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初一英语单词 篇一


1. School(学校)- School is a place where students go to learn. It usually has classrooms, teachers, and students.

2. Teacher(老师)- A teacher is a person who teaches students in a school. They help students learn different subjects.

3. Student(学生)- A student is a person who goes to school to learn. They study different subjects and do homework.

4. Book(书)- A book is a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers. People read books to gain knowledge or for entertainment.

5. Pen(笔)- A pen is a writing instrument that uses ink to write. It is usually held in the hand and used on paper.

6. Pencil(铅笔)- A pencil is a writing instrument that uses graphite to write. It is usually made of wood and has a graphite core.

7. Homework(作业)- Homework is tasks assigned to students by their teachers to be completed outside of class. It helps reinforce what students have learned in class.

8. Test(测试)- A test is an assessment or evaluation of a student's knowledge or skills. It is usually done to determine the level of understanding of a particular subject.

9. Classroom(教室)- A classroom is a room where students and teachers gather for learning. It usually has desks, chairs, and a blackboard or whiteboard.

10. Friend(朋友)- A friend is a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. They are someone you can talk to and have fun with.


初一英语单词 篇二


1. Family(家庭)- Family refers to a group of people who are related to each other by blood or marriage. It includes parents, siblings, and sometimes extended relatives.

2. Home(家)- Home is a place where a person or a family lives. It provides shelter, comfort, and a sense of belonging.

3. Cat(猫)- Cat is a small domesticated carnivorous mammal. It is often kept as a pet and is known for its independent and playful nature.

4. Dog(狗)- Dog is a domesticated mammal that is commonly kept as a pet. It is known for its loyalty and companionship.

5. Food(食物)- Food refers to any substance that is consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It includes fruits, vegetables, grains, and meat.

6. Fruit(水果)- Fruit is a sweet or savory edible food product that is usually consumed fresh. Examples include apples, oranges, and bananas.

7. Vegetable(蔬菜)- Vegetable is a plant or part of a plant that is used as food. Examples include carrots, broccoli, and spinach.

8. Music(音乐)- Music is a form of artistic expression that uses sound and rhythm to create an emotional experience. It can be listened to, played, or sung.

9. Dance(舞蹈)- Dance is a form of expression that involves rhythmic movement of the body. It is often performed to music and can be a form of entertainment or a cultural tradition.

10. Game(游戏)- Game refers to any activity that is played for entertainment or competition. It often involves rules and can be played alone or with others.


初一英语单词 篇三

  *past adj. & n. 过去(的)prep. 超过…… (JH7B M8 P50)

  was 动词be (am, is) 的过去式 (JH7B M8 P50)

  *born (动词bear/be[(r)/ 的过去分词)出生 (JH7B M8 P50)

  be born 出生于 (JH7B M8 P50)

  founder n. 创建者 (JH7B M8 P50)

  scientist n. 科学家 (JH7B M8 P50)

  professor n. 教授 (JH7B M8 P50)

  were 动词be (-are) 的过去式 (JH7B M8 P50)

  strict adj. 严格的; 严厉的 (JH7B M8 P50)

  *nice adj. 友好的,令人愉快的 (JH7B M8 P50)

  friedly adj. 友好的 (JH7B M8 P50)

  *naughty adj. 淘气的 (JH7B M8 P50)

  primary adj. 初等的,初级的 (JH7B M8 P50)

  primary school 小学 (JH7B M8 P50)

  well-behaved adj. 有礼貌的,循规蹈矩的 (JH7B M8 P50)

  hey int. 嘿;喂 (JH7B M8 P50)

  province n. 省;省份 (JH7B M8 P50)

  Mrs n. 夫人,太太 (JH7B M8 P51)

  president n. 总统 (JH7B M8 P52)

  *with prep. 带有;和……在一起 (JH7B M8 P52)

  *store n. 商店 (JH7B M8 P52)

  movie n. 电影 (JH7B M8 P52)

  *baseball n. 棒球 (JH7B M8 P52)

  living room 起居室 (JH7B M8 P52)


