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SCI论文英文摘要的格式要求 篇一

Title: Requirements for the Format of SCI Paper Abstracts


In the field of scientific research, it is crucial to present a concise and accurate summary of the key findings and contributions of a study. The abstract serves as the first impression of the research and plays a significant role in attracting readers' attention. Therefore, adhering to the format requirements for SCI paper abstracts is essential for effective communication and successful publication.

The format of an SCI paper abstract typically consists of four main sections: introduction, methods, results, and conclusion. Each section should be succinctly written, highlighting the essential aspects of the study.

The introduction section provides a brief background of the research problem, states the objectives, and highlights the significance of the study. It should be concise and effectively convey the context of the research.

The methods section describes the experimental design, materials used, and methodology employed in the study. Sufficient details should be provided to enable readers to understand the experimental procedures and replicate the study if necessary.

The results section presents the key findings and outcomes of the research. It should include quantitative data, statistical analyses, and any significant observations or trends. Graphs, tables, or figures can be utilized to enhance the presentation of the results.

The conclusion section summarizes the main findings, discusses the implications of the results, and suggests potential areas for future research. It should be concise, objective, and avoid excessive speculation.

In terms of language and style, the abstract should be written in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English. Abbreviations should be defined upon first use. The use of jargon and technical terms should be minimized to ensure the abstract is accessible to a broad readership.

In conclusion, adhering to the format requirements for SCI paper abstracts is crucial for effectively communicating research findings. By following the recommended structure and guidelines, researchers can increase the visibility and impact of their work in the scientific community.

SCI论文英文摘要的格式要求 篇二

Title: Format Guidelines for SCI Paper Abstracts


The format of an abstract in an SCI paper holds significant importance in conveying the core ideas and outcomes of a research study. This paper discusses the essential requirements and guidelines for formatting an abstract in the context of scientific research.

The abstract of an SCI paper typically comprises four sections: introduction, methods, results, and conclusion. Each section should be concise and focused, providing a clear overview of the study.

The introduction section should concisely introduce the research problem, state the objectives, and present the significance of the study. It should provide a context for understanding the research and capture the readers' interest.

The methods section should describe the experimental design, materials used, and methodology employed in the study. Sufficient details should be provided for readers to understand the study's reproducibility and validity.

The results section should present the key findings and outcomes of the research. It should include quantitative data, statistical analyses, and important observations. Visual aids such as graphs or tables can be used to enhance the presentation of results.

The conclusion section should summarize the main findings, discuss their implications, and propose potential future research directions. It should be concise and avoid speculation or unsupported claims.

In terms of language and style, the abstract should be written in clear and grammatically correct English. The use of jargon and abbreviations should be minimized, and any abbreviations used should be defined upon first mention.

Following these guidelines will help researchers effectively communicate their research to the scientific community through abstracts. By adhering to the recommended format, researchers can enhance the visibility and impact of their work, ultimately contributing to the advancement of scientific knowledge.

SCI论文英文摘要的格式要求 篇三




  整个英文摘要的篇幅:尚无统一的规定,有云100~150词(words)者,也有说250个词左右者(Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals)。但要达到比较全面而概括地反映一项研究的主要内容,整个摘要的字数恐应达到300~400个词。








  (1) 文题的字数 一般认为不应超过18个主要词(major words)。这里所说的主要词,是指除了介词(前置词)、冠词和连接词以外的词,如名词、动词、代词、数词等。要做到“简”,就要注意在文题中避免使用不重要的、含义不明确的词,如:“A study on ...”, “An investigation of ...”, “A clinical study on ...”, “A survey of ...”等词。文题如以定冠词The开头,多数情况下将其省略。

  (2) 文题的表达方式 文题一般用短语或句子来表达。所用的短语多是名词性短语。例如:Use of exhaled nitric oxide measurements to guide treatment in chronic asthma (N Engl J Med 2005;352:2163)

  从语法结构上要求文题应尽可能简单、明了,避免复杂、难懂。用句子作文题时,一般只用简单句,时态多用一般现在时。在句子的类型上,多数是陈述句,但也可用疑问句或祈使句做文题。例如:Amylin peptide levels are raised in infants of diabetic mothers (Arch Dis Child 2005, 90:1279),这个文题由完整句子组成,是陈述句,谓语动词用一般现在时。又如:Reimbursement for pediatric diabetes intensive case management: a model for chronic diseases? 这个文题里用了疑问句。

  复合文题:有些文题由主题和副题两部分组成。副题一般说明研究的性质(或设计)、病例数、年代等等。一般在主题和副题之间用冒号或破折号。国外期刊习惯上将副题的第一个词的第一个字母也大写。例如:Effect of nonoxynol-9 gel on urogenital gonorrhea and chlamydial infection:A randomized controlled trial(JAMA. 2002;287:1117-1122)

