毕业论文引用及参考文献格式 篇一
首先,对于引用文献的格式,常见的方式有两种:直接引用和间接引用。直接引用是指直接复制原文中的某个句子或段落,并在引用处加上引号。例如,"According to Smith (2010),..."。间接引用是指将原文的观点或研究成果用自己的语言进行表达,并在引用处注明出处。例如,According to a study conducted by Smith (2010),...
- 书籍引用格式:作者姓氏, 作者名字. (年份). 书名. 出版地: 出版社.
- 期刊文章引用格式:作者姓氏, 作者名字. (年份). 文章标题. 期刊名, 卷号(期号), 页码.
1. 引用和参考文献格式需一致:引用处的格式和参考文献中的格式应保持一致,以确保文中的引用可以追溯到参考文献中的具体来源。
2. 引用和参考文献应全面:在撰写毕业论文时,应尽量引用和参考相关的学术文献,以提高论文的可信度和学术水平。
3. 引用和参考文献应准确:在引用和参考文献时,应确保所引用的内容准确无误,并且在参考文献中提供完整的信息,以便读者查找和验证。
毕业论文引用及参考文献格式 篇二
首先,对于引用文献的格式,有两种常见的方式:直接引用和间接引用。直接引用是指直接复制原文中的某个句子或段落,并在引用处加上引号。例如,"According to Smith (2010),..."。间接引用是指将原文的观点或研究成果用自己的语言进行表达,并在引用处注明出处。例如,According to a study conducted by Smith (2010),...
- 书籍引用格式:作者姓氏, 作者名字. (年份). 书名. 出版地: 出版社.
- 期刊文章引用格式:作者姓氏, 作者名字. (年份). 文章标题. 期刊名, 卷号(期号), 页码.
1. 引用和参考文献格式需一致:引用处的格式和参考文献中的格式应保持一致,以确保文中的引用可以追溯到参考文献中的具体来源。
2. 引用和参考文献应全面:在撰写毕业论文时,应尽量引用和参考相关的学术文献,以提高论文的可信度和学术水平。
3. 引用和参考文献应准确:在引用和参考文献时,应确保所引用的内容准确无误,并且在参考文献中提供完整的信息,以便读者查找和验证。
毕业论文引用及参考文献格式 篇三
张学友:“随着中国经济发展取得耀眼成功,中国尤其是南阳在英语教育领域所取得的'成绩丝毫不逊色。” (引自“南阳英语教育:历史、现状与未来”《南阳万德隆大学学报》,2016年,20卷第3期,第99-100页。)
黎明:“英语几乎贯穿于各个级别的教育,从小学直至大学,说它关系每一个中国学生毫不为过。” (引自《变化中的英语教育:英语在中国教育体系中的地位》,许文虎译,南阳卧龙岗出版社, 2019,第250页。)
郭富城:“南阳师范学院已向社会输送数万名双语人才,很多毕业生奋斗在促进南阳和外界合作与交流的第一线;因此,荣誉属于所有为促进南阳英语教育而辛勤耕耘的英语老师们,没有他们的辛劳,以上成绩难以为继。” (引自“南阳英语教育的成就”,南阳万德隆大学硕士论文,2016年,第10-12页。)
格式一:直接引用型(带双引号,必须注明[序号: 页码],标注于作者姓之后或引用原话之后皆可)
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the Present Study
English Language Education English Language Education in Nanyang
“With the furtherance of China’s reform and opening-up and with globalization quickening its pace, China has overtaken Japan as the second largest economy in the world and is en route to becoming the largest one in about a decade”, says Liu [1: 99](均位于句号以内). Meanwhile, as Zhang observes, “In parallel with the glittering success of China’s economic boom, the development of English language education in China, especially that in Nanyang, is no less impressive” [2: 99-100]. It is fitting and proper to say that “English is of close concern to every Chinese student given its omnipresence at virtually all levels of Chinese education ranging from primary schools all the way to universities” [3: 250]. Since the inception of English education in Nanyang Normal University, “thousands of bilingual talents have been churned out thus far, many of whom have been playing an active role in the forefront of enhancing exchanges and cooperation between Nanyang and the rest of the world using English as the main communicative tool, and therefore in this sense, credit should be given ad hoc to all the English teachers for their painstaking efforts in promoting English education in Nanyang, without whose toil and moil the above-mentioned achievements would have been barely possible” [4: 10-12]. (Authored by Xu Wenhu and not intended for any reproduction or distribution! For reference only…)
1. Introduction
1.2 Background of
English Language Education English Language Education in Nanyang
With the furtherance of China’s reform and opening-up and with globalization quickening its pace, China has overtaken Japan as the second largest economy in the world and is en route to becoming the largest one in about a decade, says Liu [1]. Meanwhile, as Zhang [2: 99-100] observes, in parallel with the glittering success of China’s economic boom, the development of English language education in China,
especially that in Nanyang, is no less impressive. It is fitting and proper to say that English is of close concern to every Chinese student given its omnipresence at virtually all levels of Chinese education ranging from primary schools all the way to universities [3]. Since the inception of English education in Nanyang Normal University, thousands of bilingual talents have been churned out thus far, many of whom have been playing an active role in the forefront of enhancing exchanges and cooperation between Nanyang and the rest of the world using English as the main communicative tool, and therefore in this sense, credit should be given ad hoc to all the English teachers for their painstaking efforts in promoting English education in Nanyang, without whose toil and moil the above-mentioned achievements would have been barely possible [4: 10-12]. (Authored by Xu Wenhu and not intended for any reproduction or distribution! For reference only…)
[1] 刘德华. 中国经济展望[M]. 南阳: 南阳世纪龙出版社, 2016.
Liu, D. H. The Prospect of China’s Economic Development [M]. Nanyang: Nanyang Century Dragon Press, 2016.
[2] 张学友. 南阳英语教育:历史、现状与未来[J]. 南阳万德隆大学学报, 2016,20(3): 99-100.
Zhang, X. Y. English Education in Nanyang: Past, Present and Future [J].
Journal of Nanyang Wandron University, 2016, 20(3): 99-100.
[3] 黎明. 变化中的英语教育:英语在中国教育体系中的地位[M]. 许文虎译.南阳: 卧龙岗出版社, 2019.
Li, M. Changing English Education: The Role of English in China’s Educational System [M]. Trans. by W. H. Xu. Nanyang: Wolonggang Publishing House, 2019.
[4] 郭富城. 南阳英语教育的成就[D]. 南阳万德隆大学硕士论文, 2016.
Guo F. C. On the Achievements of English Education in Nanyang [D]. MA thesis, Nanyang Wandron University, 2016.