “我把自己漫游外语天地所获得的心得体会总结为十条:







7、抄录和记忆句子和惯用语时要用单数第一人称,如“i am only pulling your leg(我只是要戏弄你)






