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读研还是找工作大学英语作文带翻译 篇一

Title: Pursuing Graduate Studies or Finding a Job

In recent years, the choice between pursuing graduate studies or finding a job after graduating from university has become a topic of great debate among students and parents. Some argue that furthering one's education by pursuing a master's degree or a PhD is crucial for career advancement, while others believe that gaining practical work experience is more valuable. In my opinion, the decision between pursuing graduate studies or finding a job depends on individual circumstances and goals.

One reason why some students choose to pursue graduate studies is the belief that advanced degrees can lead to better job opportunities and higher salaries. In today's competitive job market, having a master's or a PhD can give candidates a competitive edge, especially in fields that require specialized knowledge or research skills. Furthermore, graduate programs often provide opportunities for networking and internships, which can further enhance a student's career prospects.

On the other hand, finding a job immediately after graduation has its own advantages. By entering the workforce, students can gain valuable work experience that cannot be obtained through academic studies alone. This practical experience can help them develop important skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, and communication, which are highly valued by employers. Additionally, earning a steady income allows individuals to become financially independent and start building their own lives.

Ultimately, the decision between pursuing graduate studies or finding a job should be based on individual goals and aspirations. If a student is passionate about a specific field and has a clear career path in mind, pursuing higher education may be the right choice. On the other hand, if a student is eager to gain practical experience and start earning a living, finding a job may be a more suitable option.

In conclusion, the choice between pursuing graduate studies or finding a job after university is a personal decision that depends on various factors. Both paths have their own advantages and disadvantages, and individuals should carefully consider their long-term goals and aspirations before making a decision. Ultimately, what matters most is choosing a path that aligns with one's passion and leads to personal and professional fulfillment.

读研还是找工作大学英语作文带翻译 篇二

Title: The Benefits of Pursuing Graduate Studies

In recent years, the pursuit of graduate studies has become increasingly popular among university graduates. While some argue that finding a job immediately after graduation is more practical, I believe that pursuing a master's degree or a PhD can offer numerous benefits that can greatly enhance one's career prospects.

One of the main advantages of pursuing graduate studies is the opportunity to gain specialized knowledge and skills in a specific field. Graduate programs are designed to provide in-depth education and training, allowing students to become experts in their chosen area. This expertise can make graduates more competitive in the job market, especially in fields that require advanced knowledge or research skills.

Furthermore, pursuing graduate studies can open doors to various career opportunities. Many companies and organizations value candidates with advanced degrees, as they are seen as more dedicated, committed, and capable of handling complex tasks. Additionally, graduate programs often provide students with networking opportunities, allowing them to connect with professionals in their field and potentially secure job offers or internships.

Another benefit of pursuing graduate studies is the opportunity for personal and intellectual growth. Graduate programs often involve conducting research, writing dissertations, and engaging in academic discussions, which can help students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. Moreover, the rigorous nature of graduate studies can foster perseverance, determination, and the ability to work independently, all of which are highly valued traits in the professional world.

Lastly, pursuing graduate studies can lead to higher earning potential. Statistics have consistently shown that individuals with advanced degrees earn higher salaries compared to those with only a bachelor's degree. This is particularly true in fields such as business, engineering, and healthcare, where specialized knowledge and expertise are highly sought after.

In conclusion, pursuing graduate studies can offer numerous benefits that can greatly enhance one's career prospects. From gaining specialized knowledge and skills to opening doors to various job opportunities, the advantages of pursuing a master's degree or a PhD are undeniable. However, it is important for individuals to carefully consider their goals, interests, and financial situation before making a decision. Ultimately, the pursuit of graduate studies should be driven by passion and a desire for personal and professional growth.

读研还是找工作大学英语作文带翻译 篇三

  It has always been a hot topic whether collegians should go on study at a graduate school or just find a job when they graduate. Some people think that students should broaden their knowledge circle and attend graduate school. Some hold that students should find a job to make a living. In my point of view, I’m for the former for I think student should keep on study to get more knowledge.


