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结果状语从句初中英语语法 篇一

标题:Understanding Result Clauses in Middle School English Grammar

In middle school English grammar, one important concept to grasp is the use of result clauses. Result clauses are used to express the consequence or outcome of an action or situation. By understanding how to use result clauses correctly, students can enhance their writing and speaking skills. In this article, we will explore the basic structure and usage of result clauses in middle school English grammar.

A result clause typically begins with words such as "so," "such," "that," or "as a result." These words serve as connectives to link the main clause and the result clause together. For example, in the sentence "She studied hard so that she could pass the exam," the result clause "she could pass the exam" is introduced by the word "so."

Result clauses can also be introduced by certain adjectives or adverbs, such as "enough," "too," or "so." For example, in the sentence "He was so tired that he fell asleep during the movie," the result clause "he fell asleep during the movie" is introduced by the word "so."

It is important to note that in result clauses, the subject of the main clause and the result clause must be the same. For example, in the sentence "He ate so much that he felt sick," both the main clause and the result clause have the same subject "he."

In addition, result clauses can be used to express both positive and negative outcomes. For positive outcomes, we can use words like "so," "such," or "that." For example, in the sentence "She practiced piano so diligently that she won the competition," the result clause expresses a positive outcome. For negative outcomes, we can use words like "too" or "enough." For example, in the sentence "He was too lazy to finish his homework, so he failed the assignment," the result clause expresses a negative outcome.

To summarize, result clauses are used to express the consequence or outcome of an action or situation. They are introduced by connectives such as "so," "such," "that," or certain adjectives or adverbs. The subject of the main clause and the result clause must be the same. Result clauses can express both positive and negative outcomes.

By mastering the usage of result clauses, students can effectively express cause and effect relationships in their writing and speaking. Practice using result clauses in various contexts to become more comfortable with their usage. With time and practice, using result clauses will become second nature in your English communication skills.

结果状语从句初中英语语法 篇二

标题:Examples and Exercises for Result Clauses in Middle School English Grammar

In middle school English grammar, understanding how to use result clauses is crucial for effective communication. To help you practice and reinforce your understanding of result clauses, we will provide some examples and exercises in this article.

Example 1:

Main clause: He studied hard

Result clause: so that he could pass the exam

Example 2:

Main clause: She practiced piano

Result clause: so diligently that she won the competition

Example 3:

Main clause: They laughed loudly

Result clause: such that everyone turned to look

Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate result clause.

1. He was too tired ________________.

2. She ran so fast ________________.

3. They ate too much ________________.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences using result clauses.

1. He studied hard and he got good grades.

2. She practiced singing and she became a famous singer.

3. They worked so diligently that they finished the project on time.

Exercise 3: Identify the result clause in the following sentences.

1. The rain was so heavy that we had to cancel the picnic.

2. He ate too many candies and he got a stomachache.

3. She spoke so softly that we could barely hear her.

By practicing these examples and exercises, you can enhance your understanding and usage of result clauses in middle school English grammar. Remember to pay attention to the structure and connectives used to introduce result clauses. With consistent practice, you will become more confident in using result clauses to express consequences and outcomes in your writing and speaking. Keep up the good work!

结果状语从句初中英语语法 篇三



  通常由 so that..., so...that... 等引导,放在句尾。结果状语从句一般表示已经发生的事情,故多为过去时态。

  如:He lost so many 初中物理 bikes that he decided never to buy a new one. (他丢了那么多辆自行车,他决定再也不买新车了。)






  任何一篇作文出题都是有它独特的道理的,所以提前审题和构思就显得必不可少了。很多孩子目前存在一个情况,想到哪写到哪,有记流水帐的习惯;这也造成了作文杂乱无章,毫无条理 初中政治,同时容易出现写错单词和用错句型的情况。针对这种情况可以从以下几个方面予以解决:











  Dear Mr. John,

  How are things going with you in Beijing?I am writing to show my thanks to you. You tutored me in my spoken English before you went to Beijing. With your help I made such rapid progress that I won the first place in the Spoken English Competition of the city. My achievement is owed to your help. Thank you very much.

  I have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my school. I am very glad at the news. In that case we can see each other again. I am looking forward to your coming. I am sending you a telescope as a small gift. I hope you will like it 初二.

  All the best.









  My infant daughter began crying as I drove home from the store, and since she was harnessed to her safety seat in the back, I couldn't console her. Stopping for a red light, I turned around and waved my hands, calling her name to distract her. I gave her my biggest smile and blew her a kiss. The sound of

a horn from the car behind us prompted me to look up. The young man at the wheel was smiling broadly .He waved and then blew me a kiss.


  (1) harness (to)v.系于;绑于He is harnessed to his job. 他脱不开身。

  (2) console v.给予安慰或同情

  (3) distract v.转移注意力;使分心

  (4) prompt v 初中物理.驱使

  (5) the man at the wheel驾驶员

  (6) broadly adv.咧嘴地



  ① My infant daughter began_____ as I drove home from the store.

  ② And since she was harnessed_____ her safety seat in the back, I couldn't console her.

  ③ Stopping _____a red light, I turned around and waved my hands, calling her name to distract her.

  ④ I gave her my biggest smile and her a kiss.

  ⑤ The young man _____the wheel was smiling broadly.




  ① crying ② to ③ for ④ blew ⑤ at

  arrive, get与reach的用法区别


  ■arrive 和 get 都是不及物动词,前者较正式,后者则较口语化 初中数学。两者之后均不可接宾语,但可接 here, there, home 之类的表地点的副词作状语。如:

  What time does the train arrive? 火车什么时候到?

  We got [arrived] here last night. 我们昨晚到这儿。


  1. arrive 之后通常接介词 at (一般用于较小的地方)或 in (一般用于较大的地方)。如:

  We arrived at the station five minutes late. 我们到车站晚了 5 分钟。

  They will arrive in Paris next Monday. 他们将于下周星期一到达巴黎。

  2. get 之后通常接介词 to。如:

  When we got to the park, it began to rain. 我们到达公园时,就开始下雨了。

  在谈到火车、汽车等或乘客等到站时,通常用 get in。如:

  The bus gets in at five thirty. 汽车五点半到站。

  ■reach 通常是及物动词(较 get 更正式),其后可直接跟地点名词作宾语(不能用介词)。如:

  He reached Beijing yesterday. 他昨天到达北京。

  注:reach 之后也可接 here, there, home 等词。如:

  When did he reach home yesterday? 昨天他什么时候到家?

  顺便说一句:reach 除可表示到达某地外,还用于其它意义的到达。如:

  Your letter reached me last week. 我是上周收到你的信的。

  He has reached school age. 他已达到上学年龄。

  You can guess it when you reach the end of the chapter. 当你读到这末尾时,你就可以猜到了。














