
时间:2012-04-03 06:42:43
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挫折大学英语作文 篇一

Overcoming Setbacks: A Key to Success

Setbacks are an inevitable part of life. Whether it is failing an exam, getting rejected from a job, or facing personal difficulties, setbacks can be demoralizing and make us question our abilities. However, it is important to remember that setbacks do not define us. Instead, it is how we respond to these challenges that truly determines our success.

One of the first steps in overcoming setbacks is to accept them as a natural part of life. It is unrealistic to expect a smooth journey without any obstacles. By acknowledging setbacks, we can start to shift our mindset and view them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of the setback, we can focus on learning from our mistakes and finding new ways to approach the situation.

Another important aspect of overcoming setbacks is maintaining a positive outlook. It is easy to get caught up in self-pity and negative emotions when faced with failure. However, having a positive attitude can help us stay motivated and find the strength to keep moving forward. By focusing on the lessons learned from the setback, we can use it as a stepping stone towards future success.

Additionally, seeking support from others can greatly aid in overcoming setbacks. Whether it is talking to friends, family, or mentors, sharing our experiences and seeking advice can provide us with new perspectives and strategies for overcoming challenges. Surrounding ourselves with a supportive network can help boost our confidence and provide us with the guidance needed to overcome setbacks.

Lastly, perseverance is key in overcoming setbacks. It is easy to give up and lose hope when faced with adversity. However, it is important to remember that setbacks are temporary and that success often requires persistence. By staying committed to our goals and continuing to work towards them, we can overcome setbacks and achieve our desired outcomes.

In conclusion, setbacks are a natural part of life and should not define our abilities or potential for success. By accepting setbacks, maintaining a positive outlook, seeking support, and persevering through challenges, we can overcome setbacks and achieve our goals. Remember, it is not the setback itself that matters, but how we respond to it that truly determines our success.

挫折大学英语作文 篇二

Turning Setbacks into Opportunities

Life is filled with ups and downs, and setbacks are a common part of everyone's journey. While setbacks can be disheartening, they also present us with opportunities for growth and self-improvement. By adopting a positive mindset and proactive approach, we can turn setbacks into stepping stones towards success.

Firstly, it is important to reframe setbacks as learning experiences. Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, we should see them as valuable lessons that can teach us about our strengths and weaknesses. By analyzing what went wrong and why, we can gain insights into how we can improve and avoid similar mistakes in the future. This shift in perspective allows us to view setbacks as opportunities for personal growth and development.

Secondly, setbacks provide us with the chance to reassess our goals and priorities. When faced with a setback, it is important to take a step back and evaluate whether our goals are still aligned with our values and aspirations. Setbacks can serve as wake-up calls, pushing us to reevaluate our paths and make necessary adjustments. It is through these moments of reflection that we can discover new opportunities or even redefine our goals to better suit our passions and aspirations.

Thirdly, setbacks can be catalysts for innovation and creativity. When faced with a setback, we are forced to think outside the box and find alternative solutions. Setbacks often require us to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances. This can lead to the development of new skills, ideas, or approaches that we may not have considered before. By embracing setbacks as opportunities for innovation, we can unlock our creative potential and find unique solutions to challenges.

Lastly, setbacks can strengthen our resilience and perseverance. Overcoming setbacks requires determination and a positive attitude. By persevering through difficult times and not allowing setbacks to deter us from our goals, we develop resilience and the ability to bounce back stronger than before. These qualities are not only important for personal growth but are also highly valued by employers and leaders.

In conclusion, setbacks should not be seen as failures or roadblocks, but as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. By reframing setbacks as learning experiences, reassessing our goals, harnessing our creativity, and developing resilience, we can turn setbacks into opportunities for success. Remember, setbacks are not the end of the road, but merely detours on the path to success.

挫折大学英语作文 篇三

  “If you want to do a good job, you must first use a sharp instrument. ” How to use a sharp instrument? You know, honing my skills. It is the pain of broken wings that makes an eagle soar in the sky. It is the loneliness that makes a wolf soar to the moon.

  Perhaps, all kinds of this world, only through the baptism of pain, survival of the struggle, ultimately to succeed. Like a knife, more and more sharpening, more and more sharpening, until that edge, that towering, unstoppable. Soldiers, is the world‘s oldest occupation, since the birth of human beings, the figure of the military has never been hidden, because they can fight the momentum of who can hide? In this era, we see soldiers are so upright, so straight, I do not know how many parents want to send their children into the military camp.

