
时间:2012-03-09 08:10:18
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竞选学生会主席的英语演讲稿 篇一

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed teachers, and fellow students,

I stand before you today to express my sincere desire to serve as your student council president. I believe that being elected as the student council president is not just a position, but an opportunity to make a positive impact on our school community.

Firstly, I would like to address the importance of effective communication between the student council and the student body. As the president, I will ensure that your voices are heard and your concerns are addressed. I will actively seek feedback from all students through regular open forums and anonymous suggestion boxes. This will enable us to work together in finding solutions to the issues that affect us all.

Secondly, I am committed to fostering a sense of unity and inclusivity within our school. We are a diverse community with students from various backgrounds and interests. I will organize events and activities that celebrate our differences and promote a culture of acceptance. By doing so, we can create an environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Moreover, I believe that a strong academic foundation is crucial for our success. As student council president, I will collaborate with teachers to develop programs that support academic achievement. This includes providing tutoring services, organizing study groups, and advocating for policies that enhance the learning experience for all students.

In addition to academics, I recognize the importance of extracurricular activities in fostering personal growth and development. I will work closely with the student council to expand our range of clubs, societies, and sports teams. This will provide opportunities for students to pursue their passions, develop leadership skills, and create lasting friendships.

Furthermore, I am committed to promoting a healthy and active lifestyle among our student body. Physical fitness not only improves our overall well-being but also enhances our ability to focus and succeed academically. I will collaborate with the sports department to organize interclass tournaments, fitness challenges, and awareness campaigns on the importance of exercise and nutrition.

Lastly, I understand the importance of effective representation and advocacy. As your student council president, I will actively engage with school administrators, teachers, and the community to address our needs and concerns. I will ensure that our voices are heard and that our interests are represented in decision-making processes that affect our education and well-being.

In conclusion, I am dedicated to serving as your student council president. I will strive to foster effective communication, promote unity and inclusivity, support academic achievement, expand extracurricular opportunities, promote a healthy lifestyle, and effectively represent your interests. Together, we can make our school an even better place for all of us. Thank you for your consideration. Vote for me as your student council president!

Thank you.

竞选学生会主席的英语演讲稿 篇二

Dear teachers, fellow students, and respected guests,

I am honored to stand before you today as a candidate for the position of student council president. I believe that true leadership is not about holding power, but about serving others and making a positive impact on the lives of those around us. If elected, I promise to be a dedicated and passionate leader who will work tirelessly to enhance our school experience.

Firstly, I firmly believe in the power of teamwork and collaboration. As student council president, I will foster an environment where every student's opinion is valued and their ideas are encouraged. I will establish regular meetings with student representatives from each grade to discuss their concerns, suggestions, and aspirations. Together, we will create a shared vision for our school and work towards achieving our goals.

Secondly, I am committed to promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity. Our school is a melting pot of diverse talents, interests, and backgrounds. I will organize events and workshops that celebrate our differences and raise awareness about the importance of acceptance and empathy. By embracing diversity, we can create a harmonious environment where everyone feels valued and supported.

Moreover, I recognize the significance of personal and academic growth. I will strive to provide opportunities for students to develop their skills and talents outside of the classroom. This includes organizing leadership training programs, inviting guest speakers, and collaborating with local organizations to offer internships and volunteer opportunities. Together, we can build a strong foundation for our future success.

Additionally, I believe that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Physical fitness is essential for our overall well-being and academic performance. As student council president, I will work closely with the sports department to organize sports events, fitness challenges, and wellness workshops. I will also advocate for the improvement of our sports facilities to ensure that every student has access to quality athletic resources.

Furthermore, I am dedicated to enhancing the connection between our school and the community. I will initiate partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and universities to provide mentorship programs, career guidance, and scholarship opportunities. By bridging the gap between our school and the community, we can create a supportive network that empowers every student to reach their full potential.

In conclusion, I am deeply committed to serving as your student council president. I will promote teamwork and collaboration, foster a culture of respect and inclusivity, support personal and academic growth, prioritize physical fitness and well-being, and strengthen our connection with the community. Together, we can make our school a place where each student thrives and achieves their goals. Thank you for your consideration. Vote for me as your student council president!

Thank you.

竞选学生会主席的英语演讲稿 篇三

  My competition speech

  As we all know, the purpose of Students Union in our university is for students and serves students. I guess everyone in our university wants to have friendly social circles, exquisite campus, various students’ activities and interesting games.

  They are nice wishes that belong to students, and formidable duties that are taken over by the Students Union. But in achieving all these above, we have to establish a strong team in Students Union to organize, as I can see, and you are eager to take part in the sea of joy. Students Union is actually a powerful organization for what they do for the convenience of every student in our university, which has set an excellent example for other students’ organizations and prevails in the competition with them.

  But we all should notice that, in order to keep its vitality and energy, the Students Union need a awesome president as a leader to plan, to arrange, to organize and to supervise every details of tasks, games and activities, and he would be on duty from the second he is selected by you, sensible and wise students. Having experienced two years in Students Union, I have become mature and seasoned enough to continue in the more and more severe challenges no matter how difficult it is. What’s more, I am always a responsible man whatever the situation is.

  My sense of responsibility has shown in my work, and could be also proved by my prize for my contribution that I have made during the period

in Students Union. If you are in hesitation to select a good president, do not omit me as long as you remember me and my previous performance. No one has given his heart and soul to Students Union more than I have. Unhappily, sometimes you might be blinded by those people who want to grab your trust by speaking sugared words. But I am not a liar, and to lie is mot my style. You can trust me, and I would testify my responsibility and carefulness in the days that follow. I wish you could give me a chance to lead Students Union and create more wonders for you. I wish you could make a right decision.


  I am very glad to meet you all today. It is my great honor to stand here and deliver my speech. I recommend myself to run for a president of Student Union. To begin with, please allow me introducing myself. My name is Zhong Huimeng. As some of you may know, I am from Class 3, Grade 3.

  I run for president of Student Union because I have these advantages as fellow. Firstly, I have gained a lot of experience and received widely praise from classmate. In addition, I am a warm-heart girl and always help others. I always react to the needs of my classmates quickly. Secondly I ready to devote myself to student service career. Thirdly am good at organizing activities. I am sure that I am suit to this position. Looking forward to the future, if I am selected as the president of student Union, I will try my best to satisfy your demands and not let you down. On the one hand, I will invite more famous professors to give our lecture. On the other hand, I will organize more activities in order to communicate with each other. Furthermore, I will listen to the opinions of students wildly.

  I sincerely hope you will give me a chance. Please believe me that I will be a good president. Thank you for listening. Thank you!


  Thank you for coming to this election campaign today. With the trust and complete support of my team, I am delighted to announce that I am running for chairman of the Student Union. As a diligent man with pleasant personality, I have been always considered to be a good team member. Meanwhile, as a big fan of sports I fully realize the importance of teamwork and advocate the spirit of being quicker and stronger. I possess strong determination to take firm steps toward achieving the objectives of my team. In addition, my working experience with the Student Union in the past two years will be extremely helpful to my future work here if I get elected.

  A sign of a really strong organization is that it can change its leadership without hindering its progress and without damaging its values. If I am elected, I believe I have the capability to lead the Union to advance in the right direction. I will cooperate well with my fellow members of the Union and take innovative measures, including establishing a student-information center, forming a teacher-student-friendship association, to make the Union a true assistance to students' study and life here as well as a bridge of communication between teachers and students.

  Thank you very much!


