
时间:2015-09-04 07:10:30
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英语作文评语 篇一


In this essay, the writer presents a well-structured and coherent argument on the topic. The introduction effectively sets the tone and provides a clear thesis statement. The writer's use of language is precise and sophisticated, which adds credibility to the essay. The body paragraphs are well-developed, with each paragraph focusing on a specific point and providing supporting evidence. The writer effectively uses examples and personal experiences to strengthen their argument.

The essay also demonstrates strong critical thinking skills. The writer carefully analyzes the topic and presents a balanced view. They consider different perspectives and provide counterarguments to support their claims. The essay shows a high level of analytical thinking and logical reasoning.

Furthermore, the writer's use of vocabulary is impressive. They employ a wide range of words and phrases, which enhances the quality of the essay. The writer also demonstrates a good command of grammar and sentence structure. There are only a few minor errors throughout the essay.

In terms of organization, the essay is well-structured and flows smoothly from one paragraph to another. Each paragraph is focused and contributes to the overall coherence of the essay. The conclusion effectively summarizes the main points and restates the thesis statement.

Overall, this essay is a well-written piece that showcases the writer's strong analytical and critical thinking skills. The language use, organization, and logical reasoning are all excellent. With some minor improvements, this essay has the potential to be outstanding.

英语作文评语 篇二


In this essay, the writer presents a clear and well-organized argument. The introduction effectively introduces the topic and provides a thesis statement. The writer's language use is appropriate and demonstrates a good command of vocabulary. The essay is written in a concise and straightforward manner.

The body paragraphs are adequately developed, although some points could benefit from more supporting evidence. The writer effectively uses examples to support their claims, although more variety in examples would strengthen the argument. The essay shows a basic understanding of the topic and presents a coherent argument.

However, the essay lacks in critical thinking skills. The writer does not consider different perspectives or provide counterarguments. This weakens the overall strength of the argument. The essay could benefit from a deeper analysis of the topic and a more balanced view.

Furthermore, the essay contains some grammatical errors and awkward sentence structures. The writer could improve their grammar and sentence construction to enhance the clarity of the essay. Some paragraphs lack clear topic sentences, making the flow of ideas less smooth.

In terms of organization, the essay follows a clear structure, but the transitions between paragraphs could be smoother. The conclusion effectively summarizes the main points but does not provide a strong closing statement.

Overall, while this essay demonstrates some strengths in organization and language use, it lacks critical thinking skills and could benefit from more development and clarity. With improvements in these areas, this essay has the potential to be stronger.

英语作文评语 篇三

  1、You are an honest and hardworking girl. You leave me a very deep impression. No pains, no gains. I hope you will make more progress in English study in the future.

  2、You are an excellent boy. I appreciate what you have done in your handwriting and believe you will be successful on your study.

  3、You are a handsome boy. I enjoy your activeness on class. Wish you a glorious future.

  4、You are an earnest girl and dutiful on your job. Thank you very much for your assistance on my teaching. I hope you can make more progress in your handwriting. Wish you a splendid future.

  5、You are an active and passionate girl. I appreciate your participance in class activities. Wish you a happy life.

  6、You are a very careful girl. Your handwriting is a marvel of neatness and order. I am sure there is nothing difficult for you to overcome.

  7、You are a clever girl. I appreciate your handwriting so much. Wish you make more improvement on your study.

  8、You are a humorous boy. You may have some difficults on English, I hope you will make more progress in later day.

  9、You are a sunny boy. You are very active on class. Pay more attention on English grammar. Work harder and you will make more progress.

  10、You are an open-minded boy. I enjoy your activeness on class. Wish you make more improvement on English study.

  11、You are a hardworking girl. You have a gift for English study. Where there is a will, there is a way. Wish you a fantastic future.

  12、You are a straight-forward boy. I appreciate your creativeness on class. I hope you can make more improvement on your handwriting in later day.

  13、You are an earnest and hardworking girl. Your English is very good. I hope you can take part in more class activities. Wish you a terrific future.

  14、You are a shy but hardworking girl. Try to be more active on class. Be confident, you are the best.

  15、You are an honest boy. You are good at running and jumping. Wish you be a superstar in the near future on Olympics.

英语作文评语 篇四

  1. If Xu juanxiu handwriting, clear and tidy structure, can not help but give people a feeling of fresh and refreshing, this point the teacher really should learn from you. Let us promote each other in the future Chinese learning, ok?

  2. The style is the man, and your writing is as simple and open-minded as you are. Your composition skills are very good, which is the crystallization of your long-term training. I hope you can feel and appreciate life with your heart and write more touching articles in your future study.

  3. Writing speaks, and I think writing is a reflection of your soul. The road of life is indeed very tortuous, also very long, but as long as you work hard and persistent forward, the crown of success will belong to you.

  4. Literature is a delight. Can not write a composition as their own burden, but should be a positive state of mind and delicate brush to record their own heart process.