  (3) 文题的书写格式:中华医学会主办的医学期刊和国内大部分其他医学期刊都要求文题的第一个词的第一个字母大写,其余一律小写,但专用名词和缩写词应该大写的字母仍然要大写。例如:Long-term results of prophylactic cranial irradiation for limited-stage small-cell lung cancer in complete remission (Chin Med J, 2005, 118: 1258)。

  (4) 数字:文题若以数字开始,不可用阿拉伯数字,而要用英文拼写的数词。例如:“10-year follow-up of patients with ...”这样的写法是不符合要求的,正确的写法是:“Ten-year follow-up of patients with ...”。

  (5) 标点符号:如果需要用引号,要用单引号。此外还可用逗号、冒号、破折号和问号。

  (6) 药名:用通用名,不可用商品名或异名。在临床工作中,许多医护人员都习惯于用药物的商品名,但在论著文章的文题中不可用商品名。例如:Clopidogrel versus aspirin and esomeprazole to prevent recurrent ulcer bleeding (N Engl J Med 2005; 352:238) 这个文题中出现了3种药名,但都用了通用名。

  (7) 种属名称: 微生物、植物(草药)等的学名用斜体字,第一个词的首字母要大写,如:Helicobacter pylori。

  (8) 缩略语:尽可能少用或不用。有些作者很喜欢在文题中使用缩略语,甚至在一个文题中使用多达3个以上的缩略语。这样作法不太合适。如:Recombinant AAV carrying HBV genes can effectively infect HDC (带有HBV 基因的重组腺病毒伴随病毒能够有效感染人树突状细胞), 这个文题中用了三个缩写词,有的是很不常用的缩写词,这样的作法很不利于读者阅读理解,应当避免。

  (9) 字体:虽然没有统一的要求,但一般多用Times New Roman, 加黑。


  (1) 研究的主要内容 文题是集中反映文章内容的短语或句子。对其内容没有严格的规定,但要求准确反映研究的主要内容。文题中一般都有一个词或短语反映所作研究的主要内容,可称之为核心词或核心短语,其他一些词则是说明与研究相关的其他信息,最常见的有研究对象、研究方法,甚至研究的结果。但是核心词或核心短语是文题中最重要的成份。其内容一定要准确地反映研究的主要内容。例如:Ultrasound guided lithotripsy of salivary calculi using an electromagnetic lithotriptor,这里的lithotrypsy是核心词,但研究的具体内容还需要其他词或短语进一步说明,如这种碎石术是指超声指导下的,而且是对唾液腺结石进行碎石,后面还进一步说明碎石所用的是一种电磁碎石器或碎石仪。可以说这一文题是十分简练而准确的。又如:Prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance among children and adolescents with marked obesity (N Engl J Med 2002, 346:802-810)这个文题中的核心短语是prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (葡萄糖耐量受损的患病率), 后面指出研究人群,是children and adolescents with marked obesity。有些文题很难找出单一的核心词。

  (2) 研究对象 研究对象是科研论文的重要组成部分之一,因此在文题中往往要明确指出研究对象的基本特征,让读者一看文题就了解到研究的对象是人类还是动物,是体内还是体外研究。例如:Genetic deficiency in the chemokine receptor CCR1 protects against acute Clostridium difficile toxin A enteritis in mice

  (Gastroenterology 2002 122: 725-733)这个文题中明确点出了研究对象是mice。当然也有许多文题并没有明确点出研究对象,但从整个文题可以看出研究对象。例如:Improving quality of care for acute myocardial infarction (JAMA. 2002;287: 1269-1276),这个题目中虽然没有点出研究对象,但该文显然是谈对病人的研究。


  (3)研究的结果或结论 有些作者的论著文章题目中除了包括研究的主要内容和研究对象外,还明确地说明研究的结果,这样当然给读者一种明确的印象,例如:Amylin peptide levels are raised in infants of diabetic mothers (Arch Dis Child 2005, 90:1279) 这个文题中明确指出, 在患糖尿病母亲的婴儿中amylin peptide (糊精肽)的水平升高这样一个结果或结论。这样的例子还有很多。但一般医学期刊并不要求文题中一定要包括研究结果。

  (4) 研究的性质、规模、时间、地点等 有些论文的题目中明确说明研究的性质,如是体外研究还是体内研究,是临床研究还是动物实验研究,是随机、双盲、对照的研究等。有些文章的题目中提及研究对象的例数,研究的年代或时间。例如:Characteristics of pediatric traumatic amputations treated in hospital emergency departments: United States, 1990–2002 (Pediatrics, 116: e667)。这个文题中除了时间还有国家名称。





