
时间:2011-01-05 07:10:27
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初中英语搞笑话剧剧本 篇一

Title: "Lost in Translation"


- Tom (a clumsy teenager)

- Jerry (Tom's best friend)

- Emma (Tom's crush)

- Mr. Johnson (the strict English teacher)

- Mrs. Smith (the kind-hearted school principal)

Scene 1: English Class

(Tom and Jerry are sitting in the back of the classroom, whispering to each other)

Tom: (whispering) Jerry, I have a crush on Emma, but I don't know how to impress her.

Jerry: (whispering) Why don't you try speaking in English? Girls love guys who can speak English fluently!

Tom: (nervously) But I'm not good at English!

Scene 2: Lunch Break

(Tom gathers his courage and approaches Emma)

Tom: (nervously) Hi, Emma. How are you?

Emma: (confused) What did you say?

Tom: (trying to impress) I said, "How do you do?"

Emma: (giggling) Um, I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

Scene 3: English Class

(Mr. Johnson is giving a grammar lesson)

Mr. Johnson: (pointing at the board) Can anyone tell me what the past tense of "run" is?

Tom: (overconfidently) I know this one! The past tense of "run" is "ran"!

Mr. Johnson: (correcting) No, Tom. It's "ran".

Scene 4: Principal's Office

(Tom is called to the principal's office)

Mrs. Smith: (kindly) Tom, Mr. Johnson told me about your struggles in English class. I've arranged for you to have extra tutoring sessions after school.

Tom: (relieved) Thank you, Mrs. Smith. I really want to improve my English.

Scene 5: Extra Tutoring Sessions

(Tom attends the extra tutoring sessions with Mr. Johnson)

Mr. Johnson: (patiently) Tom, let's start with some basic vocabulary. Repeat after me: cat, dog, house.

Tom: (confidently) Cat, dog, mouse.

Mr. Johnson: (trying not to laugh) No, Tom. It's "cat, dog, house".

(Scene ends with Tom and Mr. Johnson laughing together)

(Scene 6: School Play)

(Tom is playing a lead role in the school play)

Tom: (speaking confidently in English) To be or not to be, that is the question!

(Scene ends with a round of applause from the audience)

(Scene 7: After the Play)

Tom: (approaching Emma) Hi, Emma! How did you like the play?

Emma: (impressed) Tom, your English was amazing! I didn't know you were so good at it.

Tom: (grinning) Thanks, Emma. I've been practicing a lot lately.

(Scene ends with Tom and Emma walking off together, chatting happily)

初中英语搞笑话剧剧本 篇二

Title: "The Mysterious English Test"


- Jack (a mischievous student)

- Sarah (Jack's best friend)

- Mr. Thompson (the English teacher)

- Mrs. Green (the school librarian)

Scene 1: English Class

(Mr. Thompson hands out the English test papers)

Jack: (whispering to Sarah) Watch this, Sarah. I've got a plan to make this test more interesting.

Sarah: (curiously) What are you going to do, Jack?

Scene 2: During the Test

(Jack starts making weird noises and pretending to struggle with the test)

Mr. Thompson: (annoyed) Jack, what's going on? Please focus on your test.

Jack: (innocently) Sorry, Mr. Thompson. I'm just finding this test too difficult.

Scene 3: The Mysterious Note

(Jack discreetly passes a note to Sarah)

Sarah: (reading the note) "Meet me in the library after school. I have a plan to make this test disappear."

Scene 4: After School

(Jack and Sarah meet in the library)

Sarah: (whispering) Jack, what's your plan?

Jack: (smirking) I've hidden the English test papers in Mrs. Green's office. Let's go and retrieve them.

Scene 5: Mrs. Green's Office

(Jack and Sarah sneak into Mrs. Green's office)

Jack: (whispering) Look, the test papers are in that drawer. We just need to grab them and leave.

(Scene ends with Jack and Sarah taking the test papers and rushing out of the office)

Scene 6: The Next Day

(Mr. Thompson discovers the missing test papers)

Mr. Thompson: (frustrated) Someone has stolen the English test papers! This is a serious offense. I will find the culprit.

Scene 7: The Confession

(Jack and Sarah feel guilty and decide to confess)

Jack: (nervously) Mr. Thompson, we have something to tell you.

Mr. Thompson: (curiously) What is it, Jack?

Sarah: (teary-eyed) We were the ones who took the test papers. We thought it would be funny, but we realize now that it was wrong.

Mr. Thompson: (disappointed) Jack, Sarah, your actions have consequences. I will have to report this to the principal.

(Scene ends with Jack and Sarah feeling remorseful)

Scene 8: Principal's Office

(Jack and Sarah are called to the principal's office)

Principal: (firmly) Jack, Sarah, I'm very disappointed in your behavior. Stealing test papers is a serious offense. You will both receive a punishment.