  However, they only saw the Soldiers Upright Upright Upright posture, but did not see the camp in their distorted face, hoarse voice, do not know the soldiers, is an inch, a layer of grinding out! In summer, they braved the strong sun, bare shoulders, a piece of heavy wood let them hand to hand, heart to heart, in the playground running, shed sweat, shouting slogans, until collapse. In winter, they face the cold wind, still bare shoulders, body ice water again let them hand to hand, heart to heart, doing sit-ups, feel the cold piercing bone marrow, clenched teeth, shouting slogans, until collapse. At home, they have no time to honor their parents, no time to love their wives and daughters, can only bear the responsibility on this road in silence. Frontier, they can not play, they only eat cabbage broth, endure the discomfort and loneliness of the plateau, hold hands with the comrades-in-arms! Their pain, no one can bear, because there are hundreds of millions of families; their responsibility, no one can bear, because it is the happiness of hundreds of millions of people. However, it is also with heavy pain and responsibility, just cast this group of soldiers of iron will, which can support the country for the people a pure land, a piece of Blue Sky Immortal Great Wall!

  It is a experience of blood and fire honed legend! As a developing country, China has been experiencing setbacks and difficulties on the road to great power since its founding. In the early 1990s, China and Britain had dozens of negotiations over Hong Kong. The British side is in the exchange of Hong Kong sovereignty issue at every turn to make excuses, refused to hand over sovereignty. It became a national embarrassment. However, in the face of a national embarrassment, China has made no concession to lend Hong Kong another 50 years, as Britain had hoped. “Don’t take the road too far, ” said President Deng Xiaoping. “Do you want Hong Kong for 50 years, or do you want to have dealings with China in the future? ” The British Prime Minister, Thatcher, who was known internationally as the “Iron Lady” at the time, had nothing to say, it also makes the people of the country stand tall. But if such a thing was not long after the founding of the People‘s Republic, how could it be so simple? After a series of difficulties such as the war of resistance, the founding of the People’s Republic, the exploitation of oil fields, the making of atomic bombs, and the war of self-defense against Vietnam, China is slowly moving toward a powerful country and displaying its power to the world!

  On the issue of Spratly Islands with the Philippines, the Philippines, under the pretext that Spratly Islands has been close to the Philippines since ancient times, wanted to infringe upon Nansha‘s sovereignty, but was frightened to flee by the Chinese leader’s remark that “the Philippines has also been close since ancient times” , how dare you! I believe that China, tempered by countless difficulties, will be able to go higher and farther on the road to power. Those who build great things in ancient times are not only brilliant, but also tenacious. There is no lack of genius, but if you do not go through hardship, you can only be one of the people.

  The country, if can not experience domestic and foreign all sorts of worries, also can abdicate. Whets, can cause the blunt knife to retreat the rust, but the cold light clank! The Wolf King, also must start from the lone wolf.

挫折大学英语作文 篇四

  As the night lengthens and tears fall, even if there are tears left, another brand-new face will appear.


  “The eagle even refuels,” this call draws out from my dream, lies on the cold bed, the whole body feels the blood condensation, that is after the blood stagn

ates the newborn, thought of the instructor‘s words “the voice shouted hoarse, then continues to shout, it will recover naturally.” I want to say that even if the voice is hoarse and the whole body is sore, why not? In this social practice, what I exercise is a strong and unyielding will, so what is frustration?“There are many sad stories behind the 11th company. They are not the best. They will always experience so many setbacks.” the instructor said with emotion on the stage. In a moment, the sky and the ground are so quiet. It seems to devour our fiery heart, but we all laughed recklessly.

  The flag returned to us. It is not a flag, because it contains the blood of each and every one of us The “sword” forged in this way has soul. It takes courage to release the soul, but what is the source of motivation? Frustration.“So far, the lowest score is 11 companies, so the company commander can’t keep his promise.” tears can‘t cover it. 310 push ups. She didn’t hesitate to throw off her glasses and stride to the “fire pit” we recognized. She fell, which seemed to be very painful, but she couldn‘t see her expression. Maybe she would also complain that we didn’t fully devote ourselves to it.

  We were reluctant to bear hardships, but unfortunately for all this The consequences will only be borne by the company commander alone.Why does the setback always happen to our class? If it‘s the reciprocal integral rank from the beginning of the first row, we should do push ups, starting from 200, with a maximum of 10 for each class. It’s hard to imagine when we arrive at our class. She‘s just a girl. If someone else makes a mistake, even if she doesn’t arrive at the same time, she will pay a heavy price. The instructor will scold her severely, but she doesn‘t say a word.

