四年级家长会英语老师发言稿 篇一
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good evening! I am honored to stand here today as the English teacher for the fourth grade students. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all the parents for attending this parent-teacher meeting. It is through our collective efforts that we can provide the best education for our children.
Over the past year, I have had the pleasure of teaching your children English. I am truly impressed by their enthusiasm and dedication to learning. They have shown great progress in their language skills, and I believe that their hard work will continue to pay off.
In our English language classes, we focus on developing the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We use a variety of teaching methods and materials to make the lessons engaging and interactive. Through games, songs, and role-plays, we create a fun and supportive learning environment where students feel confident to practice their English.
Apart from language skills, we also emphasize the importance of critical thinking and creativity. We encourage our students to think independently, ask questions, and express their opinions. We believe that these skills are essential for their future success.
In addition to classroom activities, we have also organized various English language competitions and events throughout the year. These include spelling bees, speech contests, and cultural exchange programs. These activities not only help students improve their English proficiency, but also broaden their horizons and enhance their cultural awareness.
As we move forward into the next academic year, I would like to express my gratitude to all the parents for their continuous support and cooperation. Your involvement in your child's education is crucial. I encourage you to maintain open communication with both your child and the school. Working together, we can create a positive learning environment and ensure the success of our students.
In conclusion, I want to thank you once again for your presence here today. Your support is invaluable to us as educators. Let us continue to work together to nurture our children's love for learning and help them reach their full potential. Thank you.
四年级家长会英语老师发言稿 篇二
Dear parents,
Good evening! I am delighted to be speaking to you today as the English teacher for the fourth grade students. I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of you and express my gratitude for your presence at this parent-teacher meeting.
As your child's English teacher, I have had the privilege of witnessing their growth and development in language skills over the past year. It is truly inspiring to see their progress and the effort they put into their learning. I am confident that with our continued support and guidance, they will achieve even greater success in the future.
In our English classes, we strive to create a stimulating and supportive learning environment. We believe that learning should be an enjoyable and interactive experience. Therefore, we incorporate a variety of teaching methods and activities to engage students and enhance their understanding of the language.
We focus on building a strong foundation in the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Through listening exercises, role-plays, and group discussions, students develop their ability to understand and communicate in English. We also provide ample opportunities for reading, both in and outside the classroom, to improve their vocabulary and reading comprehension. Moreover, we encourage students to express their thoughts and ideas through writing, fostering their creativity and critical thinking skills.
Apart from language skills, we also emphasize the importance of cultural awareness and global citizenship. We expose students to different cultures and traditions through stories, videos, and class discussions. By doing so, we hope to broaden their horizons and foster a sense of tolerance and understanding towards others.
Throughout the year, we organize various English language events and competitions to provide students with opportunities to showcase their skills and gain confidence in using English. These events include debates, storytelling contests, and drama performances. We believe that such activities not only motivate students to excel in their language learning, but also help them develop important life skills such as teamwork, public speaking, and problem-solving.
In closing, I would like to express my gratitude to all the parents for their continuous support and trust in our teaching. Your involvement and encouragement play a crucial role in your child's education. Let us continue to work together to create a nurturing and inspiring learning environment for our students. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to another successful year ahead.
四年级家长会英语老师发言稿 篇三
可喜的是我们老师看到了许多孩子进入四年级以后的进步,芊的“六本英语簿”和涛的“老师我可以在你身边做作业吗?” 洲和婷的兴趣组的英语故事的朗读 豪的预习,许多同学都能完成老师布置的预习作业.
本学期牛津英语4a一共10个unit,其中的unit 1到unit 4和unit 6到unit9是新授课,unit 5和10是复习课 牛津英语4a的unit 1 2 3 4 和6 7 8 9 单元各由六到七各板块组成, 第一部分是read and say是情景会话板块;第二部分look, read and learn 主要按话题归类和图词结合呈现词汇;第三和第四板块中的句型是每个单元的教学重点,一般都要求四会掌握;第五板块read and act板块的任务主要是培养学生初步的语感,阅读能力和良好的朗读习惯;第六板块listen and repeat 是语音训练板块;第七板块fun house是一个活动板块.教材要求教室注意培养学生良好的朗读和书写习惯.努力做到以听说助读写,以读写促听说
其次,帮助孩子建立和形成良好的英语学习习惯。可以这么说,良好的学习习惯是英语学习成功的一半。什么是良好的学习习惯呢?良好的学习习惯分两部分:一是课堂习惯,二是课外习惯。课堂良好习惯表现为:能集中注意力听,能积极大胆发言,能适时的做好必要的笔记。集中注意力听这点我觉得很重要,很多孩子在做题和考试中遇到困难,很大的原因就是上课没有专心听课,“都是上课不听惹的祸”, “适时作必要的笔记”这一点,对与成人来说是相当简单的,而对与一个十几岁的小学生来说,却有意想不到的难。他们或者忙于写,或者什么也记不到,甚至会起到影响上课的反作用,但这是孩子为今后学习必须掌握的一项课堂技能。现在我的要求是我的讲的时候要求学生认真听,我会留出时间给孩子们记笔记,并且我会检查他们的课堂笔记。课外良好的习惯表现为:1.能完成老师布置的预习任务(预习的要求是听磁带朗读,把不会的单词,词组或句子利用书后的单词表查好意思),2.能按时,保质保量的完成课外作业能自觉自发地进行听说读写的预习和复习工作;能自觉阅读和运用英语书籍(包括时代英语报、英语字典)。以上这些,其实是后续学习的预设,作用是不容忽视的。
合人脑遗忘规律的,效果要比过几天补好得多,这样课堂上默写的时候,学生就有底气,默写质量就很高,正确率高,也是一次小小得成功体验。久而久之,不仅打好了词汇基础,也培养了好习惯。这一点我们的大部分孩子能自觉做到并完成的很好,当然每个班级总有这样几个需要特别关注的孩子,需要老师给他们开“小灶”。开学初我在三一班找了上学期每天早上到我办公室默写单词的几个孩子闻他们这个学期还需要老师每天早上给你们默词吗?他们说不用了,他们现在可以自己完成了,我听了正是感到很欣慰,孩子们懂事了,知道学习是自己的事了,这是我们老师和你们家长最想看到的事.但是开学到现在我还是发现有几个孩子没有什么大的起色,我想和你们家长形成合力,让这些孩子也进入到自主学习主动学习的行列中,让他们也能尝到成功的滋味.2、关于课文朗读,在这里我不强调背诵 关于限时朗读(略)
(3)关于我的新尝试(略 见blog)