
时间:2015-06-03 07:46:26
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机械设计专业研究生个人英语简历范文 篇一

Personal Information:

Name: Li Xin

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 01/01/1990

Nationality: Chinese

Marital Status: Single

Address: 123 Main Street, Beijing, China

Phone: (+86) 123456789

Email: lixin@email.com


To obtain a position as a mechanical engineer in a reputable company where I can utilize my skills and knowledge in mechanical design and contribute to the development of innovative and efficient products.


- Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China

September 2017 - June 2019

Relevant coursework: Advanced Mechanical Design, Finite Element Analysis, Robotics

- Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China

September 2013 - June 2017


- Proficient in CAD software (SolidWorks, AutoCAD) for mechanical design and drafting

- Strong knowledge of mechanical engineering principles and concepts

- Experience in conducting finite element analysis for structural and thermal analysis

- Familiar with manufacturing processes and materials selection

- Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills

- Effective communication and teamwork abilities


Intern, ABC Company, Beijing, China

July 2018 - August 2018

- Assisted in the design and development of a new product, focusing on improving its structural integrity and performance

- Conducted finite element analysis to optimize the design and ensure its reliability

- Collaborated with the production team to address manufacturing issues and improve the production process


- Design and Optimization of a Robotic Arm

- Led a team of four members to design and optimize a robotic arm for industrial applications

- Utilized CAD software to create 3D models and perform simulations for motion analysis and collision detection

- Conducted structural analysis to ensure the arm's stability and strength

- Design and Analysis of a Heat Exchanger

- Designed a heat exchanger for a power plant, considering factors such as heat transfer efficiency and pressure drop

- Conducted CFD analysis to optimize the design and improve its performance

- Worked with the team to fabricate and test the prototype, achieving satisfactory results


- Li Xin, Zhang Wei, "Optimization of a Wind Turbine Blade Design Based on Structural Analysis", Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 45, No. 3, 2019


- Chinese (native)

- English (fluent)


Available upon request

机械设计专业研究生个人英语简历范文 篇二

Personal Information:

Name: Wang Mei

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 02/02/1992

Nationality: Chinese

Marital Status: Married

Address: 456 Park Avenue, Shanghai, China

Phone: (+86) 987654321

Email: wangmei@email.com


To secure a position as a mechanical design engineer in a dynamic and innovative company where I can apply my expertise in mechanical design and contribute to the development of cutting-edge products.


- Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

September 2017 - June 2019

Relevant coursework: Advanced Mechanical Design, Finite Element Analysis, Product Development

- Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

September 2013 - June 2017


- Proficient in CAD software (SolidWorks, CATIA) for 3D modeling and drafting

- Strong knowledge of mechanical engineering principles and design concepts

- Experience in conducting finite element analysis for structural and thermal analysis

- Familiar with manufacturing processes and materials selection

- Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills

- Effective communication and teamwork abilities


Intern, XYZ Company, Shanghai, China

July 2018 - August 2018

- Assisted in the design and development of a new product, focusing on improving its performance and manufacturability

- Conducted finite element analysis to evaluate the structural integrity and optimize the design

- Collaborated with the manufacturing team to resolve production issues and improve the assembly process


- Design and Optimization of an Automotive Suspension System

- Led a team of five members to design and optimize an automotive suspension system for improved ride comfort and handling

- Utilized CAD software to create 3D models and perform simulations for dynamic analysis and optimization

- Conducted durability analysis to ensure the system's reliability and longevity

- Design and Analysis of a Pressure Vessel

- Designed a pressure vessel for a chemical plant, considering factors such as material selection and pressure containment

- Conducted stress analysis to ensure the vessel's structural integrity and safety

- Worked with the team to fabricate and test the prototype, achieving satisfactory results


- Wang Mei, Li Xin, "Optimization of a Gearbox Design Based on Dynamic Analysis", Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 48, No. 2, 2020


- Chinese (native)

- English (fluent)


Available upon request

机械设计专业研究生个人英语简历范文 篇三

Name: XXX Sex: Male

Political landscape: the age of party members: 23

National: Han origin: Wuhan ★ educational background

Jianghan 2002.09-2006.07 Wuhan University School of mechanical design and manufacture of machinery and automation

Study professional courses: Mechanical principle of mechanical design, mechanical drawing, machine-building base, testing technology in mechanical engineering, electrical and mechanical design system integration, process automation systems light, CAD / CAM technology, circuit technology, the principle of single-chip, numerical control technology , electro-mechanically actuated control, hydraulic and pneumatic drive, also participated in Training CAD, mapping mapping, metalworking practice, electrician training, production training, and has achieved fairly good results.

2007 to obtain Mechanical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and the theory of professional mechanical design graduate and was a full scholarship.

★ English proficiency

National examination results in English IV 82.5 points, six achieved 437 points, and examination through the National Oral English;

Have heard the basic reading and writing skills, can make use of simple day-to-day communication in English;

Basic reading materials and books in English and translated some simple English literature.

★ level computer

2 examination through the National Computer can skilled use of Office (Word, Excel), multimedia courseware and other office software;

Skilled operator can Windos2000, Windows XP and other operating systems. Familiar with the use of various types of computer software and operation.

★ practice experience

Professional: the backbone of the professional courses of study, the basis of their professional more down-to-earth, logical thinking ability, the ability to determine improved; through the production of a variety of internship and internship experience to visit, it has a certain amount of use of the knowledge to solve practic

al problems. Familiar with AutoCAD, Pro / E, Solidworks and other mapping software, will be a simple NC programming.

Other: good and Communication, communication, when the freshman class as a party branch secretary of the corporation to serve as junior class vice-squad leader, in life and all aspects of learning to help students solve many practical problems, by the Institute of leaders and students alike.

★ Awards

2002-2003 school year was "second-class scholarship schools," and as "Miyoshi school students";

2003-2004 school year was "first-class scholarship schools," and as "Miyoshi school students";

2004-2005 school year was "second-class scholarship schools," and as "Miyoshi school students";

In 2004 was named "social practice Summer Institute of advanced inspanidual";

Jianghan University in 2005 won the second math competition first prize;

2006 was rated "outstanding school graduates."

★ professional internship experience

Wuhan Evening News in 2003 to participate in the activities of young volunteers.

In May 2004 to the 3604 machine tool plant in Wuhan and Wuhan Cigarette Factory tour internship;

September 2005 to Guangxi Liuzhou Engineering Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd. internship; and Wuling SAIC company visits, the same month, to visit Wuhan Coca-Cola Co. internship.

★ personal description

I am cheerful and lively personality, character and easy-going, positive and motivated, responsible. Work free from anxiety, have the courage to delve into, the spirit of innovation, like the challenges, strong sense of team, a wide range of interest, usually like to play basketball, football, playing chess.


