
时间:2011-01-08 08:24:16
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最新英文演讲稿开场白 篇一

Title: Embracing Change: Navigating the Future with Confidence

Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen,

It is an honor to stand before you today and address this esteemed audience. Today, I would like to talk about the importance of embracing change and how it can help us navigate the future with confidence.

Change is an inevitable part of life. From the moment we are born, we are constantly evolving and adapting to new circumstances. However, many people fear change and resist it, preferring to stay within their comfort zones. But let me tell you, embracing change is not only necessary but also empowering.

In today's fast-paced world, where technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate, it is crucial that we learn to embrace change. New technologies and innovations are revolutionizing every aspect of our lives, from the way we communicate to how we work and even how we think. By embracing these changes, we can stay relevant and thrive in this ever-evolving world.

Embracing change also allows us to discover new opportunities and unleash our potential. Change pushes us out of our comfort zones and forces us to confront our fears and limitations. It challenges us to think differently, to be more creative, and to adapt to new situations. Through change, we can grow as individuals and achieve things we never thought possible.

Moreover, embracing change enables us to overcome obstacles and face challenges head-on. Change often brings with it uncertainty and unpredictability, which can be intimidating. However, by embracing change and cultivating a positive mindset, we can turn these challenges into opportunities for growth and success. It is through these trials that we develop resilience and become stronger individuals.

In conclusion, embracing change is essential for navigating the future with confidence. It allows us to stay relevant, discover new opportunities, and overcome obstacles. Change may be uncomfortable and challenging at times, but by embracing it, we can unlock our true potential and create a future filled with possibilities. So let us embrace change, adapt to new circumstances, and confidently navigate the future ahead.

Thank you.

最新英文演讲稿开场白 篇二

Title: The Power of Unity: Building Stronger Communities Together

Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a privilege to have the opportunity to speak to you all today. Today, I want to discuss the power of unity and how coming together can help us build stronger communities.

In a world that often seems divided, it is important to recognize the strength that lies in unity. When individuals from diverse backgrounds join forces, incredible things can happen. Unity fosters collaboration, understanding, and empathy, creating an environment where everyone's voice is heard and valued.

Building stronger communities begins with recognizing our shared humanity. Regardless of our differences in race, religion, or socioeconomic status, we all have the same fundamental needs and desires. It is by acknowledging these commonalities that we can bridge the gaps that divide us and work towards a common goal.

Unity also allows us to pool our collective resources and talents. By working together, we can accomplish much more than we ever could on our own. Whether it is addressing social issues, improving education, or tackling environmental challenges, unity amplifies our impact and brings about meaningful change.

Moreover, unity strengthens our resilience in the face of adversity. When we stand together as a community, we are better equipped to face challenges and overcome obstacles. The support, encouragement, and sense of belonging that unity provides can make all the difference in difficult times. Together, we can weather any storm and emerge stronger than ever before.

In conclusion, the power of unity cannot be underestimated. It is through unity that we can build stronger communities, foster collaboration, and overcome challenges. By recognizing our shared humanity and working towards a common goal, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious society. So let us come together, embrace our differences, and build a future where unity prevails.

Thank you.

最新英文演讲稿开场白 篇三



  honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,good evening!I feel really honored to stand here and make a speech.today I"m going to look together with you into this question:……

  Good morning everybody!It's my honor to speak

here,and I am very glad to share my topic with you. Then today I'd like to talk something about.....


  Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the English Speaking Competition for Grade 2005. (掌声~~~) First of all, please allow me to introduce myself, your host for today. I’m Sammy from Cla6, Grade 2005.


  There are all together 26 contestants to compete in today’s English Speaking Competition, all from Grade 2005. And this competition will be mediated by a panel of five judges. Also on the panel are “question masters” who will be responsible for raising questions of today’s contestants. Now, I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges.

  (译文:角逐今晚比赛的有26名选手,他们均来自外院05级的同学。此次比赛我们邀请到了五名评委,五名评委中有两名是“提问员”,这两名“提问员”将对每位选手进行提问。好的,我很荣幸地向大家介绍一下我们的五位评委。 微笑状~)

  Ladies and gentlemen, MiLiu, (掌声~~~) welcome; MiLuo, (掌声~~~)welcome…OK, after introducing our judges, now let’s go over the rules of the competition.

  (译文:女士们,先生们,她们是刘老师,欢迎!骆老师,欢迎!…好的,介绍完我们的评委之后,让我们来看看今天的比赛规则吧。 微笑状~)

  Each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech and 2 minutes to answer questions raised by the judges.


  During the prepared speech, a staff member will raise a yellow board as a signal that there is half a minute left. Then, at the end of 3minutes, a red board will be raised to let the speaker know that the time has run out. So, please raise the red board. Thank you!

  (译文:在命题演讲环节,在选手的演讲时间还剩下半分钟的时候,我们的工作人员将会举一块黄颜色的牌子示意。当3分钟时间一到,我们的.工作人员会举一块红色的牌子示意时间已到。现在,工作人员示意一下下。谢谢! 微笑状~)

  Now the topic for today’s prepared speech is “Olympic Games, Beijing 2008”.


  Ladies and gentlemen, the top four winners today will be able to attend the College Final to be held on November 3rd.


  Now let’s welcome contestant No.1

  (译文:现在,让我们有请1号选手。 微笑状~)

  Thank you for contestant No.1, now let’s welcome contestant No.2.

  (译文:谢谢1号选手的演讲。接下来,让我们有请我们的2号选手。 微笑状~)

  Thank you for contestant No.2. Here, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.1 is 86.6. Congratulations! Now, let’s welcome contestant No.3

  (译文:谢谢我们的2号选手。女士们,先生们,下面我宣布1号选手的最后得分是:86.6分。恭喜!接下来,让我们有请我们的3号选手。 微笑状~)