  论著文章的英文摘要应列出几位作者的姓名?分两种情意况:第一种:目标期刊是未被收录到Index Medicus (IM)或Medline数据库的,那么只列出前三名作者的姓名。第二种,如果期刊是被IM或Medline收录的,那么必须列出全部作者姓名。






  具体的写法:按科室、医院或研究所、大学的顺序写,中间以逗号隔开。后面写城市名和邮政编码,最后写China。例如:Department of Pediatrics, First Hospital, Peking University, Beijing 100034, China。又如:Department of pediatrics, Ruijin hospital, Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai 200025, China。

  请不要写“P. R. China”, 因为China只有一个。



  西安:Xi'an; 陕西:Shaanxi; 乌鲁木奇:Ürümqi; 呼和浩特:Hohhot,等。对此应当特别注意。


  将中文地名分开拼写:如将广州拼写为Guang Zhou或虽然连拼,但将z写成大写:GuangZhou。这都是不规范的写法。作者在没有把握的情况下,应当查阅地名手册或英汉词典,如《新英汉词典》。

  将自治区名称自行简化:如将新疆维吾尔自治区写成Xinjiang Autonomous Region, 或Xinjiang Region, 这些都是不规范的。正确的写法是Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region。



  摘要构成:国内期刊要求:目的、方法、结果、结论。国外, 不同期刊要求不同。如N Engl J Med要求:Background, Method, Result, Conclusion;JAMA则要求:Context (上下文,相当于Background), Objective, Design and Setting, Patients, Intervention, Main Outcome Measures, Results, Conclusions. 要求更详细而具体,实际上也可以分成4个部分。Lancet要求与N Engl J Med基本相同:Bckground, Methods, Findings, Interpretation.



  [Abstract] Objective To evaluate the reliability of 13C-urea breath test (13C-UBT) in the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection by using gastroscopy and serum HP antibody testing.



  To evaluate …,To explore …,To understand …,To clarify …

  To determine …,To compare …,To test the hypothesis that ...


  Objective Although the potential for life-threatening allergic reactions in children is a significant health concern for schools, there is little information about the circumstances surrounding anaphylactic events that occur in schools. The objectives of this study were to determine the incidence of anaphylaxis in schools, describe the circumstances around anaphylactic events, assess practices that are used to manage students with life-threatening allergies, and identify opportunities for improvement. (Pediatrics. 2005, 116(5):1134)


  The present study aimed at … (接动名词或名词)

  The purpose of this study was to …;

  We determined … to clarify …,

  We aimed to see …

  We conducted the present study to …

  The present study was designed to … (conducted to …)等等。




  ①研究对象 是病人?健康人?还是动物?哪一种动物?研究对象的一般情况,如年龄、性别、诊断或特别群体、特别种属,以及研究的地点等。研究组和对照组的对象均应说明。

  ②方法 这里实际上包括研究的设计(说明是哪一类,如随机分组、双盲、对照、多中心等)、所用的主要治疗、干预或处理方法或技术名称(如治疗方法名称或药名、剂量、给药途径以及疗程;实验室检查的方法名称,如PCR、RT-PCR、HPLC、流式细胞仪等等,但一般不主张用缩略语)、主要终点指标(primary or main endpoint measure, 如死亡率、病死率、生存率、生存时间等等)。

  这里经常出现问题的是年龄的表示法。如果用单独一句话表示年龄,一般不会错。如The mean age of the patients was 58 years (48-67 years). The patients' age ranged from 58 to 67 years (mean 58 years). The patients were in average 58 years old. 但如果不是用单独一句话表示年龄,而说明年龄的词语只是一句话里的一部分时,常常出现问题。如:

  The patients aged 5.5-14 years old were pided into 2 groups. aged和old有一个即可,不应同时出现。可改为:

  The patients aged 5.5-14 years were pided into 2 groups. 或

  The patients,5.5-14 years old,were pided into 2 groups. 或

  The patients 5.5-14 years of age were pided into 2 groups. 又如:

  The patients of mean age 58 years old in the treatment group received interferon alpha injection,也不妥,可改为:

  The patients in the treatment group, mean age 58 years, received interferon alpha injection.

  7-day postnatal male Sprague-Dawley rats (n=51) were used for study. 可改为:Seven-day old male Sprague-Dawley rats (n=51) were used for study.