(Scene ends with Jack and Sarah accepting their punishment and promising to never do anything like this again)

Note: This comedy script is purely fictional and aims to entertain readers. It does not encourage or endorse any form of dishonesty or unethical behavior.

初中英语搞笑话剧剧本 篇三



  第一幕 开场白

  旁白:Long long ago there lived a beautiful princess, and there is a big family. But the hostess died. Her son is handsome and goodness. Her husband married another wife. The stepmother is very cruel to the son. One day their King will hold a ball and choose a prince for his daughter.

  B: Girls in the other side look at me, look at me, look at me …I am David, handsome and cool. I try my best to loose my weight for this ball. This is my photo three days ago.

  C: I am rich and humor. Look at my snow-white teeth, because I use the famous toothpaste---Peer.

  A: Oh, Can I go to the ball?

  B and C: No!

  B: Look at yourself. The clothes are so bad and dirty.

  C: Yes, yes.

  B: Your hair …(用手拨几下)

  C: What a mass!

  B: Your face

  C: Black and dirty, you seemed like a frog.(B拿出青蛙的.照片)

  B: How can you go to meet the beautiful princess?

  Stepmother: OK, children, let’s go!

  C: Mum, what about him?

  Stepmother: You, just stay at home to do some housework.

  A: But, Mum, I want to go there.

  Stepmother: Oh, OK.

  B and C: Mum, why do you take him? Don’t you think he will loose our face?

  Finally, they go without A.

  第二幕 仙女下凡

  A: Why Why Why I can’t go to join that ball.

  旁白: At this time a beautiful fairy appear.

  Fairy: Ahh, my poor child! What things make you so sad?

  A: The beautiful princess will held a ball, but my stepmother and my brothers don’t let me go there.

  Fairy: My good boy, let me help you. (拿出一套礼服)


  Fairy: Wait for a moment. Don’t forget your shoes.(拿出一双耐克鞋)

  A: Thank you, my respectful fairy.

  第三幕 一见钟情

  旁白:A is wearing beautiful clothes going to the palace as quickly as possible, but his brother and stepmother have already arrived.

  门卫:The next, the Trade’s first son.

  B: Oh, beautiful princess. I have greatly admired you for a long time, and you are like a Pizza in my heart.

  Princess: Please wait for a moment, what talent and skill you have?

  B: I’ll sing a song for you. (Singing) Only you

  Princess: Pass.

  门卫:The next. The Trade’s second son.

  C: La la I am a

  Princess: Pass.

  旁白:At that time A was appearing on the front door of the palace. All the people were shocked by his handsome and demeanor.

  A: Beautiful princess. Can I sing a song for you?

  Princess: Sure, please.

  A: (扶着公主从宝座上走下,两人目光对视,走成一个圈,开始唱歌)。

  旁白:All the people seem to disappear. Only A is left in the princess’s eyes. And so is the princess. Dang dang dang the clock strikes 12. A is waken from the happiness.

  A: Princess, I must go now. I am very sorry.

  Princess: Wait

  旁白:In a hurry A dropped one of his shoes. But the princess was following him.

  A: (A look at princess and that shoe he has to go into the forest.)

  第四幕 丢失的鞋

  旁白:The next morning, the guard brings the shoe to the princess.

  侍卫:My princess, this is the shoe left by Yang Master yesterday.

  Princess: That’s great! God save me! Go and declare: Whoever can wear this shoe will be my prince.

  第五幕 结局

  旁白:The guars declared this thing in the whole city and it caused a big sensation. The two prince of the Trade are more excited.

  B: Oh, it’s so beautiful. I’m sure I can wear this shoe.

  C: Do you think it is possible? Only I can wear that shoe.

  Stepmother: Stop talking, my dear sons. Go to get ready for it quickly. The guards will come in no time.

  旁白:A was sweeping floor more and more slowly. The guards came in.

  侍卫:This is the shoe. Come and try it.

  旁白:At this moment B caught it quickly, tried it and murmured.

  B: why can’t I put it on?

  Stepmother: My dear, let me help you.

  旁白:The mother pulled B to t

he corner cutting his toe. Then B put the shoe very hardly.

  B: My princess, let’s go.(一瘸一拐)

  Princess: No, you are not my prince. Take off the shoe.

  C: Let me try. Let me try. (murmuring)I cannot wear it either.

  旁白:The mother pulled C to the corner again, and cut his heel.

  C: My princess, let’s go.

  Princess: No, you are not my prince, either. (一瘸一拐)

  侍卫:Who else doesn’t try to put on the shoe here?

  A: (In a low voice) Let me have a try.(A put the shoe without any difficulty. It just fit him. And A took off his dirty clothes again.)

  Princess: Wow, you are my prince.

  Princess and Prince got married. Then they live together and they are very happy.


