
时间:2015-02-06 07:20:23
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学生会竞选英文演讲稿三篇 篇一

Title: Leadership and Unity: The Key to a Successful Student Council

Good morning, fellow students, teachers, and esteemed guests,

I stand before you today as a candidate for the position of Student Council President. I believe that leadership and unity are the key ingredients to a successful student council.

First and foremost, leadership is not about being bossy or controlling others. It is about inspiring and guiding your peers towards a common goal. As your president, I promise to lead by example, always striving for excellence in both my academic and extracurricular pursuits. I will be a leader who listens to your concerns, ideas, and suggestions, and works tirelessly to address them.

However, leadership alone is not enough. Unity is equally important. We are all part of this school community, and it is through unity that we can achieve great things. I propose to foster a sense of unity by organizing regular student council meetings where we can discuss and collaborate on projects. I will also encourage open communication, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued.

Moreover, as a student council, we have the power to make a positive impact not only within our school but also in the wider community. I will establish partnerships with local organizations, organizing events and fundraisers to support causes that are important to us. Together, we can bring about meaningful change and make a difference in the lives of others.

Lastly, I want to emphasize the importance of inclusivity. Each and every student in our school should feel valued and included. I will work towards creating a safe and welcoming environment, where diversity is celebrated and everyone's perspectives are respected. Together, we can build a student council that represents the interests and concerns of all students.

In conclusion, leadership and unity are the foundation of a successful student council. As your president, I promise to lead with integrity, listen to your needs, and work towards a more inclusive and united school community. With your support, we can create a student council that truly represents all of us and makes a positive impact. Vote for me, and together, let's make a difference!

Thank you.

学生会竞选英文演讲稿三篇 篇二

Title: Empowering Student Voices: A Platform for Change

Ladies and gentlemen, students and faculty,

Today, I stand before you as a candidate for the position of Student Council President. I firmly believe that empowering student voices is crucial in creating a platform for change within our school community.

As students, we are the heart and soul of this institution. We have unique perspectives, ideas, and concerns that deserve to be heard. If elected, I promise to be the voice of the students, ensuring that our opinions are not only valued but also acted upon.

One way to empower student voices is through regular town hall meetings. These meetings will provide a space for open dialogue between students, teachers, and administration. It will be an opportunity for us to discuss pressing issues, propose solutions, and work towards common goals. I will ensure that these meetings are inclusive, welcoming input from all students, regardless of their grade or background.

Furthermore, I will establish a suggestion box system. This will allow students to anonymously submit their ideas, concerns, and suggestions. No matter how big or small, every idea will be carefully considered and addressed. This system will ensure that even the quietest voices have a chance to be heard.

Additionally, I am committed to organizing workshops and seminars on topics relevant to student life. These could range from mental health and stress management to study skills and career guidance. By providing these resources, we can empower students to take charge of their education and personal development.

Lastly, I will work towards creating opportunities for student-led initiatives. Whether it is organizing events, starting clubs, or initiating community service projects, I believe in the power of student-driven initiatives. I will support and encourage these endeavors, providing the necessary resources and guidance.

In conclusion, empowering student voices is essential in creating a platform for change. As your president, I will ensure that your opinions and concerns are heard, and that action is taken to address them. Together, we can create a school community where every student feels valued, supported, and empowered. Vote for me, and let's make our voices heard!

Thank you.

学生会竞选英文演讲稿三篇 篇三


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today, I’m very glad to have the chance to run for the Chairman of the Student Union. Thanks for coming to my election campaign.

I think I’m qualified to take the position of the chairman. First, I have the abilities that the chairman should have. For example, I have strong ability to organize students and activities. Second, I have good personality. I’m serious when faced work, at the same time, I have a sense of humor. The last but not least, I have abundant working experience.

If I were elected the Chairman of the Student Union, I will try my best to serve the students. I plan to have a series of activities to make our life colorful, ranging from sports to study, literature to article. And I will offer help to the students who need our help. I promise I can make the students live a better life.


My fellow students:

Last Friday,the Students’ Union of our Department organized a clean-up project to Zhongshan Lake. The purpose of this project is to enhance the environment awareness of general public. Late in the afternoon around 4, a group of 35 volunteers went to the park where we pick up the trash left by some tourists. As head of the group, I would like to report to you on the event.

Actually,we did a wonder

ful job. When we were collecting the trash near the lake, many people paused to watch and then came to our help, showing considerable appreciation and support. But our work still left some to be desired. For one thing, since our project started late in the afternoon, hours were not long enough to attract enough people as we had predicted. For the other, lots of people passed by apparently not knowing what we were doing. But for these two drawbacks, our project could have been much better and more effective.

So,following are two of my suggestions: next time we have similar activities, try to start earlier, say in the morning. In this case we can put in more hours. And also, as we are getting along, we can put up some posters to tell people what we are doing and call their attention to environment protection. Thank you.


Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen:

since i came to the college, i have been holding positions of class and youth league union. i also have done some pragmatic work for the university and our schoolmates. during the communication with our schoolmates, i feel it deep that the cohesion of a unit lies in a developing and advancing collective, while the strength for it comes from sincerity, understanding and contributions. as a leader of student, one should have a firm belief with sacrifice. as a leader of student, one should be willing to make up the gap between man and man, idea and reality with his fierce feelings. as a leader of student, one should not be selfish. what he seeks for is to work hard and give himself up to the service.

i, as one of the thousands of students of economy college, am proud of it. i would be more willing to take up the duty belonging to me. this is my initial hope. this is why i am standing here today.