 *kitchen n. 厨房 (JH7B M8 P52)

  bathroom n. 浴室 (JH7B M8 P52)

  bedroom n. 卧室 (JH7B M8 P52)

  wall n. 墙 (JH7B M8 P52)

  poster n.招贴画,海报 (JH7B M8 P52)

  garden n. 花园 (JH7B M8 P52)

  *pond n. 池塘 (JH7B M8 P52)

  *fish n. 鱼;鱼肉 (JH7B M8 P52)

  back adv. 回(原处);向后 (JH7B M8 P52)

  go back 回去 (JH7B M8 P52)

  somewhere n. 某处;某个地方 (JH7B M8 P52)

  unfriendly adj. 不友好的 (JH7B M8 P53)

  partner n. 搭档;同伴 (JH7B M8 P54)

  character n. 性格 (JH7B M8 P54)

  *once adv. 曾经; 一度 (JH7B M9 P56)

  once upon a time (常用作讲故事的开头语)从前 (JH7B M9 P56)

  *bear n. 熊 (JH7B M9 P56)

  *begin v. 开始 (JH7B M9 P56)

  *decide v. 决定 (JH7B M9 P56)

  *ride n. & v. 骑(马;车等) (JH7B M9 P56)

  go for a ride 去乘(骑……) H7B M9 P56)

  golden adj. 金黄色的 (JH7B M9 P56)

  *little adj. 小的;矮小的 (JH7B M9 P56)

  pick v. 采摘 (JH7B M9 P56)

  notice v. 注意到 (JH7B M9 P56)

  *hurry v. & n. 赶快;匆忙 (JH7B M9 P56)

  knock v. 敲 (JH7B M9 P56)

  nobody pron. 没有人;无人 (JH7B M9 P56)

  push v. 推 (JH7B M9 P56)

  *open adj. 敞开的 v. 建立;开;打开 H7B M9 P56)

  enter v. 进入 (JH7B M9 P56)

  *count v. 数 (JH7B M9 P56)

  bowl n. 碗 (JH7B M9 P56)

  pick up 捡起 (JH7B M9 P56)

  all adj. 全部的 adv. 全部地 (JH7B M9 P56)

  hungry adj. 饿的 (JH7B M9 P56)

  rush v. 冲;奔 (JH7B M9 P58)

  *try v. 尝试 (JH7B M9 P58)

  destroy v. 毁坏;破坏 (JH7B M9 P58)

  unhappy adj. 不高兴的 (JH7B M9 P58)

  asleep adj. 睡着的 (JH7B M9 P58)

  *return v. 返回;归还 (JH7B M9 P58)

  cry v. 哭;喊叫 (JH7B M9 P58)

  point v. (用手指等)指 (JH7B M9 P58)

  without prep. 无;没有 (JH7B M9 P58)

  look around 向四周看 (JH7B M9 P59)

  die v. 死 (JH7B M9 P61)

  change into 变成 (JH7B M9 P61)

  emperor n. 皇帝 (JH7B M9 P61)

  January n. 1月 (JH7B M10 P62)

  February n. 2月 (JH7B M10 P62)

  March n. 3月 (JH7B M10 P62)

  April n. 4月 (JH7B M10 P62)

  May n. 5月 (JH7B M10 P62)

  June n. 6月 (JH7B M10 P62)

  July n. 7月 (JH7B M10 P62)

  August n. 8月 (JH7B M10 P62)

  September n. 9月 (JH7B M10 P62)

  October n. 10月 (JH7B M10 P62)

  November n. 11月 (JH7B M10 P62)

  December n. 12月 (JH7B M10 P62)

  go away 走开;离开 (JH7B M10 P63)

  actor n. (男)演员 (JH7B M10 P64)

  writer n. 作家 (JH7B M10 P64)

  play n. 戏剧 (JH7B M10 P64)

  poem n. 诗歌 (JH7B M10 P64)

  age n. 年龄 (JH7B M10 P64)

  at the age of 在……岁时 (JH7B M10 P64)

  marry v. 结婚 (JH7B M10 P64)

  move v. 搬(家);移动 (JH7B M10 P64)

  join v. 参加;加入 (JH7B M10 P64)



