
时间:2018-04-05 05:10:22
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圣诞节的由来中英对照版 篇一








The Origin of Christmas

Christmas is a holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and is one of the most important festivals in Christianity. It originated from Christian traditions but has now become a global holiday with both religious and cultural significance. During this special time, people exchange gifts and blessings to express their love and care for one another.

The origin of Christmas can be traced back to the ancient Roman Empire in the 4th century BC. At that time, the Romans celebrated a festival called "Sol Invictus" to mark the arrival of winter solstice, symbolizing the return of sunlight and the beginning of a new year. In 313 AD, Emperor Constantine the Great declared Christianity legal and established it as the state religion of the Roman Empire. Since then, Christmas began to be celebrated as the birth of Jesus.

In Christian doctrine, Jesus is regarded as the Son of God, and his birth is seen as a symbol of God's grace and salvation. According to the Bible, Jesus was born in a manger in Bethlehem, and his birth attracted the worship of three wise men and shepherds. This story has become an important part of the Christmas tradition.

With the spread of Christianity, the celebration of Christmas became more diverse. In Europe, people began to decorate Christmas trees during the holiday season and hang ornaments and lights on them. This tradition originated in Germany and later spread to other countries. In addition, people exchange Christmas gifts, hold religious ceremonies, and celebrate with festive activities.

The way Christmas is celebrated varies in different countries and regions. In the UK, people have Christmas dinner with roast turkey and Christmas pudding. In the United States, people hang up stockings in anticipation of gifts from Santa Claus. In Nordic countries, people light Christmas candles and sing carols on Christmas Eve.

In conclusion, Christmas is a joyful and reunifying holiday. It is not only a celebration for Christians but also a time for people to spread warmth and love. Whether in Christian or non-Christian countries, Christmas has become an important festival where people can relax and enjoy the festive moments.

圣诞节的由来中英对照版 篇二







The Cultural Significance of Christmas

Christmas is not only a religious holiday but also has rich cultural significance. Over the past centuries, the way Christmas is celebrated has changed significantly, incorporating traditions from various ethnic groups and regions, forming a unique and diverse cultural phenomenon.

Christmas is a time for reunion. On this day, families and friends gather together to enjoy joyful moments. People eat delicious food, sing Christmas carols, and share gifts, creating a warm atmosphere. This tradition of reunion is not only a custom in Christian families but also a common feature worldwide. Whether in Christian or non-Christian countries, people come together with their families during Christmas to share happiness.

Christmas is also a time for caring for others. During this holiday, people exchange gifts to express their love and care for one another. This tradition originates from the story in the Bible when the three wise men came to worship Jesus and brought gifts. Nowadays, people give gifts to their loved ones during Christmas to show their care and blessings. This tradition also emphasizes the love and generosity spirit of Christmas.

Christmas is also a festival that lights up the darkness. In the winter of the northern hemisphere, Christmas happens to be the longest night of the year. Therefore, people light candles and decorations during Christmas to celebrate the arrival of light. The Christmas lights on the tree and the decorations in homes are also meant to add to the festive atmosphere. This tradition represents the pursuit of hope and optimism and symbolizes the beginning of a new year.

In conclusion, Christmas is a joyful and heartwarming holiday with both religious and cultural significance. On this day, people can enjoy the happiness of reunion, convey love and care, brighten up the darkness, and welcome the coming year. Whether one is a believer in Christianity or not, Christmas is a special holiday that allows people to feel the power of harmony, friendship, and hope.

圣诞节的由来中英对照版 篇三





The name Christmas is short for "Christ's Mass". A Mass is a kind of Church service. Christmas is a religious festival. It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus. There are special christmas services in Christian churches all over the world. But many of the festivities of Christmas do not have anything to do with religion. Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the Christmas in the world.

The birth of Jesus had a story: In Nazareth, a city of Galilee. The virgin's name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph. Before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband was minded to put her away secretly. While he thought about these things, Gabriel, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be afraid to take Mary as wife. And Mary will bring forth a Son, and he shall call his name, Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.

Before Jesus births, Joseph and Mary came to Quirnius was governing Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went up out of Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and of the lineage of David, to be registered with Mary,

his betrothed wife, who was with child. So it was that while they were there, the days were completed for her to bedelivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

And that, Christmas is the feast of the nativity of Jesus, is on 25th, December every year. But nobody know the actual birthday of Jesus. And the Christmas has become popular when Christmas cards appeared in 1846 and the concept of a jolly Santa Claus was first made popular in nineteenth Century.