  The results of our study showed that …

  It was shown that …

  The present study showed that … 等等。



  The mean ALT of group 1 patients was significantly higher than that of group 2 and 3 patients (p<0.01). 这样的描述是正确而流畅的,但改用下面的描述,则更简练:

  The mean ALT level was higher in group 1 than in groups 2 and 3 (p<0.01).

  注意,than 后面要有与比较项目相应的代词,that或those。单数用that, 复数用those。但比较的句子也可以不用带有than的句子,只用比较级,而后面用as compared to …。例如上面的句子:The mean ALT of group 1 patients was significantly higher as compared to group 2 and 3 (p<0.01). 这样的句子可在用了若干个带than的比较句子之后使用,换一个方式,免得太单调、重复。

  国内作者常常写成如下句型:… and … of … group ... were …, …, respectively; … and … of … group ... were … and … These differences were statistically significant (p<0.05). 后面这句必要性不大,在前一句后附上P值即可。

  下面是N Engl J Med一篇摘要中的结果部分:

  Results The mortality rate was 30.8 percent in the placebo group and 24.7 cent in the drotrecogin alfa activated group. On the basis of the prospectively defined primary analysis, ment with drotrecogin alfa activated was associated with a reduction in the relative risk of death of 19.4 percent (95 percent confidence interval,6.6 to 30.5)and an absolute reduction in the risk of death of 6.1 percent (P=0.005).The incidence of serious bleeding was higher in the drotrecogin alfa activated group than in the placebo group (3.5 percent vs.2.0 percent, P=0.06). 这样的描述显得简捷、清楚,可读性强。


  这一部分一般用1~3句话。很多摘要只用一句话表示结论。例如下面的结论:Conclusion Patients who received their first CABG surgery without cardiopulmonary bypass had improved cognitive outcomes 3 months after the procedure, but the effects were limited and became negligible at 12 months.仅一句话,谓语动词用了一般过去时。又如:Conclusions Exercise capacity is a more powerful predictor of mortality among men than other established risk factors for cardiovascular disease. 也仅一句话,但谓语动词用了一般现在时。下面的例子有所不同:Conclusions Impaired glucose tolerance is highly prevalent among children and adolescents with severe obesity, irrespective of ethnic group. Impaired oral glucose tolerance was associated with insulin resistance while beta-cell function was still relatively preserved. Overt type 2 diabetes was linked to beta-cell failure. 这篇摘要的结论有三句。第一句用了一般现在时,说明糖耐量受损在重度肥胖儿童青少年中十分常见,虽然研究的样本不是很大(167名)。实际上在这种情况下用一般过去时也完全可以。但作者可能对这一结论的普遍性有较大把握。但后面2句均用了一般过去时。内容涉及葡萄糖耐量受损和显著的二型糖尿病的相关因素。


  Conclusion Serum levels of IL-6, TNF-α were lower and IL- 2 higher in children with type I diabetes than in controls, which might indicate that abnormal function of T helper 1 and T helper 2 lymphocytes had occurred. Such abnormality might affect the regulatory function of network system of pancreatic isles βcells, cause damages to these cells, and inhibit insulin secretion, and finally cause type I diabetes.


  有作者在结论中写这样的句子:This paper reported application of the new technique in China for the first time. 可能确实在国内是首次报告应用这种技术,但结论中只应谈应用的结果说明这种技术是否适用,对诊断治疗有何作用等,没有必要说明是否是第一次。很多情况下,证明某件事是第一次,是很难作到的。

  还有作者在结论中说:“The present study provides theoretical and experimental basis for pathogenesis of the syndrome.” 这种说法是空洞的,一般是过于夸大的,是脱离研究内容本身的语句,应绝对避免。

  还有作者说:“The present study may lead to appearance of new type of therapy against the disease.”如果确实有可能导致新治疗技术的出现,也不应当在摘要的结论中说这些话。一定要说的话,可在正文的讨论部分提一下。


  The possible mechanisms of the therapy were also discussed.


  关键词:一般医学期刊论著文章的英文摘要后面都要附上2~5个关键词(keywords)。一般要求关键词用美国国立医学图书馆Index Medicus的主题词表(Medical Subject Headings, MeSH)中所列的词。如果该主题词表中没有相应的词,可列出几个直接相关的主题词,或树状结构的上游词或自由词。每条关键词的第一个词的第一个字母要大写,相邻关键词之间以分号隔开。


  句子不完整 例如: Results Outcomes were good in 3 cases, moderate disability was in 2 cases, severe disability in 1 case and persistent vegetative state in 1 case. 这里共有4句话,但第2-4句无谓语,基本句型也与第一句不同,实际上不能省略谓语动词。因此,第2句应当改为:moderate disability was found (或seen) in 2 cases, 而后面的两句可以不改。