  It can be said that your article is full of genuine feelings. As a human being, failure is inevitable, and having the courage to face it is even more valuable. I believe in gold. There will always be a shining moment. I hope you adjust your attitude as soon as possible, you will find the sky is bluer.

  6. You write like a charm. You must have read a lot of literature. Such a rich content, but also shows your literary background. But if the material is adjusted in a certain logical order, this article will be more wonderful.

  7 read your article, as if the eyes flow through a stream, pure, lovely. I hope you can keep this style of writing and express rich connotations in pure language.

  8. Composition as a person, from your life experience can be seen that you are a positive and aspirant good young man, you see things have their own unique views, a deep understanding, is really commendable.

  This article with specific examples vivid beautiful language novel and unique writing method to express the sincere praise to the beautiful mind

  10. The beginning of the article is simple and appropriate. It is artistic to set off the mood of the characters through the description of the environment.

英语作文评语 篇五

  1. The composition is based on novel materials, wonderful ideas and lively language. Between the lines revealed a new breath of life and children's taste.

  The article describes the events in the order of development... The language is more fluent, the hierarchy is more clear, and it seems to be happy from beginning to end.

  3. The rhythm of the text is bright and the language is fresh. It is always filled with humor and wit.

  4. Full text narrative focus not branch not tendran simple language fluent feelings sincere moving.

  5. The tone of the whole article is light-hearted and humorous. It is interesting to read.

  6. The author has a clever idea and is good at choosing points to unfold the ups and downs of his writing.

  7. A number of commendable sentences add some literary spice to the article.

  8. Close with an implicit theme

  9. It ended a little too abruptly

  10. The ending is succinct and touching

  11. The ending is also fun

  12. The closing echo should start with a complete structure

  13 from the scene to the end of the natural

  14. The metaphor is appropriate and wonderful ending is the punchline

  15. The ending seems to be unfinished, and the beginning should be observed and described vividly

  16. The conclusion echoes the topic and points out the central point

  17. The beginning of the article is simple and appropriate, and the mood of the characters is set off by the description of the environment, which is very artistic, complicated and not disorderly. It can be detailed and concise, with proper emphasis, and the ending is just the right place, clear and central

  18. Start with feeling and end with feeling, which makes the article coherent before and after and at the same time makes the theme of the article repeat again and again and has a strong appeal

  19. Describe with great passion... Start short and to the point, focus on the right details and be specific

  20. The article's opinion on... To the point of the article... The delicate and vivid portrayal of the lofty concept is admirable

英语作文评语 篇六

  1. It contains a simple and profound philosophy that is practical and inspiring to read

  2. Close-up shots unique and interesting full text full of childlike innocence childlike fun to read more intimate

  This article is full of passion. You can feel the young author's enthusiasm for... The full text of the love of the hierarchical clear sentence fluency

  4. Case description vivid concrete interesting strong and with the previous metaphor... Finally, in a few words, author shows his appreciation for... The emotion of "is moving

  5. The article's language is fresh and lively, and the description can capture the main features of things. The short and concise length is worth reading

  6. The content is close to modern life, novel and unique, grasping the pulse of The Times, and doing the atmosphere of The Times.

  7 clear veins, a strong sense of hierarchy, gas said orderly, not messy.

  8. Be detailed and concise, prioritize and think clearly. Carefully selected, the material seems to be tailored to the subject.

  9. The narrative is detailed and specific, the details are vivid and lifelike, the personalities of the characters are bright and prominent, and the images are plump and vivid.

  10. The mood of the characters is set off by the environment, the scene is blended, the situation is now in the scene, the scene is now.

  11. Rich imagination, strange ideas and not porced from the real life, connected with the life of the association, broaden the reader's thinking, let a person feel lively and interesting.

  The scenery description is vivid and lifelike, the words and sentences are appropriate and appropriate, the scenery is born with emotion, and the scene blends with each other, presenting to the reader just like a vivid painting of life.

  13 fantastic imagination, not only from life, do not lose the real life, but also higher than life, broaden the horizons of readers, full of artistic charm.

  14. The description of the process of the event is detailed and detailed. Although there are many contents, it seems orderly and orderly, which reflects the author's clear thinking and ability of planning and layout.

  15. The description of the appearance is vivid, the appearance of the characters is lifelike, and the clothes are suitable, just like a mirror reflecting the character. It is really called "life based on each other".

  16. The description of the environment is objective and true. The environment serves the character's character and better explains the ins and outs of the formation of character's character.

  17. The expression description is vivid and vivid, with a few words, outlining the characteristics of the characters at a glance, and the behavior of the characters has a distinct and unique personality.

  18. The content before and after is not closely related, and some content is too isolated and not closely related to the main body of the article.

  19. The narrative is sketchy, with only a frame structure, and the characters lack distinct personalities.

  20. Poor planning and lack of clear priorities.


