
时间:2018-01-07 07:12:33
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英语演讲稿:绿色北京绿色奥运 篇一

Title: Green Beijing, Green Olympics

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning/afternoon/evening! Today, I stand here to talk about the theme of "Green Beijing, Green Olympics". As we all know, the upcoming Beijing Olympics is not only a grand sports event but also an opportunity for Beijing to showcase its commitment to environmental sustainability.

Firstly, let's talk about why it is important to have a green Olympics. The Olympic Games attract millions of visitors from around the world, and it is our responsibility to provide them with an environmentally friendly and sustainable experience. By hosting a green Olympics, we can raise awareness about environmental issues and inspire individuals and nations to take action towards a greener future.

Beijing, as the host city, has made significant efforts to ensure the environmental sustainability of the Olympics. The government has implemented various measures to reduce air pollution, such as restricting vehicle use and improving public transportation. The city has also invested in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. These initiatives not only improve the air quality in Beijing but also contribute to the global fight against climate change.

Furthermore, Beijing has prioritized the preservation of its natural resources. The city has implemented strict regulations on water conservation and waste management. Efforts have been made to protect and restore natural habitats, such as the creation of green spaces and the restoration of wetlands. These actions not only benefit the environment but also enhance the quality of life for its residents.

In addition to environmental initiatives, Beijing has also focused on promoting sustainable practices beyond the Games. The city has implemented long-term plans to reduce carbon emissions and promote green industries. It aims to become a model for sustainable urban development, inspiring other cities around the world to follow suit.

As individuals, we also have a role to play in supporting a green Olympics. We can start by adopting sustainable habits in our daily lives, such as conserving water and energy, reducing waste, and using public transportation or cycling instead of driving. By making these small changes, we can contribute to a greener future not only for Beijing but for the entire planet.

In conclusion, hosting a green Olympics is not just about showcasing Beijing's commitment to environmental sustainability, but it is also an opportunity to inspire individuals and nations to take action towards a greener future. Let us all join hands and support the efforts to make the Beijing Olympics a truly green and sustainable event.

Thank you!

英语演讲稿:绿色北京绿色奥运 篇二

Title: The Legacy of Green Beijing, Green Olympics

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning/afternoon/evening! Today, I want to talk about the legacy of the "Green Beijing, Green Olympics" initiative. The Beijing Olympics was not only a sporting event but also a catalyst for sustainable development and environmental consciousness.

Firstly, let's discuss the immediate impact of the Green Olympics initiative. During the Games, Beijing successfully implemented various measures to reduce air pollution and improve the city's overall environmental quality. The temporary restrictions on vehicle use, the improvement of public transportation, and the closure of high-polluting factories resulted in significantly improved air quality. The blue skies and clean air during the Olympics were not only enjoyed by the athletes and visitors but also served as a reminder of what can be achieved through collective efforts and sustainable practices.

Beyond the Games, the legacy of the Green Olympics can be seen in the long-term changes that Beijing has made to become a greener city. The city's commitment to sustainable urban development has resulted in the creation of more green spaces, the preservation of natural habitats, and the implementation of renewable energy sources. Beijing has also continued to invest in public transportation, cycling infrastructure, and waste management systems, promoting a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle for its residents.

Furthermore, the Green Olympics initiative has inspired other cities around the world to prioritize environmental sustainability. Beijing's success in hosting a green Olympics has shown that economic development and environmental protection can go hand in hand. Many cities have drawn lessons from Beijing's experience and implemented similar measures to reduce air pollution and promote sustainable practices. The legacy of the Green Olympics extends far beyond Beijing and has become a global movement towards a greener future.

However, the legacy of the Green Olympics is not without its challenges. As Beijing continues to grow and develop, it faces new environmental issues and pressures. The city must strive to maintain and build upon the improvements made during the Olympics, ensuring that sustainability remains a top priority. This requires the continuous engagement and participation of individuals, businesses, and the government.

In conclusion, the legacy of the Green Beijing, Green Olympics initiative is evident in the immediate improvements made during the Games, as well as the long-term changes in Beijing's approach to sustainability. The initiative has not only inspired other cities but also serves as a reminder of the importance of collective efforts in creating a greener future. Let us continue to build upon the legacy of the Green Olympics and work towards a sustainable and environmentally conscious world.

Thank you!

英语演讲稿:绿色北京绿色奥运 篇三

honorable referees, distinguished contestants, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. i feel it a great honor to have this opportunity sharing my opinion of the green olympics with you.

in august ,2004, as the delegate of chinese teenagers, i participated in the olympic youth camp. from it, i learnt and got a lot.

in athens, i was not only intoxicated on its long history and the deep humanity, but also impressed by the citizens' environmental awareness and shocked by the passion of the locals' for environmental protection.

with fewer metropolitan dins can be found in athens, the streets are neat indeed, for you will see no wastes on the road there. moreover, i seldom saw cleaners in athens, which impressed me very strongly. because what this phenomenon reflected is a kind of quality, character and also a sense of responsibility about the environment. which means, keeping the city clean is not only a governmental behavior, but a habit in the daily life of every athenian's.

i still remember the picture that, an old lady took great trouble to bent over for picking up a piece of newspaper and sent it into a dustbin. when i asked why she did such hard work with her age.: "why not? " she said, just so simple. up to now, this picture still clearly exists in my mind for its embodied environmental consciousness and a national spirit.

throughout the days in athens, there were a series of educational activities about environment. in those items, we were working in groups discussing environmental problems of different aspects and also seeking the solutions. in addition, the items consisted of speeches of officers' of local ngos and the children's paintings exhibition as well. at the end of the activity, having reached common understanding, each of us has submitted suggestions and measures dealing with the promotion of the implement of sustainable development. i have to say, this series of activities really benefited me a great deal.

therefore, i have thought of beijing, thought of the year2008.

"green olympics" is one of three major ideas of running the 2008 olympic games. the main intension of this creed is to prepare and host olympic games under the guidance of sustainable development. and at the same time, try hard to improve the environmental quality of the capital.

actualy in beijing today. the sandstorm is coming

rare and rare, and the greenery area is keeping increasing year by year. no one can deny that these changes are the result of all the beijingers' efforts. it obviously states that through the application and the preparation for 2008, the beijingers' environmental awareness has been strengthened greatly. but as the case stands, we still have a long way to go.

as a middle school student of a new era, we should take part in environmental protection and the implement of sustainable development more widely and extensively. indeed, environmental protection should start from dribs and drabs, but it is not enough only to stay on the surface. we have to realize today's environmental problems more objectively and deeply .and we have to find out the obstruction and the danger we are facing. further more, only by considering the environmental problem as the point of sustainable development and globalization, shall we be able to arouse our consciousness and enthusiasm. i firmly believe that we will make the world a better place.

and now, i have a dream.

i have a dream that one day the earth will be free from contaminations;i have a dream that one day the nature and the human beings will coexist harmoniously and naturally; i have a dream that one day the blue sky and the verdure will always surround us; and i have a dream that one day the green will become eternity.

so, friends, let us join our hands and work together, meet in a green beijing, meet in 2008.

绿色北京 绿色奥运



