  To begin with, most students in college just have a comprehensive knowledge which is not professional, so they should keep on studying to become an expert in certain field. If they go to find a job after graduate, they may do a bad performance in the job because of the pertinency of the job. Therefore, students should attend graduate school after they graduate.


  Second, collegians can get a better paid job in the future if they attend graduate school. Generally, there are too many job seekers with bachelor’s degree, so they are paid little when they find jobs at the first time. However, students with master’s degree are paid more than the bachelor’s degree when they find a job for the first time. Moreover, many companies prefer to hire students with a higher degree, so the master’s degree holders will be the priority of recruiters compared with the bachelors.


  In conclusion, when students graduate, it is good for them to attend graduate school in order to become more professional in their area and get a better job in the future.


读研还是找工作大学英语作文带翻译 篇四

  In my opinion, becoming a member of the workforce is far less desirable than owning a business. Undeniably, enterpreneurship involves risks and entails hard work and determination. However, it generates greater satisfaction and a sense of acheivement. No glory without risk-taking is conceivable. Only when one is willing to take risks can one accomplish great things. Even if the business does not work out at the end, one can learn a great lesson from their mistakes. As such, the experience of setting up an enterprise is far superior to the secured but insipid life of a white collar employee.

  Nowadays there are many college students who choose to start their own undertakings instead of finding a job after graduation. The government encourages this practice, and provides many preferential policies and facilitation measures for college students. This phenomenon has aroused great concern from the whole society.

  However, why do so many college students take the way of starting their own undertakings? Firstly, college students are facing severe employment situations. Many college graduates couldn’t find ideal jobs, which forces them to set up their own businesses. Moreover, some ambitious college students are not satisfied with being employed by others. They want to develop and prove their talents by running their own businesses. Besides, the government’s encouragement and the media’s reports on college students venture stars have stimulated more college students’ enthusiasm to take this way.

  As for me, it is a good choice for college students to start their own undertakings. However, it is a very difficult cause, which needs firm determination, clear mind, ability to endure hardship and a feasible project. Therefore, think it over and make full preparation before you decide to start your own business.





读研还是找工作大学英语作文带翻译 篇五

  Which comes first in choosing a major : job opportunities or interest?

  As sophomores, we will soon be facing the choice of major, and we often discuss which comes first: job opportunities or interest?

  In fact, I chose now professional was considered for future employment opportunities. Some people think that interest comes first, they think if we don't choose they major we are interested in, we will not be enthusiastic to learn, and only interest can stimulate our own potential, our interest is the driving force of study, if we just want to take a job, then this choice for our short life is not much. But some others hold the opposite opinion, they think that the interest is constantly changing, and can be cultivated. Besides, being interested in some major doesn't mean that you can learn well, we can't find a good job in some neglected major if we do not learn well in the future.

  Maybe I am more interested in literature and politics, I think economic is a better for my future, I think I can find a good job in the future. This is my attitude to choosing a major.





读研还是找工作大学英语作文带翻译 篇六

  It’s very hard for college graduates to find a job, of course harder to get an ideal job. In fact, many factors contribute to the unfavorable situation.

  First, more and more students can go to college because of the being fast

  improved high education of China. As a result, there are more graduates every year. However, job vacancies don’t increase that fast. More people, less food, which is the exact description of the hard condition. Second, more and more people go on to pursue their master and doctor degree; more and more Chinese oversea students come back to China to hunt better working chances. It is sure that the competition is more and more fierce. Third, because of the fast development of science, technology, economy, society and the interchange of different nations, all units have higher requirement of their employees, for example, stronger ability and higher degree.

  In addition to the factors above, there are still more which bring hardship for

  graduates to find jobs. Nevertheless, how to solve the problem is more important. It is a good idea for the graduates to learn more knowledge with a higher degree and to practice and improve their capability of dealing with all kinds of situation,

  organization, having good terms with others and cooperative spirit. Besides, the government should try to and encourage all units to create more job vacancies for

  the college graduates. Of course, the graduates should have a proper attitude towards various jobs, but not always pursue those with higher payment.