  She says to us with a smile, “yesterday’s events have passed, today we need to work harder!” the condition for scoring is to have momentum, stomp, shout, But how can we beat a class with only 40 students? If we can shout out the voice of 50 people, they can shout out the voice of 60 people. There are not many girls in our class. As a science class, it‘s difficult for a large number of girls to scream. Our strong company commander is also a little girl.

  How can she lead us when she is under such pressure and setbacks? At this moment, she is still on the stage to fulfill her promise. Tears slide down. It’s calm, without any emotion. What is the frustration? There is no smooth story in the world. Let‘s start from scratch. “Instructor, I’m willing to take part of the push ups for my company commander.” In the end, the class won the setback with “our 50 push ups in exchange for one of the company leaders”. We hold tightly together and call for the flag of the eagle company. Yes! If the young eagle can become an eagle, it will also defeat the magnificent body of the cliff.

  If we want to change, we have to pay a price. The instructor began to give us a choice, “either to dissolve or to continue.” yes, we have to fight for a tone even if we don‘t fight for a bun. Why do we retreat? This time, under the eyes of all 15 companies, I Faced with this setback, we didn’t choose to retreat. Keep challenging! Just because we are the best!It‘s hard to write three patterns to match the shouting. The time for eating is so limited. We have to find time to draw our class logo. How can we wash the greasy rice bowl carefully? With the heavy footsteps, the front is still far away. We train repeatedly in this open space, and the people around us are all loud. It can be said that they are generous and excited. At the beginning of the competition, my fiery heart burns again, and everyone seems to be very angry Nervous, I feel the shaking heart, afraid of falling down. I think we failed yesterday, but today we won’t be again?

  Besides, we don‘t all shout so loudly. Maybe some students think so. If it’s trying, I think it‘s just trying. Until I heard the hoarse voice of other companies one by one, I didn’t know that the proud ambition was so fragile. If we didn‘t strengthen our team, how can we call it the eagle company? Sure enough, we ignored the setbacks, and our flag was mercilessly lowered, just like plucking our wings, baking on the fire, tearing up our hopes and twisting all the meridians. All people are like being drawn blood, without blood color, holding up the bare flagpole, standing next to the neighbors, that is the flying red flag, gathering their wisdom and sweat, they quietly left, leaving us in this cold country. Maybe it’s the same with the mother eagle who left her children. However, we won‘t give up or flinch.It’s half an hour to fight again. I said to myself that I could hoarse my voice and break my foot, but if I didn‘t get the flag back, I would be a chicken that would never fly.

  I don’t want to be a hunter of prey, holding a kind of dispensable psychology, but to be a hare of running, to escape all obstacles for life, our sharp and harsh voice came out, the instructor nodded happily, and we didn‘t feel the dryness of our throat. The flag has been floating in our hearts, and now it can also be touched.There are many sad stories behind company 11. They are not the best. They always experience so many setbacks, but they do not flinch,

挫折大学英语作文 篇五

  Frustration Education should be Strengthened among College Students

  It is universally acknowledged that college students should be guided correctly to face frustrations in life.Frustration is inevitable during our life, and frustration education should be carried out among colleges and universities.The truth of it is deep and profound.

  A great many remarkable illustrations contribute to this argument.A case in point is that there are an increasing number of college students committing suicide each year when confronted with some kind of frustration.This is close to suggest that strengthening frustration education allows of no delay.As a matter of fact,it seems that successful people tend to be good at dealing with frustrations. Moreover,most of the students are often annoyed and discouraged by frustrations instead of drawing lessons.

  Judging from the evidence offered,we might safely draw the conclusion that frustration education is essential to the college students.But what is worth noting is colleges should also provide psychological service for the students while giving frustration education.To conclude,college students should be guided in the right path when facing setbacks in life.




挫折大学英语作文 篇六

  No one likes failure in his life. But not all can always succeed. Its a pity that someone will never stand up after a failure. We must learn to accept failure. After all, failure is not always a bad thing. We can learn something from it. Just as the saying goes, Failure is the mother of success. We can know our own shortcomings and learn some experiences from a real failure, ff we made up our minds to start again, it will be easier to succeed next time. Furthermore, failure can make our will ber.


