
时间:2015-02-06 03:44:21
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Title: Jack Ma's IPO Roadshow Speech - Part 1

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed investors, and distinguished guests,

Thank you for joining us today as we embark on an exciting journey towards Alibaba's IPO. It is an honor to stand before you as the founder and executive chairman of this remarkable company. Today, I would like to share with you the story of Alibaba, our vision, and the tremendous potential we see in the future.

Alibaba was born out of a dream to connect small businesses with global markets, to empower individuals and create opportunities for all. It all started in my apartment in Hangzhou, with a small team of passionate individuals who believed in the power of the internet. We saw the potential to revolutionize the way business is conducted and to level the playing field for entrepreneurs worldwide.

Over the past two decades, Alibaba has grown exponentially, expanding our presence across various industries, from e-commerce and cloud computing to digital payments and logistics. Today, we are proud to be the leading global technology company, serving millions of customers and businesses around the world. Our platforms, including Taobao, Tmall, and Alibaba Cloud, have become household names, synonymous with innovation, trust, and reliability.

As we prepare for our IPO, I want to assure you that our commitment to our customers and partners remains unwavering. We have always believed in the power of long-term partnerships and win-win collaborations. This IPO is not just about raising capital; it is a testament to the trust and confidence our customers and investors have placed in us. It is an opportunity for us to further strengthen our ecosystem, expand our reach, and continue driving innovation.

The future holds immense opportunities for Alibaba and the global e-commerce industry. With the rise of mobile internet and the growing middle class in emerging markets, we are witnessing a transformative shift in consumer behavior. Alibaba is at the forefront of this revolution, leveraging technology to create seamless and personalized experiences for our customers. We are investing heavily in artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing to drive innovation and shape the future of commerce.

I am often asked about Alibaba's competition and how we differentiate ourselves in a crowded market. Our competitive advantage lies in our customer-centric approach and our ability to adapt to changing market dynamics. We are not afraid to disrupt ourselves and embrace new technologies. We believe in constant innovation and continuous improvement. This is what sets us apart and enables us to stay ahead of the curve.

In conclusion, I want to express my gratitude to all our stakeholders for their unwavering support throughout this journey. We are excited about the future and the opportunities that lie ahead. Alibaba's IPO is not just an event; it is a milestone in our quest to empower individuals, businesses, and communities worldwide. Together, let us shape the future of commerce and create a better tomorrow.

Thank you.

Title: Jack Ma's IPO Roadshow Speech - Part 2

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed investors, and distinguished guests,

Welcome to the second part of Alibaba's IPO roadshow. Today, I will delve deeper into our business model, our commitment to sustainability, and the immense potential of the Chinese market.

At Alibaba, our business model is built on three pillars: e-commerce, cloud computing, and digital entertainment. These three sectors form the foundation of our ecosystem, enabling us to serve the diverse needs of our customers and partners. Our e-commerce platforms, including Taobao and Tmall, offer a wide range of products and services, catering to the unique preferences of Chinese consumers. Our cloud computing division, Alibaba Cloud, is rapidly expanding globally, providing cutting-edge technology solutions to businesses of all sizes. Lastly, our digital entertainment platforms, such as Youku and Alibaba Pictures, offer engaging content and immersive experiences to millions of users.

Sustainability is at the core of our business strategy. We believe that businesses have a responsibility to create positive social and environmental impacts. Through our initiatives, such as the Alibaba Poverty Relief Fund and the Green Logistics Program, we are actively working towards reducing poverty, promoting education, and minimizing our carbon footprint. We are committed to creating a more inclusive and sustainable future for all.

The Chinese market presents immense opportunities for growth and innovation. With a population of over 1.4 billion and a rapidly expanding middle class, China is a powerhouse for consumer demand. We have witnessed firsthand the tremendous appetite for digital services and e-commerce in this market. Alibaba is uniquely positioned to capitalize on this growth, leveraging our extensive infrastructure, strong brand reputation, and deep understanding of local consumer preferences.

As we move forward, we remain focused on our long-term vision of empowering individuals and businesses. We are investing heavily in research and development, talent acquisition, and market expansion. Our partnerships with leading global companies, such as Starbucks and Disney, further strengthen our position in the market and enhance our ability to deliver exceptional experiences to our customers.

In conclusion, I want to reiterate our commitment to driving innovation, fostering sustainable growth, and creating shared value for all our stakeholders. Alibaba's IPO is not just an opportunity for us to raise capital; it is a platform for us to showcase the tremendous potential of the Chinese market and the transformative power of technology. Together, let us embrace the future and shape the world of tomorrow.

Thank you.

马云IPO上市路演英文演讲稿全文 篇三


  Hello,i'm Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group。

  15years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream, that someday we can buildup a company , that can server millions of small business. Today , this remainour mission to make easy to do busines

s anywhere。AtAlibaba, we fight for the little guy, the small businessmen and women and theircustomers. our role is simple, through our ecosystem, we help merchants andcustomers find each other and conduct businesson their terms and in ways thatbest serve their unique needs. We help merchants to grow, create jobs and opennew markets, in ways that were nervier before possible。

  Today,15 years passed. We’ve grown so significantly and have become a household namein China. And soon, we are ready for the world to know us。

  Youwill hear details from our business later. But first let me take you on ajourney around China, to see some of the real people, real stories that Alibabahas impact on them。

  Iam proud to share with you these stories that show the heart and sprit ofAlibaba。

  I’mproud that we ignite innovation, create jobs benefit customers and help entrepreneursfulfill their dreams。

  WithAlibaba’s platforms, people are improving their lives today, and have hope fora better tomorrow. From our humble beginnings and throughout the past 15years.Alibaba has changed commerce in China. Our business has grown, but wenever lostsight of our customers, focusing on solving their problems, leads to the bestoutcome for our business。

  Alibabahas come a long way, but we want to be a company that can last 102 years. Westill have 87 years to go, and we believe one thing, “Today is difficult, tomorrowis more difficult ,but the day after tomorrow is beautiful ” . So web have towork very hard in order to survive the long journey。

  Todayis difficult, tomorrow is more difficult ,but the day after tomorrow isbeautiful。


