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英文论文格式 篇一

Title: The Importance of English Writing Skills in Academic Research


In the academic world, writing plays a vital role in effectively communicating research findings and ideas. This paper aims to discuss the importance of English writing skills in academic research and provide guidelines for a well-structured and coherent research paper.


1. Clarity and Conciseness:

Effective academic writing requires clarity and conciseness. Researchers should focus on presenting their ideas in a clear and easily understandable manner. This can be achieved by avoiding jargon, using simple language, and organizing thoughts logically.

2. Grammar and Vocabulary:

Good command of grammar and vocabulary is essential for communicating research findings accurately. Researchers should pay attention to proper sentence structure, correct verb usage, and appropriate word choice. Proofreading and editing should be done meticulously to eliminate any grammatical errors.

3. Structure and Organization:

A well-structured research paper is crucial for guiding readers through the research process. The paper should include an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Each section should be clearly defined and presented in a logical order.

4. Citations and References:

Proper citation and referencing are vital in academic writing to acknowledge the sources of information and avoid plagiarism. Researchers should adhere to a specific citation style, such as APA or MLA, and ensure that all sources are properly cited within the text and listed in the reference section.

5. Coherence and Cohesion:

A well-written research paper should have a coherent flow of ideas throughout. Researchers should use transitional words and phrases to connect different sections and paragraphs. Additionally, they should ensure that each paragraph focuses on a specific topic and contributes to the overall argument.


In conclusion, English writing skills are essential for effective communication of research findings in the academic world. Researchers should strive for clarity, conciseness, proper grammar and vocabulary, well-structured organization, accurate citations, and cohesive writing. By following these guidelines, researchers can enhance the quality and impact of their academic research.

Word count: 313

英文论文格式 篇二

Title: The Role of Literature Review in Research Papers


The literature review is an integral part of any research paper. This paper aims to discuss the importance and purpose of conducting a literature review in academic research and provide guidelines for writing an effective literature review.


1. Definition and Purpose:

A literature review involves reviewing and analyzing existing literature related to the research topic. Its purpose is to provide a comprehensive overview of previous research, identify gaps in knowledge, and justify the need for the current study. It helps researchers build on existing knowledge and contribute to the research field.

2. Search Strategy:

Researchers should develop a systematic approach to searching for relevant literature. This includes defining search terms, selecting appropriate databases, and using search operators to refine the search results. The search strategy should be inclusive and cover a wide range of sources, including academic journals, books, and conference proceedings.

3. Critical Evaluation:

Researchers should critically evaluate the quality and relevance of the literature. They should assess the credibility of the sources, evaluate the methodology used in previous studies, and identify any biases or limitations. This evaluation helps researchers determine the reliability and validity of the existing literature.

4. Synthesis and Analysis:

Researchers should synthesize and analyze the findings of the literature review. This involves identifying common themes, trends, and patterns in the literature. Researchers should highlight the key findings and discuss their implications for the current study.

5. Proper Citation and Referencing:

Researchers should ensure that all sources cited in the literature review are properly referenced. They should adhere to the citation style specified by the journal or academic institution. This helps maintain academic integrity and acknowledges the contributions of previous researchers.


In conclusion, conducting a literature review is vital in academic research as it provides a solid foundation for the current study. Researchers should follow a systematic search strategy, critically evaluate the literature, synthesize and analyze the findings, and properly cite and reference all sources. A well-written literature review enhances the credibility and validity of the research paper.

Word count: 300

英文论文格式 篇三



  作者简介 作者真实姓名,作者单位全称,所在城市,邮编;如有多名作者,在每一作者姓名右上角依次标出与作者单位相对应的序号,如: CHUN Yu 1, DONG Xiao-xue2 (1.Department of Electronic Engineering, School of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,China; 2. School of Mechatronic Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,China).中国作者姓名用汉语拼音,姓前名后,姓氏全部字母大写,复姓应连写;名字首字母大写,双名中间加连字符.如:ZHANG Ying-hui.单位名的英译名应为完整的,正规的名称,一般不用缩写.于文章首页地脚处注明第一作者的姓名,出生年,性别,学历,E-mail信箱等.

  3. 论文如有涉密问题或已在公开期刊上发表,请在篇首页地脚处注明.

  4. 摘要 英文摘要一般为150-180个实词,中文摘要一般在300字以内,中英文摘要应基本一致.其内容应包括研究目的,方法,结果,结论等,禁用"本文","作者","This paper"等作主语.详见"科技期刊文章摘要的写作要求".

  5. 关键词 每篇文章可选3~8个能反映文章主要内容的单词,词组或术语.英文关键词应与中文关键词相对应.

  6.中图分类号 请查《中国图书馆分类法》.

  7. 正文 正文篇幅一般希望控制在成书5页(记空格,图表占位)以内.内容力求有创新,论证严谨,语句通顺,文字精炼.










  10.表格要求 表格采用三线表,表头中使用物理量符号/单位,如下例:











  11.参考文献 来稿引用他人观点与材料,须将参考文献按正文中出现的先后次序列于文后,文中须在引用处右上角加注"「序号」".中文参考文献必须列出相应的英文,并在后面加注"(in Chinese)".引文作者姓名均为姓前名后,最多标3名,余下用"et al."代表.


  「连续出版物」 主要作者.题名「J」 .刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码.

  「专著」 主要作者.书名「M」 .出版地(城市名):出版者,出版年.起止页码.

  「译著」 主要作者.书名「M」 .译者.出版地(城市名):出版者,出版年.起止页码.

  「论文集」 主要作者.题名「A」 .编者.论文集名「C」 .出版地(城市名):出版者,出版年.起止页码.

  「会议论文」 主要作者.题名「Z」 .会议名称,会议召开地(城市名),召开年.

  「学位论文」 作者.题名「D」 .所在城市:保存单位,年份.

  「研究报告」 主要作者.题名「R」 .报告代码及编号(或:保存地点:责任单位),年份.

  「报纸」 作者名.文章名「N」.报纸名,出版日期(版次).

  「电子文献」 作者.题名「EB/OL」 .http://………,发表或更新日期/引用日期.

  「专利」 申请者.专利名「P」 .专利国名:专利号,发布日期.

  「技术标准」 技术标准代号,技术标准名称「S」 .