  句子不通顺 Nuclear extract protein were performed binding reaction for 20 minutes at room temperature. 这样的句子显然是不通的,不知想说明什么,也有语法错误,主语和谓语数上不一致。推测可能想表示:“对核提取蛋白质在室温下进行了20分钟的结合反应。”这里的perform是作......, 或进行......, 一般用于作检查、手术或损伤等等。是及物动词,可以有被动语态,但动作的主体一般是人。但上面的句子中无动作的主体。被作的项目也不能是个蛋白质。根据前后文了解到作者想表示“对......蛋白质进行了......反应”。这时可用...... is (are) subjected to ......(接名词)。这里的to be subjected to, 意思是:使......经历或经受......。如Nuclear extract protein was subjected to binding reaction for 20 minutes at room temperature.

  时态错误例如:The aim of present paper is to observe the effect of liposome-mediated GDNF gene transfer in vivo on spinal cord motorneurons after SCI (spinal cord injury) in adult rats. 应当用一般过去时was。

  用词不当和搭配错误:Aplastic anemia is characteristic of bone marrow failure and the reducing the white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets cells in peripheral blood. 这里的“is characteristic of ...”应为“is characterized by ...”, “reducing the white blood cells”应为“reduction of white blood cells”。

  部分否定和全部否定:Every parameter of acid reflux but Boix-Ochoa score in grade III RE patients was not significantly higher than that in both II grade and I grade RE cases. 该句的中文原文是:III级RE患儿的各项酸反流指标均大于I级和II级,但除Boix-Ochoa综合评分外差异均无统计学意义。实际上原文的意思是全部否定,只有一个例外。这种情况下不可用every或all加以否定。因为如果用了every或all, 英文中的意思是部分否定。例如:Every child in the class was not immunized. (“这个班内不是每个孩子都接受了免疫接种”,而不是“这个班内每个孩子都没有接受免疫接种”这种意思)。又如:All the children did not come to school. (“不是所有的孩子都没有到学校”,而不是“所有的孩子都没有到学校”)

  因此,上面的句子应当改为:None of the parameters of acid reflux escept for Boix-Ochoa score in grade III RE patients was significantly higher than that in grade II and grade I RE cases.

  逻辑关系不清楚或错误 例如:The reverse transcription reaction was incubated at ... 这里的"reaction" 不是物体或反应混合物,说incubated(孵育)不妥,说carried out, 则可以,或在reaction后面加上mixture, 仍可用incubated。

  用词不当,同义词、近义词 例如:In order to decrease the complications, the guided pipes and microtubes must be heparinized during operation to prevent embolism caused by emergency of balloon and coil embolization. 应当用:catheter。

  近意词:administer 管理、给予、执行, administrate 管理、支配、执行,

  这两个词的含义稍有不同,关键的不同是,前者有“给予”的意思,后者则没有这个意思。因此在应用时需要注意。如果想说明给病人用药,最好还是用administer, 而不要用administrate。例如:“All patients with penetrating wounds were administrated with intravenous antibiotics for 7 to 14 days.”这句显然是说明给病人用药,用了administrate的被动语态。首先用该词就不妥。其次,全句的句型不如改为以“antibiotics”为主语:“Intravenous antibiotics were administered to all the patients with penetrating wounds.”这样更加直接、清楚。

  使用自造词:作者自造的专业英文词:“artificial human serum samples”, 实际上是用健康人血清稀释某种病毒培养液上清的“模拟人血清”。应当说是“simulated ... virus infected human serum”。


  “中式”英文:From the 35 patients, there are 5 patients whose symptoms complete recovered, 18 partial recovered and 12 not recovered. (35例病人中,有5例症状完全恢复,18例部分恢复,12例没有恢复。)

  此句的语序完全是中文的语序。时态用一般现在时是不对的。另外,说症状“恢复”(recover),从逻辑上讲不够恰当,原意是“消失”;说“消退”(subside)、“消失”(disappear),更恰当。句中的partial是形容词,但这里修饰动词,应当用其副词partially。not recovered实际上不确切,最后改为:

  The symptoms subsided completely in 5 of the 35 patients, partially in 18 and unchanged in 12.

  endo cannabinoid, satiety, arcuate, metformin, Rimonabant, anandamide,


  整个英文摘要应当以第三人称写,即摘要中不用第一人称代词或物主代词,如we, our。需要用时以“the authors”代替。其原因是,假如文摘类期刊或文献数据库录入该期刊的摘要时,需要用第三人称,尽管不少国际著名期刊如N Engl J Med等的摘要中也常出现第一人称代词。


